Bindoy Marine Reserve/Sanctuaries Research Plan
- Background–
Conservation, Management and Protection of coral reefs are receiving increasing attention mainly because of the many benefits these legacy can offer. In the municipality of Bindoy several management options are provided for the coastal managers to choose from, one of which is the establishment of marine protected areas (MPA). If well managed, MPAs can provide to the community a quality of life and remarkable benefits to the local fishers.
Based on the UP-IESM technical study of Bindoy Marine Reserve Reef System consists of mangrove forests, seagrass beds, fringing corals, sandy lagoons and a single barrier reef, the only one in the province of Negros Oriental. Its presence may produce different transport dynamics compared to other areas and is a possible larval entrainment area. The different habitats found in the municipality are still contiguous and expansive which would imply that the system has a better capacity to perform its functions compared to areas with patchy habitat distribution. This study was conceived to determine the functional relationships between the adjacent habitats and determine the contribution of the system to the fisheries production of Bindoy. This study was conducted from June 2011 during Southwest monsoon and during Northeast monsoon last December 2011 until August 2012.
The Municipality of Bindoy ,after the first University Phase I will conduct research during Planning Phase (field-based) study based on the timeline (October 2012-May 2013) for completing important milestones and deliverables in planning in order to design , implement and evaluate the impact in our Pride campaign by using both quantitative and qualitative data collection; the qualitative data collection in order to get their insights into people’s attitude, behavior, values, culture and lifestyles and to segment target audiences in order to identify more appropriate key influences and design more effective messaging through after the actual focus group discussions , in-depth interviews and observational research; Quantitative data collection this will help us in assessing shifts of our local fishers in a scientific way of collecting data and in order to get the exact information of the target audience of the campaign site and should be involve in this activities, to be more efficient in making appropriate decisions as far as sociological and biological aspects of the established Marine Reserve/Sanctuaries of Bindoy, Negros Oriental.
Both quantitative and qualitative data collection will be used to better understand Bindoy MPA target audiences, ground truth assumptions, refine messaging, and measure impact of the campaign using on our hypothesized Theory of Change for each target audience. This research plan identifies and answers a number of critical research and logistical questions needed for effectively executing any data collection effort including:
The vital hypothesis for the research plan is based on the Cohort Theory of Change and draft Theory of Change and it is definitely tailored to address and test key indicators in the draft concept model and draft results chains.
- Geographic Scope:
The research will be done in the Municipality of Bindoy within the six(6) coastal barangay namely: Tinaogan,Domolog,Poblacion, Cabugan, Pangalaycayan, and Malaga.(See figure 1. Google Map of Bindoy,Negros Oriental)
Total Land Area…………17,652 has
No. of Barangays………………. 22
No. of Coastal Barangays…………..6
46 hasPopulation………………… 37,914 (2007 CBMS survey)
Coastal Population……………10,864
Fishers Population/barangay
Tinaogan………………………. 198Poblacion……………………... 95
Cabugan………………………. 150
Pangalaycayan………………. 152
Malaga………………………… 193
No of Fisherfolks
Registered…………………… 531
Unregistered…………………… 400
Fishing Season………………April-November
Lean Season………………… December-March
Socio-Economic Data
No. of households……………8,053
Adult Population
Male (above 15) ……………. 9,204
Female (above 15 yrs. Old).. 9,790
Average no. of children……………4
Literacy rate………………………..90%
Figure 1. Map of Bindoy and the target barangay for research with Total adult population( Tinaogan)…( Domolog)…( Poblacion)...( Cabugan)…( Pangalaycayan)…( Malaga) and socio-economic data.)Total Fisher Population 931 with 272 adult population.
- Methodology
Each of the research questions will be considered as a guide in order to get the
most effective methodology and will inform specific campaign decisions at key points during the Pride process. Table 1 identifies the general research question category, the specific research question targeted the local fishers of Bindoy Mantalip Reserve , data collection technique, when it is expected to be collected, and how it influences key campaign decisions.
