Mon 5th Feria of 3rd week of Lent
We pray for our keeping of Lent
Tue 6th Lent Feria
We pray for our Lent Study Group
08.30Morning Prayer
19.00Bell ringing practise
20.00Lent Group (at The Vicarage)
Wed 7th Lent Feria
We pray for Churches Together in Burnham
08.30Morning Prayer
11.00Churches Together Committee
Meeting(at URC)
19.30Stations of the Cross & Mass
Thur 8th Com of St John of God
We pray for the Religious
08.30Morning Prayer
09.00MMU Clergy Meeting
10.00Drop in for Coffeeuntil 12pm
12.15 Mass
Fri 9th Lent Feria
We pray for the Parishes of Heybridge & Langford
09.30Morning Prayer (Heybridge)
10.00Stations of the Cross
Sat 10th Lent Feria
We pray for our call to serve
09.00Morning Prayer
09.15 – 15.00 Vocations Day
(St Nicholas, Canvey Island)
10.30Messy Church Pre-Meeting
Sun 11th Fourth Sunday of Lent
We pray for our Parish
09.00Morning Prayer
10.00Sung Mass
Readings for Sunday 11thMarch:
First Reading: Exodus 2:1-10
Psalm: Psalm 34:11-20
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 1:3-7
Gospel: Luke 2:33-35
Details for the following week’s pew sheet to be sent to FatherMark by Thursday.
Welcome to our Celebration Today
TheWalsingham room is available as a crèche room for young people who need a break during the service. TheSidespersons have bags of toys for younger visitors to use during the service. At the end of Mass please stay and join us for coffee and refreshments. Thegreen books have the Order of Service in them, while the hymns are found in the bigger green book. The numbers are as follows:
Music at the Sung Mass NEH
Entrance Lent Prose507
OffertoryWe sing the praise of him who died94
Comm.My faith looks up to thee72
Process. Disposer supreme216
Mass Setting A
Easter Eggs
This is your last chance to order your Easter Eggs from the Meaningful Chocolate Company, as I need to place the Parish’s order tomorrow.
Messy Church Pre-Meeting
Saturday 10thMarch – 10.30am to 11.30am
Our first Messy Church for 2018 will be held at 10am on Good Friday, 29thMarch. In order for the event to run smoothly, we are holding a pre-meeting for all helpers next Saturday, 10thMarch, to finalise the activities and who will be involved in them. By holding the pre-meeting, we hope that people will be able to get more involved in the activities. If you areableto come along to the pre-meeting, please speak to Jeremy. Alsoplease speak to Jeremy if you are able to help on Good Friday but cannot make the pre-meeting.
Lent, Holy Week & Easter
Full details of our Lenten activities and the Services forHoly Week and Easter are given in the latest edition of News from St Mary’s. Please collect your copy from the back of Church.
Lent Book
Copies can be purchased after the Service this morning. They cost £2.50 each and have a daily reflection to guide our thinking over this Lenten season.
Car Boot Sale
Is being held on Saturday 17th March. The sign-up sheet for helpers is on the table at the back of Church. If you can assist, just add your name to the sheet. Youwill also find details of the help required for our services and events in Holy Week. Please start to sign up for these as well.
Easter cards
Handmade Easter cards are available at the back of Church. They are only £1 each and are a good way of supporting Church funds and spreading the good news of Easter to your friends and family!
Parish Contacts
Vicar: Fr Mark North SSC 01621 782071
Churchwarden: Beth Greaves 01621 786296
Tony Young 01621 929309
Parish Website: