Incoming Exchange Student Housing Questionnaire:
This housing questionnaire is required for all exchange students who desire on-campus housing. If you want to pursue off-campus housing, you will be responsible for coordinating this.
By completing this questionnaire, your indicated preferences will be taken into consideration, however please know that you will not be guaranteed to live in a specific requested residential community, room or apartment.
Although there are a variety of on-campus housing options located on the Campus Living and Learning web site ( the only two options that offer continuous housing are North Village and the Arbors apartments.
Continuous Housing indicates that during the various holiday periods listed below, you would not be required to move out of your apartment. In non-continuous housing residences, students are required to move out during the following dates;
Thanksgiving Holiday, November 26th- 30th, 2008
Christmas Holiday, December 18th – January 8th, 2009
Spring Break, March 7th – 15th, 2009
If you choose a non-continuous housing option, you might need to be prepared to stay in a hotel if you need to stay in Waco during any days of the holiday periods above.
Please review the following continuous housing options below;
- NorthVillage
- On campus; requires an ID card for entrance. Each apartment opens to a common hallway inside the building,
- The Arbors
- One block off campus. Each apartment opens to the outside.
- Speight-Jenkins Apartments
- For graduate and law students ONLY
Also, you may view the various on-campus housing rates below;
General Housing Questions:
Please answer each of the questions below and return this page to me via email at
Exchange Program:
1)Do you plan to do a lot of cooking in your apartment, and need easy access to a kitchen?
2)Do you hope to live with U.S. students only?
3)Are you open to living with other international students?
4)Do you have a preference? International or U.S.?
5)Please let us know any other concerns you may have, concerning who you are housed with.
6)Do you prefer a private bedroom* within the apartment? If so, please provide a statement why you feel this is necessary.
*Please note that single (private) bedrooms are limited and more expensive.TheCampus Living and Learning Office will do their best to accommodate any special needs you may have, however most students need to plan on sharing a bedroom.