Kim M. Anderson, Ph.D.

School of Social Work, Public Affairs Doctoral Program

University of Central Florida, HPA1 #223

12805 Pegasus Drive

Orlando, FL 32816-3358


Education and Certification

2001Ph.D., School of Social Welfare, University of Kansas-Lawrence

Dissertation Topic: Recovery: Resistance and Resilience in Female Incest Survivors.

Ph.D. advisor: Dennis Saleebey

1987M.S.S.W, School of Social Work, University of Texas-Austin

1985B.S. in Social Work and B.A. in Psychology, Iowa State University-Ames

L.C.S.WLicensed Clinical Social Worker, State of Missouri, #002258

L.S.C.S.W.Licensed Clinical Social Worker, State of Kansas, #1797

Current Position

2015-PresentProfessor, School of Social Work, Public Affairs Doctoral Program

Ph.D. courses taught: PAF 7820 Qualitative Methods for Public Affairs, PAF 7317 Social Inquiry & Public Policy; PAF 7919 Doctoral Research; PAF 7908 Independent Study

MSW courses taught: SOW 6324 Clinical Practice with Groups, SOW 6383 Social Work Administration

2015-PresentSocial Work Track Coordinator for PAF Doctoral Program

Prior Academic Positions


2012-2015Joint Courtesy Appointment Sinclair School of Nursing, University of Missouri

2008-2015Associate Professor, School of Social Work, University of Missouri

2002-2008Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, University of Missouri

MSW courses taught: Evaluative Research in Clinical Practice, Strategies of Clinical Practice, Resiliency and Solution-Focused Clinical Practice, Professional Field Seminar, Trauma Theory and Crisis Intervention; PhD courses taught: Dissertation Seminar, Research Applications,

2000-2002Associate Professor, Director of BSW Program, Avila College,

Kansas City, Missouri

1992-1999Assistant Professor, Field Coordinator, Avila College, Kansas City, Missouri

  • BSW courses taught from 1992-2002: Violence in the Family, Child Sexual Abuse, Trauma and Transformation, Spirituality and Healing, Crisis Intervention, Social Justice, SW Field Seminar, SW Practice with Organizations and Communities, SW Practice with Groups and Families, Social Legislation/Policy, Human Behavior and the Social Environment, Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare.

1990-1991Instructor, Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kansas

  • BSW courses taught: Social Welfare Policy, Basic Counseling Skills, Sociology of the Family, SW Practice with Group, Organizations and Communities, Social Change and Social Welfare, SW Practice with Children and Families, SW Field Seminar, Helping Strategies for Children.


2000Instructor, School of Social Work, University of Missouri, Kansas City,


  • MSWcourse taught: Foundations of SW Practice I.

2000Instructor, School of Social Welfare, University of Kansas, Lawrence,


  • MSWcourses taught: Crisis Intervention, SW Practice I & II, Social Policy, Problem, and Program Analysis, I & II

1993-1994Field Instructor, School of Social Welfare, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas

University, College, & School Service

University of Central Florida (UCF)

2016-PresentUndergraduate Course Review Committee

2016-PresentFaculty Senate

2016UCF Faculty Panel for Fall 2016 Graduate Student


2015College of Medicine, Inter-professional Education: Approach to the Care of Homeless, faculty facilitator

College of Health and Public Affairs-UCF

2015-2017Promotion & Tenure Committee, member

2015 Scholarship Selection Committee, member

2016Research Council

School of Social Work-UCF

2017-2018ORC Research Mentoring Opportunity, Reshawna Chapple

2016-2017Faculty Search Committee, chair

2016-2017 Center for Behavioral Research and Training, assistant director

2015-PresentPromotion & Tenure Committee, member

2015-PresentPublic Affairs Doctoral Program Committee, chair

2015-2016DSW Committee, member

Doctoral Service-UCF

2016-2017 PAF Director Search Committee, member

2015-PresentPAF, Social Work Track Coordinator: recruitment, admissions, plans of study, research workshops

Total students: 65Social Work Students: 14

2015-PresentPAF, Qualifying Examination grader

2015-PresentPublic Affairs Doctoral Program, Lisa Macri, dissertation committee member, “Assessing Institutional Response to Sexual Violence on College Campuses”

2016-2017 Public Affairs Doctoral Program, Madhu Shettian, dissertation committee member, “Determinants of Hospital Efficiency and Patient Safety in the United States

University of Missouri (MU)

2014-2015Fellow, Center for Family Policy & Research

2014Reviewer, MU Research Board

2012-2015MU Research Mentor for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Nurse Faculty Scholars Program, Tina Bloom, “An Internet-Based Intervention for Rural, Pregnant Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence”

