2014-2015 Parent Group
October 14, 2014 7PM
Good Shepherd Gym
Present: Barry Henck, Julie Zuvic, Tory Lowe, Kathy Hernandez, Michelle Lindsay, Jackie Boodram, Stephanie Olstad, Roel Ragmac, Jean Ragmac, Ryan Scott, Kari Scott, June Poirier, Nikki Henck
Refreshments provided by Nikki Henck.
Meeting started at 7:05.
- Bible passage and prayer - Barry
•Barry read from Matthew 13:44-46. Message: the work of Kingdom of God’s is subtle, but powerful. Treasure is eternal. Parent Group is doing the work of the Kingdom of God.
•June Poirier opened up in prayer.
- Mission/vision brainstorm with group - Roel
•Roel spoke about the mission and vision statement.
•GSCS Mission Statement: To raise up well-educated children who know the Lord and choose to serve.
•Parent Group members will email their suggested mission/vision statements and Roel will collect submission/recommendation for mission/vision statement.
•Members said they need at least a week or two to get their suggestions back to Roel by email
3. Running your committee - Barry
A. Each committee should meet and set some clear goals
B. Member leaders should communicate with members according to how they want to be contacted. Everyone has their list
C. Each member is authorized to delegate responsibilities and assignments
D. Plan a meeting. Can be conference call or in person.
Thanks for being in the Parent Group
Jean Ragmac volunteered to be the chair for the Events Assistance & Hospitality committee. Great news! Thank you!
Group discussion about the annual fundraising banquet, which is usually in November but there is not enough time to plan. (The banquet raises funds for the school.)
Not enough time to do it right.
Group voted to not pursue the dinner banquet as we know it.
Instead we will plan a virtual and mail-based fundraising campaign. The Parent Group will manage and produce the campaign.
Julie explained the Foundation 150, which has the theme of the book of Psalms. The goal had been to raise $22,000 from 150 people donating $150 each.
Group decided to stick with the Foundation 150 theme too.
Committee updates
1. Fundraising - Kathy
A. Wreath sales – Casey will talk to Hertzog’s about the wreath. Kari will talk to JJ about what was done last year.
B. Yankee Candles – Yankee Candle packages are out. Due back on Monday, October 20
C.Discount Cards– The cards are coming out right around Thanksgiving. We got a good price because we are a small school.
D. Committee will work on fundraisers one semester at a time
E. Nikki will send an email reminder letting the school community know the deadline has arrived.
2. Box tops - Sherri was unable to attend the meeting
•June passed around some sample box tops
•Let’s get a goal for Box Tops for the year.
- Communications - Roel
•Roel submitted a communications plan which includes the action items for each event/fundraiser.
•Roel will send a reminder about the mission-vision statement. We would like to get the suggestions back by Oct. 31 if possible.
•Roel will present the results of the mission/vision statement suggestions at the next meeting.
•Barry asked Ryan to do a Good Shepherd web site demo at the next meeting
- Lunch program - Julie
•All lunches are covered by at least one volunteer. Each day of the week is assigned. Great!
•Microwave days are happening a lot less this year because it requires a huge amount of time for someone to get each item warmed up with only a couple microwave ovens. Not really feasible.
- Room parents - Michelle
•All classes have one room parent. One per room.
•We are off and running.
6. Yearbook - Michelle again
•Michelle’s contact is setting up an online photo submission process.
•Student picture day is Nov. 6th.
•There were plenty of photos taken on Granparents Day for submission to the yearbook.
- Clothing closet - Tory
•The Clothing Closet Committee will set up free shopping. A great resource.
•Tory will publicize certain days when the clothing will brought up to the gym so parents can come in and pick out clothes.
•Tory will send flyers home.
8. Review upcoming dates
•Pancake breakfast – Looking at Saturday, November 15 in the Good Shepherd Gym. Parent Group will help the Events Assistance & Hospitality committee
•Nov. 14 Banquet is cancelled.
•Next Parent Group meeting is November 11 at 7 pm at Good Shepherd.
•Thanksgiving meal for students – Tuesday, November 25th
•Nutcracker, Thursday, December 11
•More Christmas events TBA
•June Poirier suggested intercessory prayer for teachers. Suggest an Adopt-a-Teacher prayer network. Add to November agenda. This is a great idea, so we need to figure out how to implement it.
•Tory is scheduling a school wide event to see the Nutcracker, Thursday, December 11 at 10AM. Will need busing.
•Submission for mission/vision statement due by Oct. 31
•June requested to be updated on Parent Group meetings/dates/ideas.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30