SystemRequirements forQuickBooksOnline

System Requirements:

  • A computerwitha supportedweb browserinstalled (see below).Intuitrecommends:
  • PC:1 GHzcomputerwith 256 MBofRAMrunningWindows 7 orlater.
  • Mac:Intel-basedMacrunning OS X 10.6orlater.
  • The Linuxoperating system,including Ubuntu or Fedora,notsupported.
  • A high-speed Internetconnection (DSL,cable,T1).
  • 1024x768minimumscreen resolution.
  • ForWindowsusers:Adobe Reader7.0 orhigherisrequired for printing forms(thisis afree download here).
  • Forprinting forms,a laserorinkjetprinterisrequired.Dot-matrixprintersnotsupported.

Supported browsers for Windows:

  • Google Chrome (thisbrowserautomaticallykeepsitselfupdated).
  • Mozilla Firefox(thisbrowserautomaticallykeeps itselfupdated).
  • MicrosoftInternetExplorer,version 10 orlater(32-bitversion recommended).

Supported browsers for MacOS X:

  • Apple Safari 6.1 orlater.
  • Google Chrome (thisbrowserautomaticallykeepsitselfupdated).
  • Mozilla Firefox(thisbrowserautomaticallykeeps itselfupdated).To previewand printforms,you also need the FirefoxPDFPlugin.

Common questions:

  • Exporting reportdata toExcelrequiresExcel 97 orlater
  • Tip:You can findwhatbrowseryou're using by visiting Ifyou're using FirefoxorChrome,you can also type about: in the URL fieldtofind thebrowserspecifications.
  • Youcan also accessQuickBooksOnlineviaabrowserusing aCompatible browsers fortablet/mobile devices.

*U.S.CustomersOnly-Exporting data to QuickBooksorQuicken desktop edition requires asupportedversion ofInternetExplorerplusanActiveXcomponent(youwillbe prompted byIE ifyou don'talreadyhave it).

Compatiblebrowsers fortablet/mobiledevices

Youcan accessQuickBooksOnline onyouriOS(Apple),Android,orWindows 8 device.

Looking for an app instead?Read QuickBooksOnlinemobile appsforinformation onappsthatareavailable for download.

Forbestresultson your mobile devicewhen using a browser,use the following:

iPhone / iPad

  • iOS7.1.1 ornewer(asof6/20/14)
  • Safari browserwith Private Mode Offto allowcookieswhich are required forQuickBooksOnline
  • NOTE:Ifyou are tryingto use the auto-fillfeature thatSafarioffersforweb addressesand you are notable to accessyouraccount,please type in the following addressandclickGo.Do notuse the Auto-Fillselection:
  • Otherbrowserssuch asChrome,Atomic,and Dolphinare notsupportedon iOS,butmay work.


  • JellyBean 4.2.2 ornewer(asof6/20/14)
  • Chromebrowser
  • Otherbrowserssuch asFirefox,Opera,and Dolphin are notsupported,but maywork.

Surface /Windows 8

  • InternetExplorer10orhigherusing DesktopMode. Ifyou're in the MetroMode ofInternetExplorer -you should bepromptedto viewon desktop.
  • WindowsPhone 8 is notsupported and doesnotwork


Note (11/9/2015):

Wewantto letyouknowthatan update to yourQuickBooksOnlinemobile appwillbecoming soonwith enhanced sign-in securityfeatures. Tobe preparedfor thisupdate,please make sureyour mobiledevice is runninga supportedversion ofiOS(8or 9)

orAndroid (4.0 and above).

Pleasenote thatyouwillbe required to updateyourQuickBooksOnline App afteritisreleased in order to accessyouraccount. Be on the lookoutfor App Store and Google Playupdates so you can continue to use allofthefeaturesyou enjoy.

Find yourdevice below forinformation on howto download a QuickBooksOnline app.

Youcan also accessQuickBooksOnlinewithoutan app byusing the browseron yourdevice.Please seeCompatible browsers fortablet/mobile devicesformore information onsupported browsers formobile devices.

iOS apps

1.Open the App Store on yourdevice,and

oon the iPhone,search for QuickBooks Online

oon the iPad,search forQuickBooksOnline(*maynotbe availableforsomecountries)

2.ClickFree and then Install.

3.Sign in using the sameuser ID and password thatyouusedwhenyou signed upforQBO.


1.Open Google Playonyourdevice and search forQuickBooks Online. Thisappworkson smartphonesand tablets(*may notbe available forsome countries).


3.Ifyou are alreadysigned up forQBO,use the sameuser ID and password to sign in tothe app.

Sign-in issues:Ifyou're having problems signing in to the apps,pleasemake sure you'reusing the samecredentialsyou usewhen signing in fromacomputer (ifyou're alreadysubscribed to QBO). Ifyou need more help,clickthe ForgotPassword link to contactoursupportteam.