Davenport School District
LAP Program
(Revised 2009-2010)
I. Program Description
Davenport Elementary has gone to a School Wide Title I Program, but the LAP program has continued to follow the same program as in the previous years as outlined in this document.
The LAP program in the Davenport School District is almost completely an in-class model. Five paraprofessionals go into the reading, communications, and math classrooms of grades one through six. Paraprofessionals are under direct supervision of our certificated classroom staff as to what methods will be used in the classroom to assist students. At times, students receive one on one or small group out-of-classroom instruction for additional intensive or remedial instruction. The focus of each student’s program is centered toward the development of skills to improve achievement. Support is also provided for seventh grade math with an additional paraprofessional. Tenth grade students are also provided with additional academic support through tutoring. After school study help is also provided to Jr./Sr. High students for additional support in the upper level for struggling students.
Based on the recommendation of the Davenport School Board, Davenport School Staff, and the LAP Parent Advisory Committee, the first and second grade students are the primary focus of the program. The paraprofessionals’ time is prioritized with first consideration given to reading and math for first – second grades and math in seventh grade.
A bi-annual needs assessment takes place twice a year in the late spring and again in the early fall. This assessment takes into consideration a variety of strands to determine what is needed to provide an effective program.
1) Test scores from WASL
2) DIBELS (tested 3 times a year)
3) Input from staff
4) Input from parents
5) Input from Advisory Committee
II. Student Eligibility
Teacher recommendations, classroom performance, standardized and diagnostic test scores or classroom assessments are used to identify eligible students.
III. Student Selection Procedure
The purpose of the LAP program is to serve students who are in the greatest need; we use the following steps:
1. Selection criteria include test scores, teacher referral, parent request, and/or previous participation in the program.
2. Students are then rank ordered in reading, math, and communications.
3. After being assessed, parents are notified by written letter and teacher conference.
4. Permission to participate in the program is obtained by parent/guardian signature.
5. A parent/guardian always has the right to deny their child’s
participation in the program.
6.) Additional assessments looked at for student selection:
a.) QRI (Quantitative Reading Inventory)
b.) ARI (Analytical Reading Inventory)
c.) STAR Reading (diagnostic)
d.) Star Math/Standard math assessments
e.) Running Records
f.) Basal Inventories/Assessments
g.) Accelerated Reading Tests
h.) School Wide DIBELS Testing
IV. Student Exit Process
1. Increase on Standardized Test Scores
2. Other school assessment results as listed above
3. Parent/Teacher/Paraprofessional Conference
4. Teacher recommendation
5. Parent request
V. Coordination of LAP Services
1.) Services are coordinated with district special education services.
2.) Teaching staff and Paraeducators communicate as students move through class levels.
3.) Communication between teaching staff and counselor.
4.) A Lap notice is placed in students permanent file when moving.
VIII. Homeless Students
All homeless students automatically qualify for LAP services. This service must be offered to the guardian of the child. Good communication between teaching staff, counselor and guardian provide information and services provided through Title I/Lap services.
VIII. Paraeducators
1.) Paraeducators must meet Title I requirements immediately when:
a.) They were hired after January of 2002
b.) Assist student with classroom instruction
c.) Funded with Title I funds
2.) Paraeducators had until January 2006 to meet requirements if they were hired before January of 2002. All paraeducators under Title I/LAP meet this requirement.
3.) Paraeducators can meet Title I requirements, which we require for LAP, through one of the following:
a.) Two years of study at a college or university – 72 quarter hours
or 48 semester hours.
b.) Associate Degree
c.) ETS Assessment
d.) Apprenticeship Program managed by the Public School
e.) Portfolio Assessment
4.) All paraprofessionals have the opportunity for professional development. These include:
a.) District staff development meeting
b.) School workshops
c.) Out-of-district conferences
d.) ESD paraprofessional competency and workshop classes
5.) All paraprofessionals are under the supervision of the Title I/LAp director and the classroom teacher.
IX. Parent Involvement
“The mission of the Davenport School District, in collaboration with parents/guardians and the community, will provide a caring, safe and stimulating environment that empowers students to persevere and become contributing members and problem solvers in our diverse and ever-changing world.”
As stated in our mission statement, partnerships between school and family are an integral part of our school including the LAP program. The goal of the parent involvement plan is to increase parental involvement and participation in promoting social, emotional and academic growth of children.
Parent involvement opportunities include the following:
1.) Verbal and written parental permission is obtained before entering the program.
2.) A paper is sent home explaining the program.
3.) A parent/teacher/student compact is gone over and signed during a conference.
4.) Progress reports are sent home quarterly.
5.) Parents are invited to observe and/or volunteer in classrooms.
6.) A PAL reading program is offered to families.
7.) Parent information/learning nights provided during the school year.
8.) Parents are invited and encouraged to attend the annual Title I Parent Conference. (The school provides registration fee and transportation.)
9.) A district newsletter is sent home monthly with a variety of suggestions on helping students succeed.
· Parents/Guardians are invited each year to be a part of the Parent Advisory Committee.
X. Additional Programs Offered through LAP
1) After School Program – Monday through Thursday, an after school study program is provided for students in grades 3 – 6 and Jr./Sr. High. Five paraprofessionals are available to work one on one with the students or in a small group setting. This is for students to get additional help with homework or to work on specific skills the classroom teacher recommends.
2) Summer School – When funding allows, a summer school is offered. The school is set up so students work in small groups focusing on specific skills suggested by the classroom teacher.
3) PAL Program – Backpacks are filled with supplies and a book that the student reads with their parent(s). They then complete a project and present it at school. The book is theirs to keep.