2007-2010MU Chancellor’s Committee for Persons with Disabilities, chair

2002-2015MU Council on Violence Against Women, member

2004-2015MU Women and Gender Studies, affiliate faculty member

2003MU Office of Research, served on a grant review panel for the faculty grant writing institute

College of Human and Environmental Sciences-MU

2008-2009Associate Dean for Research Search Committee, member

2005-2007Margaret Mangel Lectureship Series, member

2006-2007HES Faculty and Alumni Recognition Awards, member

School of Social Work-MU

2008-2015Ph.D. Faculty, member

2008-PresentPromotion and Tenure Committee, member

2014P&T Committee, chair

2012-Present, 2008-2009Ph.D. Committee, member

2012-2014, 2006-2008Field Education Committee, Member

2005-2010MSW Committee, member

2008-2009Faculty Search Committee, chair

2006-2008Director’s Advisory Committee, member

2006Fall Faculty/Staff Retreat, co-organizer

2005-2006Educational Policy Committee, member

2004-2005Student Status Review Committee, member

2004-2005Revised Clinical Concentration Committee, task leader

2004-2005Ad Hoc Committee on developing social justice course, member

2003-2004Fall Conference Planning Committee, member

Doctoral Service-MU

2008-2015School of Social Work, 1-3 doctoral advisees, per year.

2014-2016Human Development and Family Studies, 1 student-Andrea Roach, “Exposure to

Parental Conflict and Violence in Childhood: Influences on Emerging Adults’

Relationships with Parents and Perceptions of Intimate Relationships”.

School of Social Work, 1 student-Lindsay Ruhr, “Abortion Decision-Making and the Impact of the 72-hour Waiting Period”

2014-2015Supervised 1 student, Laura King, for Doctoral Dissertation, SW9900, “African American Males Navigating Their Way to College” (chair and methodologist)

2013-2015Supervised 1 student, Abigail Rolbiecki, for Doctoral Dissertation, SW9900, “PhotoVoice: A Brief Therapeutic Intervention for Survivors of Sexual Assault” (chair)

2014Supervised 2 students, Laura King, Research Application I, SW9800, and Jennifer First, Independent Study, SW9090, “Adult Sons of Abused Women”.

2014Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, 1 student-Jennifer Root, “Building Conditional Safety ‘brick by brick’: Conceptualizing Safety Among Women who Experience Intimate Partner Violence.” (external examiner)

2014Supervised 1 student, Abigail Rolbiecki, for Ph.D. Dissertation Seminar, SW 9890, “PhotoVoice: A Brief Therapeutic Intervention for Survivors of Sexual Assault”

2014-Sinclair School of Nursing, 1 student-Briana Snyder, “Management of Intimate Partner Violence and Dissociative Identity Disorder.” (member)

2013Supervised 1 student, Abigail Rolbiecki, for Ph.D. Research Application I, SW9800, “PhotoVoice: A Brief Therapeutic Intervention for Survivors of Sexual Assault”.

2012-2013Supervised 1 student, Andrea Roach, HDFS 9210 Research Practicum, SW9090 Research in Social Work Practice, Poster Presentation “Daughters of Victimized Mothers: Negotiating Relations with Fathers Who Abuse”, (November, 2013) National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) Annual Conference, San Antonio.

2012-2013Supervised 1 student, Jonathan Cook, Department of Psychological Sciences, 9545 clinical internship, Coalition Against Rape & Domestic Violence (CARDV).

2012-Department of Human Development and Family Studies, 1 student-Andrea Roach, “Parent-Child Relationships in Domestic Violence”. (member)

2011-2014School of Social Work, 1 student-Ashley Gage, “Pregnancy Intention Among Women with Cystic Fibrosis.” (member)

2011-School of Social Work, Tish Tubbergen, member, "An Investigation of Factors of

Mental Stability Among Consumers in a Comprehensive Psychosocial Rehabilitation Center (CPRC)"

2011-2012Supervised 1 student, Sirinat Sriumporn, N9710, Advanced Research Practicum in Nursing, “Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Youth Exposed to Domestic Violence”. (Poster won MU Sinclair School of Nursing Dean’s Award for Outstanding Student Research)

2007-2011Sinclair School of Nursing, 1 student-Teak Nelson, “Finding ‘The Answers Inside Me’: A Model of Empowerment through Breastfeeding and Weaning.” (methodologist)

