Summary of Resolutions on Standards for Clergy Compensation *

  1. The “Salary” portion of clergy compensation includes stipend, utilities, housing allowance, and the SECA (Self-Employment Contributions Act) allowance.
  1. The “New Standards for Clergy Compensation,” which were available for use on a voluntary basis during 2001, became the “Standards for Clergy Compensation” for all congregations in the Diocese of Southern Ohio as of January 1, 2002.
  1. A congregation’s “Salary Grade” is determined by three (3) figures reported by that congregation on its Parochial Report for the prior year. Those figures are: (1) the Normal Operating Income (Page 3 – Line A), (2) Number of Pledging Units (Page 3 – Line 1), and (3) the Average Sunday Attendance (Page 2 – Line 6). A summary of that information shall be published each year following receipt of the Parochial Reports in the Office of the Registrar of the Diocese.
  1. Rectors, vicars, missioners, and full-time interim pastors shall be compensated in accordance with the “range” of the Salary Grade as determined by the report noted in paragraph 3 above. For other clergy, the compensation shall be as follows:
  1. Diocesan Interns: the salary shall be the entry position (15% below mid-point) of Salary Grade A.
  2. Assistant, Associate and Assisting Clergy: Unless the clergy person be a Diocesan Intern, the salary Range shall be not lower than two (2) grades below that of the rector.
  3. Interim Clergy: The same standards shall apply to Interim Clergy as to full-time or part-time clergy.
  4. Clergy serving a congregation on a part-time basis: The salary shall be the same percentage of a full-time commitment that the clergy person is serving the congregation or cluster.
  1. The Advisory Committee on Compensation and Resources (ACCR), in cooperation with the Canon

for Ministry, shall recommend to Diocesan Council no less than every other year as to any adjustments that might be made in the Salary Ranges contained in the Standards for Clergy Compensation. Note: The first such recommendation is scheduled to be made in the fall of 2003.

  1. A recommendation on whether the entire plan should be changed shall be made to the Annual

Convention by the ACCR and Diocesan Council no less frequently than every six (6) years. Note:

The first such review and recommendation is scheduled to be made in the fall of 2007.

  1. It is the responsibility of the ACCR, the Canon for Ministry, and the Commission on Congregational

Life (COCL) to monitor the new Standards.

  • Sources: Pages 58, 59, and 102-108 of The Journal of the 126th Annual Convention, and Pages 54 & 55 of The Journal of the 127th Annual Convention.
