FROM: B2 Program Manager
SUBJECT: 2013 B2 Rules
1. The following are conditions that must be adhered to while participating in the Brandywine Bowhunter (B2) archery hunting program at the Brandywine Communications site. Hunting is restricted to whitetail deer and wild turkey (spring season only). Only vertical archery equipment will be used and members must comply with all Maryland hunting regulations. Eligible candidates for the B2 program include active duty military members, dependents, retirees and DOD civilian employees. Membership is seasonal (whitetail deer season and wild turkey season), and will be limited to sixty (60) hunters for the 2013 archery deer season and forty (40) hunters for the spring turkey season. Membership candidates will be considered on a first come first serve basis. After all candidates in the aforementioned categories (active duty military, military dependents, retirees, DOD civilians) have been afforded an opportunity to register/qualify, dependents of DOD civilian employees may be considered for membership on a space available basis provided they meet all of the qualification and membership requirements described herein. Dependents of DoD civilian employees being considered for membership must provide proof of dependency status (marriage license, proof of residence, etc…) and contact information for their DOD sponsor. Also, the sponsor and member must sign a copy of this memorandum acknowledging understanding of the rules/regulations. Annual fees are as follows:
- Whitetail Deer - $40.00
- Spring Turkey - $30.00
2. Whitetail Deer – Members must pay fees and satisfy all qualification and membership requirements prior to hunting whitetail deer at the Brandywine Communications site. Additional information concerning the whitetail deer season at the Brandywine Communication site will be posted on the B2 website as it is made available.
- Harvest Rules: During the ENTIRE SEASON, members are prohibited from harvesting a buck unless it has a minimum of three points on ONE side. In order to promote quality herd management, no member is to shoot, or attempt to shoot, any buck that does not have at least three points on one side. In accordance with Maryland hunting regulations, members must purchase a bonus buck tag prior to harvesting a second buck. Does and antlerless deer shall also be harvested and reported in accordance with Maryland hunting regulations.
- B2 Deer Contest: Members may participate in a Big Buck, Big Doe, and Most Does contest during the 2013 deer season. To be eligible, members must pay a $10.00 fee when they register. Prizes will be awarded at the end of the deer season during the End-of-Year Dinner, and members may only win one of the aforementioned categories. Antlerless deer are not considered does, and are not counted for the Big Doe/Most Does category. Bucks will be scored using Pope and Young regulations (green score only), biggest doe will be determined by dressed body weight, using the B2 scale maintained in the storage shed. A witness is required for big buck scoring and big doe weigh-in.
3. Spring Turkey – Members must pay fees and satisfy all qualification and membership requirements prior to hunting spring turkey at the Brandywine Communications site. Turkey shall be harvested and reported in accordance with Maryland hunting regulations. Registration information for the 2013 spring turkey season will be announced via the B2 website as it is made available. .
4. Qualification Requirements - Eligible candidates must meet the following qualification requirements for B2 membership:
- Each membership candidate must possess a valid military/DoD identification card and Maryland State hunting license. These items must be presented to Program/Assistant Program Manager at the time of registration.
- Candidates must sign a copy of this memorandum acknowledging their understanding of hunting rules. The signed memorandum will be maintained on file for future use. Hunting privileges may be revoked at any time for failure to comply with rules outlined herein.
- Candidates must pass a proficiency test. (Note: Former members who completed the proficiency test during a previous archery season, with a passing score sheet on file, are exempt from taking the proficiency test).
- Each test will consist of 3 shots total at 1 target; two arrows must be inside the vital zone of each target. The targets will be placed in real life 3D style positions. No target will be beyond 30 yards or placed at an unrealistic angle. The use of measuring equipment or measuring of distance to target is not allowed. The scoring official will determine if the shot is in or out of the vital zone. All decisions are final.
- The candidate’s equipment shall meet the Maryland hunting regulations minimum requirements for hunting with archery equipment. Crossbow use is prohibited.
- The arrows used for the proficiency test will be tipped with the broadhead type the candidate intends to use to harvest game. This includes mechanical type heads. Field points will not be used for qualification or hunting.
- Candidates may take two proficiency tests per season. Those who fail to pass the proficiency test after two attempts will not be permitted to hunt during the season for which they are attempting to qualify.
- Candidates must pay requisite fees for the season they wish to hunt.
- Returning B2 members must participate in at least three work details during the calendar year prior to registering for whitetail deer season, one of which must be performed during the summer months (June-September, 2013). Note: Members who are unable to participate in the requisite number of details as a result of a military deployment are exempt from this requirement.
5. Sign in/out procedures:
- Registered members in good standing may access the Brandywine Communication site daily during the deer and turkey archery hunting seasons. They may also access the site outside of said seasons provided they have a B2 registration card valid for the date in question.
- 0400 is the earliest Members may enter the property.
- Members must call the Brandywine Communication site prior to entering to announce their approach/presence. Members will provide the controller with their name, membership number, and vehicle description. The phone number will be provided to all members during registration.
- During the whitetail deer season, the last hunter to sign out at the end of the hunting day shall call the Brandywine Communication site prior to departing to report all hunters have been accounted for, and all B2 members have left the site.
- Members must sign in at the information board prior to entering any area. Areas are assigned on a first come first serve basis.