2007-2010School of Social Work, 1 student-Kirsten Havig, “Empowerment for Social Justice: A Grounded Theory Study of Social Work Field Instruction Strategies.” (chair and methodologist)

Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, 1 student, Wendy Mills, “Survivor Leaders: A Grounded Theory Inquiry into Leadership Practices of Childhood Trauma Survivors.” Received outstanding dissertation. (member)

2006-2009School of Social Work, 2 students: Shreya Bhandari, “Coping Among Pregnant, Rural, Low-Income Women Facing Intimate Partner Violence (Pregnancy to Three Months Post-Natal).” (chair and methodologist)

Eun-Jun Bang, “The Effects of Gender, Academic Concerns, and Social Support on Stress for International Students.” (chair)

2004-2006Sinclair School of Nursing, 1 student-Jeffrey Gage, “Male Partner Participation in Smoking Cessation for Women During Pregnancy.”(methodologist)

Department of Educational, School and Counseling Psychology,

1 student-Gretchen Reinders, “Women’s Reactions to a Realistic Rape Portrayal and the Influence of Feminist Identity and Rape Myth Acceptance.” (member)

2007Supervised 1 student, Kirsten Havig, for Ph.D. Research Application I, SW9800 “Posttraumatic Growth in Adult Daughters of Battered Women”

Graduate Service

2003-Present MSWstudent advising (advising load = 15-20 students per year)

2014School of Social Work, Abigail Rolbiecki, supervised MSW clinical

practicum SW8971 at University of Missouri’s Relationship and Sexual Violence

Prevention (RSVP) Center

2013School of Social Work, Cassie Houf, supervised MSW clinical practicum SW8971 at Coalition Against Rape and Domestic Violence (CARDV)

2012-2014School of Journalism, Johanna Somers, “The Status of Rape Reporting using Framing and Gatekeeping Theories”. (member-thesis)

2010Master’s Independent Study: Organizing a Community Response to Better Address the Needs of Homeless Individuals: MSW student-Lindsay Bunch

2008Master’s Independent Study: “Interpretation of Interviews of Domestic Violence Survivors”: MSW student-Tiffany Martin

2004Master’s Independent Study: “Qualitative Study on the Process of Boone County Mental Health Court”: MSW student-Sara Pope

2003Master’s Independent Study: “Disclosure Process for Child Sexual Abuse Survivors”: MSW student-Sabrina Bennett

Undergraduate Service

2013-2014McNair Scholars Program, Jennifer Shearin, “iRest Integrative Restoration Yoga Nidra Meditation for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence and/or Stalking”

2013-2014College of Nursing, Dabney Wilson, University of Tennessee, research project

“Exploring the role of digital storytelling in pediatric oncology patients’ perspectives regarding diagnosis”, (external committee member).

Public and Community Service

2015-2017Digital Storytelling Class for Parramore Youth in collaboration with Families, Parks and Recreation, UCF/CREATE, and Parramore Kidz Zone (PKZ)

2012-2015Missouri Department of Mental Health-Missouri Trauma Roundtable-member

2006State of Missouri’s Children’s Division Training Advisory Committee, member

2006Revision of Missouri’s Children’s Division Training Manual for Supervisors, contributor

2005Revision of Missouri’s Children Division Supervisory Case Review Tools for Well-being and Safety, contributor

2003-2006Role Demonstration Model Project between MU’s School of Social Work and State of Missouri’s Children’s Division, trainer

2006Boone County Mental Health Court Team Training and Education, trainer

2006Boone County Mental Health Board of Trustees, member

2003-2004Ending Violence Against Women Planning Work Team, Department of Health and Senior Services, member of policy committee

Service to the Profession

2016Reviewer, SSWR abstracts for 2017 Conference

2006-PresentReviewer, Publications, Violence Against Women, Families in Society, Children and Family Social Work and Sage Publications, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, Violence & Victims, Advances in Social Work, Family Relations

2014External Reviewer, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

2011-2013Member, Task Force for CSWE on developing guidelines for Advanced Social Work Practice in Trauma

2006-2008International Medical & Educational Trust, Continuing Medical Education Accreditation Board, member

2006Moderator of paper presentation session, Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference, San Antonio, Texas

2006Reviewer-Abstracts, 2006 Annual Program Meeting, Council on Social Work Education

2004Reviewer-Abstracts, 2004 Annual Program Meeting, Council on Social Work Education

2000Reviewer-Curriculum materials for University of Missouri-Kansas City to apply for MSW candidacy through Council on Social Work Education


Web-Based Curriculum


Anderson, K. M. (2010). Enhancing resilience in survivors of family violence. New York:

Springer Publishing Company. ISBN: 9780826111395

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Anderson, K. M. (in press). Children’s protective strategies in the context of exposure to

domestic violence. Journal of Human Behavior and the Social Environment.

Anderson, K. M., Danforth, L., & First, J. (in press). Nonviolent adult sons of abused

women: Ending the cycle of violence. International Journal of Social Work and

Human Services Practice.

Anderson, K. M., Renner, L. M., & Bloom, T. S. (2017). Protective strategies among

rural women in an abusive relationship. Issues in Mental Health Nursing.

Rolbiecki, A., Anderson, K.M., Tedi, M., & Albright, D. (2016). ‘Waiting for the cold to

end’: Using PhotoVoice as a narrative intervention for survivors of sexual assault.

Traumatology, 22(4), 242-248.

Wilson, D. K., Hudson, S. P., Hall, J.M., & Anderson, K. M.(2016). Examining the

digital story created by an adolescent with cancer: Insights and ideas from a case story. Open Journal of Nursing, 6(5), 424-434.

Anderson, K. M., & Cook, J. R. (2015). Challenges and opportunities of using digital

storytelling as a trauma narrative intervention for traumatized children. Advances in

Social Work, 16(1), 78-89.

Anderson, K. M., Renner, L. M., & Bloom, T. S. (2013). Rural women’s strategic responses

to intimate partner violence. Health Care for Women International, 35, 423-441.

DOI: 10.1080/07399332.2013.815757

Anderson, K. M., Renner, L. M., & Danis, F. S. (2012). Recovery: Resilience and growth in

the aftermath of domestic violence. Violence Against Women, 18(11), 1279-1299.

DOI: 10.1177/1077801212470543.

Shigaki, C. L., Anderson, K. M., Howald, C. L., Hensen, A. L., & Gregg, B.E. (2012)

Disability on campus: A survey of faculty and staff. Work, 42(4), 559-71.

Anderson, K. M., & Bang, E. (2012) Assessing PTSD and resilience for females who during

childhood were exposed to domestic violence. Child & Family Social Work, 17, 55-65.


Bhandari, S., Bullock, L., Anderson, K.M., Danis, F., &. Sharps, P. (2011) Coping with

intimate partner violence during pregnancy. Health Care for Women International,

32(9), 833-854.DOI:10.1080/07399332.2011.585532

Anderson, K. M., Danis, F. S., & Havig, K. (2011) Adult daughters of battered women:

Recovery and posttraumatic growth following childhood adversity. Families in

Society, 92(2), 154-160. DOI:

Danis, F. S., & Anderson, K. M. (2008). An underserved and untapped resource: A

preliminary study ofcollegiate sorority response to dating violence. Journal of

Aggression, Maltreatment, & Trauma, 17(3), 336-351.DOI:


Anderson, K. M., & Hiersteiner, C. (2008). Recovering from childhood sexual abuse: Is a

storybook ending possible? The American Journal of Family Therapy, 36(5), 413-424.

DOI: 10.1080/01926180701804592

Danis, F. S., Yoon, D. P., & Anderson, K. M. (2007) The role of self-efficacy in mediating personal and environmental factors that influence practice with crime victims: Implications for professional development. Professional Development: The International Journal of Continuing Social Work Education, 10(1), 25-36. ISSN: 1097-


Anderson, K. M., & Hiersteiner, C. (2007). Listening to the stories of adults in treatment who

were sexually abused as children. Families in Society, 88(4), 637-644.DOI:

Anderson, K. M., & Danis, F. S. (2007). Collegiate sororities and dating violence: An

exploratory study of informal and formal helping strategies. Violence Against

Women, 13(1), 1-14. DOI: 10.1177/1077801206294808

Anderson, K., & Sundet, P. (2006). Making a mission statement a reality in child welfare:

Resiliency and solution-focused therapy as core strategy. Professional Development: The International Journal of Continuing Social Work Education, 9(2-3), 54-64.

Anderson, K. M., & Danis, F. (2006). Adult daughters of battered women: Resistance

and resilience in the face of danger. Affilia, 21(4), 419-432.DOI: 10.1177/0886109906292130

Anderson, K. M. (2006). Surviving Incest: The art of resistance. Families in Society,

83(3), 409-416.DOI:

Hodges, J. Q., & Anderson, K. M. (2005). What do social workers need to know about

mental health courts? Social Work in Mental Health, 4(2), 19-32.DOI:


Galambos, C., Watt, W., Anderson, K., & Danis, F. (2005). Rural social work practice:

Maintaining confidentiality in the face of dual relationships. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 2(2), Availableat

Anderson, K. M. (1998). Helping sexually abused children through using strengths and

resiliency approaches. Family Violence and Sexual Assault Bulletin, 13(3-4),


Anderson, K. M. (1997). Uncovering survival abilities in children who have been

sexually abused. Families in Society, 78(6), 592-599.DOI:

Under Review

Anderson, K. M. (under review). Adult daughters of intimate partner violence survivors: From

childhood powerlessness to adult empowerment. Gender & Society

Anderson, K. M., & Roach, A. (under review). Daughters of victimized mothers: Navigating

relations with fathers who abuse. Qualitative Social Work.

Kaukinen, C., Anderson, K. M., et al., (under review). The direction of violence against women

and evaluation. Violence Against Women.


Anderson, K. M. (2010). Foreword. In L.Y. Song & C.Y. Shih, The Strengths Perspective:

Social Work Intervention Theory and Practice (pp. v-vi). Taipei: Hungyeh


Anderson, K. M. (2005). What do Missourians think about child sexual abuse: Is sexual

abuse a serious problem for children in Missouri? Colleagues for Children, 8(2), pp. 5


Book Chapters

Anderson, K. M. (2017). Let’s get personal: Digital Stories for transformational learning

in social work students. In P. Hardy & G. Jamison (Eds) Digital Storytelling in Higher

Education-International Perspectives (pp. 73-89). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Anderson, K. M., & Wallace, B.(2015). Digital storytelling as a trauma narrative

intervention for children exposed to domestic violence. In J. Cohen & L. Johnson (Eds).

Film and Video-based Therapy (95-107). New York: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.

ISBN: 978-1-138-78142-9

Anderson, K. M. (2015). A strengths and resiliency-based assessment for survivors of intimate

partner violence. In E. Bellamy (Ed.)Partner Violence: Risk Factors, Therapeutic Interventions and Psychological Impact(59-74). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-63463-300-0

Anderson, K. M., Havig, K., & Danis, F. S. (2015). Adult daughters of intimate partner

violence survivors: From childhood powerlessness to adult empowerment. In A. Mason

& D. Bathony (Eds). Where to from here? Witney, Oxfordshire: Inter-Disciplinary.Net.

Anderson, K.M. (2012). Fostering resilience in daughters of battered women. In D. Becvar

(Ed). Handbook of Family Resilience (pp.495-514). NewYork: Springer Publishing.

Anderson, K. M. (2012). Recovery: Resilience and redemption in survivors of intimate

partner violence. In A. Browne-Miller (Ed). Violence and Abuse in Society: Understanding a Global Crisis: Volume 4: Approaches and Responses (Chapter 12, pp.239-261). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO and Praeger Publishers.

Anderson, K. M. (2011). Assessing strengths: Identifying acts of resistance to violence and

oppression. In D. Saleebey (Ed). The Strengths Perspective in Social Work Practice, 6th

edition (pp.182-202). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Anderson, K. M., Cowger, C., Snively, C. (2009). Assessing strengths: Identifying acts of

resistance to violence and oppression. In D. Saleebey (Ed). The Strengths Perspective in Social Work Practice (pp. 181-198). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Anderson, K. M. (2008). Discovering how resilient capacities develop in the midst of

surviving incest. In M. Ungar & L. Liebenberg (Eds.), Resilience in

Action: Working with Youth Across Cultures and Contexts(pp. 61-86). Toronto:

Universityof Toronto Press.

Cowger, C., Anderson, K. M., & Snively, C. (2006). Assessing strengths: The political

context of individual, family, and community empowerment. In D. Saleebey, (Ed.), The Strengths Perspective in Social Work Practice (pp. 93-113). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Technical Reports

Anderson, K. M. (2015). Cherokee Adult Daughters of Abused Women: Navigating Life past

Childhood Adversity. Cherokee Nation, Tahlequah, OK.

Anderson, K. M. (2012). A process and outcome evaluation of the second year of

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) for youth exposed to domestic

violence. Coalition Against Rape & Domestic Violence (CARDV), Fulton, MO.

Anderson, K. M. (2012). A process and outcome evaluation of the first year of

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) for Adult Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence. Coalition Against Rape & Domestic Violence (CARDV), Fulton, MO.

Anderson, K. M., & Wallace, B. (2011). A process and outcome evaluation of the first year of

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) for youth exposed to domestic

violence. Coalition Against Rape & Domestic Violence (CARDV), Fulton, MO.