Welcome to the LRMC Fisher House!Check in date: House: Room:

If we are not here to greet you, please feel free to look around and make yourself at home. Your room has a phone with voicemail. Be sure to note your number so you can be contacted by hospital staff, family and friends while you are here. AOD has given you an envelope with your keys, room information card, and a parking pass if applicable.

Please check out our kitchen. It is fully functional with an oven, a stove, a microwave and a large refrigerator, freezer and a dishwasher. Our cabinets are fully stocked with food, dishes, pans, silverware, glasses, etc. There is also a laundry room stocked with detergent and a washer and dryer. Feel free to use anything you need and don’t be afraid to open doors and drawers to find what you are looking for.

In order for all of our guests to have an enjoyable stay here, we ask that you abide by the house rules

(please see the book on your desk for a complete list of house policies):

  • NO TOBACCO – LRMC is a Tobacco Free Medical Campus. No smoking is permitted on the LRMC campus, which extends to the green perimeter fence surrounding the hospital. This policy applies to all employees, patients and visitors at the hospital. Tobacco products and tobacco related-products will include cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco (snuff, snus and chewing tobacco) and electronic nicotine devices such as e-cigarettes.
  • NO ALCOHOL – Alcohol is not allowed in the house or anywhere on Fisher House grounds. Anyone not respecting this policy will be asked to leave immediately.
  • NO FOOD/DRINKS – (except water) permitted beyond the kitchen and dining room. Exceptions to this policy may be considered on a case-by-case basis. (See Manager).
  • NO PETS – Pets are not allowed in the house or anywhere on Fisher House grounds. Anyone not respecting this policy will be asked to leave immediately.
  • HOUSEKEEPING – While you are here your room is your responsibility. Please try to keep it as neat as possible. Please take your garbage out to the bins located in the enclosed area behind the buildings, do not put it in the kitchen/laundry room. Please be courteous and clean up after yourself in all common areas. You have a cabinet in the kitchen island and shelves in the refrigerator and freezer all labeled with your room number for your personal food storage. Anything that does not fit on your shelf must be labeled with your name and room number. When shopping, please remember that space is limited!
  • NO MEDICAL DEVICES (if applicable) – We are not equipped to handle potential infection threats and/or waste from medical devices. We will not accept any patients who are released with any medical device that requires oversight and/or interference, i.e., Wound Vacs, I.V.’s, Jackson Pratt Drains, foley catheters, etc.
  • POST OPERATIVE ELIGABLITY (if applicable) – If you are coming in for a surgery, you are eligible to stay the night prior to your surgery and/or pre-op; your family is eligible to stay at the Fisher Houses for the duration of your "inpatient status”. Once you are discharged from the hospital, you and your family are no longer eligible to stay at the Fisher Houses. You may return at a later date for follow up providing you have no drains and/or medical devices.
  • CHECK-OUT TIME IS 1000 – Please notify staff as soon as possible if there are any changes to your planned departure. If you are leaving outside of business hours please put your key cards and parking pass in the box located in the entry hall in House I or outside the office in House II.

We understand how overwhelming things might seem right now, so please don’t hesitate to ask for assistance. We are here to help you through these difficult times. Office hours are: Monday – Friday: 8:30 – 5:00.

I look forward to meeting you.

Vivian L. Wilson


Landstuhl Fisher House

Signature of Patient / or Family Member (Date)