Data collection high level overview plus timeline and decision framework[Research and Planning Timeline attached as Appendix A]
Table 1. Research Methodology Overview
General Research question / Bindoy Mantalip Reserve(fishers) / Data collection type / When collected / Campaign decision affected
Why is the target audience carrying out their current behaviors? / Why fishers intruded in the MPA sites for fishing? / Qualitative: Informal Focus Groups Discussions and In-depth interviews / Pre-Work:
Planning Phase (Field-Base) / -Audience segmentation
-Marketing Mix
-Creative Brief
Are there multiple audiences that need to change their behavior(s)? / Are there differences amongst fishers that require further segmentation? / Qualitative: Informal Focus Groups Discussions and In-depth interviews with target fishers / Pre-Work:
Planning Phase (Field-Base) / -Quantitative Survey
Question development
-Audience segmentation
-Marketing Mix
Are there audiences that have major influence over your primary audience (i.e. key influence)? / Are there any audiences that have major influence over the behavior of fishers? / Qualitative: Informal Focus Groups Discussions and In-depth interviews with target fishers / Pre-Work:
Planning Phase (Field-Base) / -Target individuals for campaign outreach and support
- Audience
-Quantitative Survey
What does your audience(s) perceive as the barrier(s)to taking on the new behavior(s)? / What are the perceived Barriers for fishers to begin Fishing outside the NTZ.? / Qualitative: Informal Focus Groups Discussions and In-depth interviews with target fishers / Pre-Work:
Planning Phase (Field-Base) / -Target individuals for campaign outreach and support
- Audience
-Quantitative Survey
What does your target audience(s) perceived as the benefit(s) in carrying out the new behavior(s)? / What are the perceived benefits for fishers to report MPA violations? / Qualitative:
Focus Groups Discussions and In-depth interviews with target fishers / Pre-Work:
Planning Phase (Field-Base) / -Benefits exchange definition
-refined KAP survey
What information source(s) do the target audience(s) look to when it comes to the target behavior? / What information source(s) do fishers rely on for informing the behavior decision making? / Qualitative:
Focus Groups Discussions and In-depth interviews with target fishers / Pre-Work:
Planning Phase (Field-Base) / -Promotion
-Message Development
Who does the target
Audience(s) trust as information source? / Who do the local fishers trust for the information about their fishing practices? / Qualitative:
Focus Groups Discussions and In-depth interviews with target fishers / Pre-Work:
Planning Phase (Field-Base) / Promotion
-Message Development
What is the current state of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice(and stage of Behavior change) for the target audience(s) and how has that shifted in response to Pride? / What is the current state of KAP amongst fishers and how has that shifted in response to the Pride campaign? / Quantitative:
KAP Survey / Pre/Post campaign surveys(Planning Phase & Implementations Phase / -material development
-Impact Assessment
What evidence do we have that barrier removal is working? / What evidence is there that the local fishers know how to report MPA infractions to proper authorities is possible?
What evidence is there that the local fishers are no longer fishing in NTZ? / Quantitative:
Number of local fishers who have been trained in Fishery Law enforcement and the procedural aspects in reporting MPA violations. / Monthly until the end of the campaign / -Barrier removal monitoring
-Impact assessment
What evidence do we have that target audiences are adopting the new behavior? / What evidence do we have that local fishers are reporting the MPA violations?
What evidence do we have that local fishers are no longer fish in the NTZ. / Quantitative:
KAP survey and
Behavior Observation / Pre/Post campaign survey and monthly / -Impact Assessment
What are the long term effects on Threat Reduction and Conservation Result Objectives? / What evidence do we have that the population of coral reef,Fish & Invertebrates increases? / Quantitative:
Average fish Catch/fishers/day, Transect Survey, Fish Visual Census through underwater assessment and other evidence that show tremendous increase of healthy coral reef, fish & invertebrates. / TR – monthly up to 4 years
CR-Pre/Post for 4 year / -Impact Assessment on TR/CR.
- Qualitative Data Collection:
Observational Research (completed as pre-work)
My observational research was conducted last July 27-28, 2012. My Target audience was Tony Tepacia, a fisher that usually fishing inside the MPA using hook and lineand Gill Net and residing at BarangayDomolog, Bindoy, Negros Oriental. Prior to the actual conduct of the in-depth interview, I prepared my possiblequestions and arranged a house visit with my target audience. The discussions and interview was a very long it took me almost 3hours of conversations because of some issues that we discussed with his friends was so revealing and I have gathered many important data for my
observational research. All activities were recorded and summarized in my story entitled “A Day in the Life of a Fisher and his Friends”. [Observational Research "Day in the Life" Results attached as Appendix E].
I conducted this observational research of my target audience through one-on-one interview together with his friends and collected some views, issues, and gathered some information being a fisher and this data will be used to further analyze why he still carrying his current behavior.
In-depth Interviews
In-depth Interviews are a qualitative research technique that involves conducting thorough local fisher interviews with normally the same number of respondents from the target audiences as you would to discover their perceptions on a particular idea, issue, behaviors, orinfluencer. This research method uses a series of organized questions to better understand the challenges for adopting a behavior in a target audience, as well as identify the underlying emotional drivers for what people care about.
I will conduct in-depth interviews with at least 3 target audiences(1 influential, 1 illegal fisher, 1 local Fisher).and if necessary to conduct another 2 interviewswith a moderator and a note taker and I will make sure they are in a location where we will not have other present or get interrupted. These interview will include a mix of individuals of different age, gender, and length of time fishing, amount of time for fishing. They will also include individuals who were recommended by other fishers as being someone they respect, or others who volunteer and are willing. These interviews will also be used to help identify if there are observe differences in motivations, perceptions of benefits and barriers, and will influence the selection and determination of focus groups If at all possible, if there has been more than one interviewer, we will gather them together for a discussion of the process and the main questions. Observation of non-verbal communication will be helpful as well.
Focus groups
Focus groups will be conducted in five 3 coastal barangay and this will continue until five FGD if necessary based on the result on FGD conducted in 3 barangay. We will be hiring a moderator and a note taker during this process. This usually involve a group of adult local fishersof the six coastal barangay of Bindoy on November 2012 to January 2013 based on my timeline using the seven (7) key qualitative research questions (Appendix C) as guide to stimulate information and perceptions of local fishers for me to figure a multiple description of my 12target audiences and gather information needed to finalize my concept model, key results chain, and SMART objectives.In which interaction between the moderator and the group members to discuss the created agenda which will manage the flow of the deliberation that serve as motivation to the essential information and insights in response to carefully designed question which will be obtained in a very reasonable amount of time. Questioning strategies will be used to seek essential data or information and will be managed successfully in a focus group discussions . The self-motivated nature of the question asked certainly by the moderator that can possibly the group can response and to react other’s comments and produce a similar level of insights that derived from the reactions and build on each other ideas.These conversation will lead me to build a very effective situation of a fishers and provide necessary information which are necessary to understand the benefit exchange that maybe required to effect sustained behavior change and these will also help me to improve more of the result chains and the associated quantitative survey that will be used to sample a larger group in order to figure out what is “fundamental” and what is “superficial” and derive with a rich amount of data which will take a great deal of enough time and analyzing the gathered data.
Focus group will be identified and conducted for each target audience. There will be series of focus group will be conducted considering that there were three (3) potential coastal barangay fishers that contributes the influencing and motivate the desired behaviors that relates to conservation efforts of the target audience rather than using random sampling to identify participants. In order to accomplish the understanding of the respondent’s perspective,we will invite 10-12 individuals to participate this undertakings.
For the Fishers focus group, the following manner will be followed to get relevant and precise information:
- The participants will be introduced and begins sharing information.
- The participants will response to the introductory question relating their experiences.
- The participants will share their opinions about fishing outside the NTZ.
- The participants will be able to answer the key question crafted to get the essence of the desired information.
- The participants provide feedback concerning about the moderator’s interpretations of group results and seek important information.
Each focus group discussions will create an agenda to manage the activity so that essential data will be obtained in a reasonable allotted time which is 60 to 90 minutes I will moderate each group (for in some cases we will use CF from adjacent town or a trained moderator ) and a skilled note taker for the moderator to concentrate on guiding the conversation.
Table including specific steps for focus group discussions and expected completion dates
Research steps for focus group discussions / Responsible Organization/Person / Expected completion date- Organize the FGDTeam (moderator, note taker)
Team / Nov. 3-6, 2012
- Recruit people to participate in FGD
- Identify FGD Moderator
2, Finalize focus group discussion moderator
guide,identify and train moderators, practice
FGD questions / CF, Supervisor, FGD
Team / Nov. 7,-8, 2012
3. Prepare logistics/supplies & materials:
> Prepare questions for the FGD
> prepare materials for recording (ballpen, notebook,
camera, voice recorder, etc.)
> Procure supplies and materials (manila paper, pentel
pens, maps, snacks, etc.)
> Arrange transportation for the FGD Team
> Draft communications for the participants & key
individuals / CF, Supervisor, FGD
Team / Nov. 7,-8, 2012
Courtesy call to the Barangay Officials of the 7
barangays covered for the enumeration / CF, Supervisor, FGD
Team / Nov. 15, - Dec. 5, 2012
Recruit people to participate in focus group discussions
thru the Brgy. Officials / CF, Supervisor, FGD
Team / Dec. 2012
Identify and confirm appropriate venue for discussion / CF, Supervisor, FGD
Team / December
Invite and confirm attendance of key individuals / CF, Supervisor, FGD
Team / January 2013
Conduct and analyze focus groups / CF, Supervisor, FGD
Team / January 2013
Summarize results in tables / CF, Supervisor, FGD
Team / January 2013
Finalize results chains and SMART objectives
In-Depth Interviews / CF, Supervisor, FGD
Team / January 2013
Table 2. including specific steps for in-depth interviews and expected completion dates
Research steps for in-depth interviews / Responsible Organization/Person / Expected completion dateFinalize in-depth interview guide, / CF/alternate CF / Nov. 2012
identify participants
Conduct in-depth interviews and analyze data after . / CF/alternate CF / Dec. 16-20, 2012
Write, Summarize and Finalize result in Table / CF/alternate CF / Dec. 21-23, 2012
- Quantitative Data Collection
We will conduct quantitative survey right after conducting qualitative research of adult fishers in Municipality of Bindoy and this is a pre-campaign survey which will be conducted from October to December 2012 with sample sizes identified based on the distribution of fishers in the community and using, (1) a confidence level of 95%, (2) a confidence interval of 5%, and (3) the online sample sizecalculator at (see below table. Population estimates for the adult population are based on recent survey (CBMS 2007) including adult population is also based on the 2007 CBMS survey will be validated first in order to fit in the
current survey.
The table below summarizes the sampling design for each of our target audience: the sample size recommend for the population of fishers at 931, is 272 for 95% confidence level and 5% confidence interval using the sample size calculator.