- When signing in, members must complete all required fields on the sign in log, to include their name, date, time, area they wish to hunt, hunter identification number, and cell phone number.
- When signing in, members must enter their hunter identification number on the sign in map in the area they wish to hunt.
- Members may only sign for one area at a time during whitetail deer season. Only one member shall hunt any given area unless they’ve agreed to share their area with another registered member. If two members agree to use the same area they must enter and leave the area at the same time. Both members shall comply with established sign in/sign out procedures.
- Members are prohibited from leaving the Brandywine Communications site while signed into an area. This includes leaving the site for short convenience stops (breakfast, lunch, etc…).
- All members will sign out in accordance with established procedures before departing the site.
- When signing out, members must enter the time they departed the woods on the sign in log and remove their hunting identification number from the dry erase map.
- To ensure no member is left in the woods at the end of a hunting day, the second to last member to exit the woods is prohibited from leaving the information board until all members are out of the woods and accounted for.
- Members may sign for up to 3 adjacent hunting areas when spring turkey hunting.
- Members are prohibited from encroaching on an area signed for by another member.
- Members must record all wild game harvested in the harvest log at the information/sign-in board. Include member number, date, and detailed description of game harvested (i.e., 6 point whitetail buck, doe, male turkey, etc…).
6. Parking Procedures
- Parking areas are designated on the site map and are clearly marked with traffic cones and/or signs. Parking is not prohibited outside the marked areas. All parking area regulations will be enforced to lessen the disturbance of threatened or endangered plant species. Failure to comply with parking rules may result in immediate revocation of all hunting privileges.
- Parking areas were constructed to accommodate more than one vehicle. Members shall park in a manner that permits maximum vehicle occupancy in each parking area.
7. General Hunting Procedures
- All participants will have in their possession their hunting permit, Maryland state hunting license and military/DoD identification card.
- All vehicles shall have a B2 decal affixed to the window, or a placard, which shall be placed on the vehicle dashboard. The placard must be clearly visible from the outside of the vehicle.
- Archery equipment authorized by hunting permit only. No firearms or crossbows are allowed on the property for any reason.
- Range use is authorized for registered members with valid registration cards only.
- Hunting in the fields is prohibited.
- SAFETY IS PARAMOUNT. All members will ensure that safety is the first concern when on the property. All members will ensure a clear field of fire to and beyond their target.
- Members who trespass on private property adjacent to the Brandywine Communication site risk losing their hunting privileges. Members are prohibited from using the service road that parallels the south side of area 19.
- It is highly advisable to exit the woods during inclement weather. If members observe lightning in the area, they must cease hunting and sign out of their area.
- Driving in the fields is prohibited. When retrieving harvested game members will stay on the gravel roads. Driving into the woods is not allowed.
- During state firearm seasons, all participants will wear fluorescent orange as required by Maryland hunting regulations.
- All participants will comply with Maryland hunting regulations at all times. Season dates and bag limits are stated in the Maryland hunting regulations. The use of bait to hunt game is prohibited.
- If hunting from a tree stand, the stand will be a commercial portable type. The use of a tree stand safety belt is MANDATORY. Four point safety harnesses and life lines are highly encouraged. Permanent or homemade tree stands are prohibited.
- Participants will not cut down any tree! Light pruning is allowed for ease of shooting. Light pruning is defined as limbs, branches or sapling less than 1 inch in diameter.
- Weapons will be raised or lowered from tree stands using a pull rope. Members using draw assist devices shall raise/lower their bow in the relaxed/un-cocked position.
- When work activity is observed in a hunting area, participants will cease hunting and depart the area. Report to the information board to sign out or change areas if available. When practical, areas closed to hunting will be announced via the B2 website message board. Members are encouraged to monitor the website for area closure announcements.
- Smoking is NOT permitted while in hunting areas.
- Harvested game must be reported in accordance with Maryland hunting regulations.
- All deer taken will be field dressed in the woods and the remains covered. When transporting game, discretion will be used not to upset the public. All trash resulting from field dressing (gloves, paper towels, etc…) shall be removed from the woods and properly disposed of.
- Disputes amongst members, poachers, and/or trespassers should be reported immediately to the Program/Assistant Program Manager. DO NOT confront poachers/trespassers.
- Members will follow the instructions of the B2 Program/Assistant Program Manager and/or Brandywine Communications site personnel at all times.
- Members must understand that the area may be closed at times in support of military exercises. Closures will be posted on the B2 website message board.
- Members accept full responsibility for any injuries or damages resulting from the use of the hunting permit, and fully understand and agree that he/she participates completely at his/her own risk. Additional, the participant agrees to save, hold harmless and indemnify the Government and its officers, agents, and employees against liability, including cost, for any injury, or damage to the person or property of the participant or any third parties that arise as a result of negligence of the participant or third parties
8. Scouting procedures:
- Members may scout any open hunting area during the deer and turkey archery hunting seasons. They may also access the site outside of said seasons provided they have a B2 registration card valid for the date in question.
- Members shall comply with sign in/out procedures, and all other rules contained herein when scouting.
- Members shall wear a safety harness when installing, servicing, and removing tree stands, regardless of season.
9. Please address questions concerning the B2 archery hunting program to the undersigned at: (240) 682-2042, or Kevin (Murf) Murphy, Assistant Program Manager, at: (301) 659-1325.