for Investigation Services
№ F____/_____
- This contract/agreement is made this day:______between Private Investigation Agency “Eagle Sight” (Individual Entrepreneur– Setchikov Ilya Mikhailovich), (here – PI Agency “Eagle Sight”) by its director: Private Investigator – Setchikov I.M., License # 040 issued by Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation at 05 March 2010 (expired at 04/08/2019)and Client: ______and described as:
2. In exchange for services rendered by PI Agency “Eagle Sight”, above client agrees to the following terms of retainer and payment: Advance retainer in the amount of N/A payable by bank wire transfer. Base rate = $______per______and $____/mile, plus applicable, pertinent, and necessary expenses paid on client’s behalf or incurred during investigation.
Payment of balance detailed as follows: $____ or equivalent in Euros at the presiding bank exchange rate at the time of transfer, to be paid within 10 days of the completion of the investigation and submission of the invoice.
3. Client agrees to indemnify and hold agency harmless for the misuse by client of data legally obtained by PI Agency “Eagle Sight”.
4. This agreement binds PI Agency “Eagle Sight” to client confidentiality. We will discuss the case with no one but the client and individuals privileged to the case as specified by client or by law. Client further agrees to not divulge case details to outside parties.
- The client understands and acknowledges that PI Agency “Eagle Sight”offers no guarantee on the outcome of the case or the existence of pertinent information. PI Agency “Eagle Sight”only guarantees that the necessary information, documentation, etc. will be searched for diligently, legally, expediently, and as economically as possible.
- Client further understands and acknowledges that PI Agency “Eagle Sight” offers no guarantee on the validity of information provided by public documents, or outside vendors.
- Client acknowledges that PI Agency “Eagle Sight” provides final or intermediate report in written format within maximum 7 days of case conclusion or final activity.
- Client has received, read, and understands investigative caveats outlined on “The Nature of Investigations” page. Initial: ______
Agent:______(Signed:)______Date: ___/___/___
Witness (if needed): ______(Signed:)______Date: ___/___/___
Agency Bank Details:
NAME - Setchikov Ilya Mikhailovich
ADDRESS - 450001, ul.Komsomolskaya d.23 korp.3 kv.28 g.Ufa RUSSIA
Account in Euro: 40802978329330000000
ALFA-BANK, Moscow, Russia
Correspondent’s account: 400886894501EUR, COMMERZBANK AG, Frankfurt am Main,
NAME- Setchikov Ilya Mikhailovich
ADDRESS - 450001, ul.Komsomolskaya d.23 korp.3 kv.28 g.Ufa RUSSIA
Account in US Dollars: 40802 840 5293 3000 0006
ALFA-BANK, Moscow, Russia
Correspondent’s account: # 36310481, CITIBANK N.A., 399 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10043, USA,
Attachment to Contract.
The Nature of Investigations
As an aid to help our clients better understand the nature of the Private Detective industry, the processes by which we work, and the regulations by which we are governed, we have prepared this information sheet so you may have more realistic expectations regarding the work PI Agency “Eagle Sight” will conduct on your behalf.
1. We have no more authority than does a private citizen. We are not police officers. The training, testing, background checks, and certification process we go through in order to obtain our licenses is meant to set us apart as individuals who are committed to unbiased professionalism. As such, we are bound to rigid codes of conduct dictated by the State of PI Agency “Eagle Sight”
- Similarly, we are not attorneys. Though we are very knowledgeable of the laws governing our actions, any advice we give concerning the direction or outcome of your case is merely a suggestion that should be approved by any legal representative you may have. © 2011 - PP
- We are not magicians. Ours is an industry revolving around detail gathered through available information, the understanding of this detail, and the working knowledge of how to follow the trails we uncover. This detailed information is generated through diligence and knowing where to look. Like librarians, we are not geniuses. We are simply trained on where and how to find information.
- We will abide by our standards of conduct and we expect the same from you. To reiterate, we will not perform any illegal acts. To further protect you, we remind you to let us do the job for which we are trained and to not attempt any form of investigative participation on your own. It is also in everyone’s best interest if the investigation itself is treated as confidential and not disclosed to anyone except those parties either listed in the contract, or with a legal right, need, or authority to know.
- Sometimes the information generated in an investigation is contrary to what the client hopes to find. We cannot guarantee results. We can only guarantee that the necessary information, documentation, etc. will be searched for diligently, legally, expediently, and as economically as possible.
- If surveillance is necessary we feel obligated to inform you of the “real life caveats.” Surveillance, especially moving surveillance, is a hit and miss science. We can perform these observations under agreed upon time and location parameters but cannot promise activity on behalf of the subject. Similarly, moving surveillance carries with it inherent obstacles such as the unpredictable nature of traffic. There is no guarantee that contact with the subject can be maintained as we cannot predict traffic flow, traffic conditions, weather, or other unforeseen problems. As in number one above, we have no more authority than an ordinary citizen. This includes traffic laws. Similarly, privacy and private property laws will dictate the conduct of some surveillances.
- PI Agency “Eagle Sight” can, however, make a promise that most other agencies can’t. That is, we will do everything in our power to reach the goal of obtaining the information you need in a timely and economical fashion and conduct ourselves in a professional and discreet manner while representing you in your case.