Oxford School District

Department of Child Nutrition

409 Washington Ave

Oxford, MS 38655

P: (662) 234-3541

Completed application may be submitted by:

  1. Email to Good Food for Oxford Schoolsat
  2. Fax Attention: Good Food for Oxford Schools at(662) 236-4878

3. Mail to:

Good Food for Oxford Schools

Department of Child Nutrition

409 Washington Ave

Oxford, MS 38655

Phone Number: (662) 234-3541

Applications Due: July 15, 2017.

Part 1: General Information

Oxford School District (OSD)’sFarm to School program, “Good Food for Oxford Schools” (GFOS), aims to provide fresh, high-quality produce to our students and to educate children about food and agriculture. We will source a variety of localproduce items for the 2017-2018 school year and provide opportunities for students to get to know ourfarmer suppliers. Oxford School District is particularly looking to partner with small-scale, beginning, family, minority, and/orimmigrant-owned farms in the north Mississippi region. For the purposes of this solicitation, “local” is definedas within 150 miles of Oxford, MS.

This Farm to School Request for Information (RFI) will solicit information from organizations or cooperatives representing farms in the region interested in selling to OSD during thegrowing season. Interested organizations are invited to fill out the application below. OSD willuse the information to select Farm to School partners for the 2017-2018 school year for certain produceitems. We ask information about farm practices, product availability, and pricing regarding certain produce items that will be featured regularly on our menus during the fall and spring of the 2017-2018school year. This RFI is not the only way that OSD will identify Farm to School partners for the 2017-2018 schoolyear. The produce items referenced in this RFI are items that are on OSD menus in large, consistentvolumes throughout the growing season.

In addition to this RFI, there will be a separate,occasional Farm to School competitive bid process that will solicit information from organizations about smaller volume and/or intermittently offered produce menu items throughout the course of the fall andspring of the 2017-2018 school year. Through that bid process, organizations will also havethe flexibility to inform OSD of produce items available. To assure that you are included on the occasionalbid email, please contact Good Food for Oxford Schools at .

Responses to this RFI must be submitted to Oxford School District by July 15, 2017

To beconsidered, one copy of completed application must be submitted by:

  1. Email to Good Food for Oxford Schoolsat
  2. Fax Attention: Good Food for Oxford Schools at(662) 236-4878

3. Mail to:

Good Food for Oxford Schools

Department of Child Nutrition

409 Washington Ave

Oxford, MS 38655

Phone Number: (662) 234-3541

Part 2: Partner Expectations

Partner Background & Practices

The following list includes of the expectations of organizations that participate in Oxford School District’s (OSD’s)Farm to School program.

  • Safe on-farm production and post-harvest handling practices
  • Proven record of respectful, professional business relationship
  • Ability to provide a main “point of contact” who can provide consistent, timely phone and email communication with OSD staff
  • Ability to provide high-quality produce
  • Proven stewardship of land (sustainable growing practices preferred)
  • Willingness and ability to meet OSD’ product specifications and pack sizes
  • Ability to provide thorough product traceability information
  • Ability to make reliable, timely, and accurate deliveries
  • Have liability insurance
  • Offer competitive pricing

Partner Tasks & Responsibilities

OSD intends to purchase produce from farmers and organizations awarded through this RFI through our procurement process. For example, if an organization is notified thatthe information provided about red potatoes was the most responsive, OSD will expect thatorganization to provide approximately the quantities described in this document over the time period specified. OSD reserves the right to discontinue purchasing from organizations that fall out of compliance with the Partner Expectations after one written warning.Partners will need to complete the following in order to be eligible as an OSD Farm to School Partner:

  • Complete Checklist for Retail Purchasing of Local Produce with a member of the Oxford School District’s Good Food for Oxford Schools team
  • Email/Mail proof of product liability insurance
  • Initial Site Visit to each farm by OSD(1 hour)
  • If needed, take corrective action based on Checklist for Retail Purchasing of Local Produce report– one month post onsite visit
  • If needed, Follow-Up Site Visit to confirm that corrective actions taken

Community & Educational Engagement

Additionally, one representative from the organization must be willing to participate in at least one activity per school year:

  • Photo-shoot with Good Food for Oxford Schools team to advertise product in schools
  • Pen pals with a classroom 
  • Visits to schools
  • Farm field trips
  • Special educational events, such as Food Day, October 24th, 2017 or community-wide events

Food Safety

In order to provide food that is safe for OSD students and staff, farmers are expected to follow good farm food safety production and post-harvest handling practices. This includes safe planting and use ofnutrients (compost) or pest-control mechanisms; harvesting procedures; cooling; washing; packing;delivery, etc. As part of the process described above, OSD must have access to food safetydocumentation for each associated farm, which may include a plan, logs and/or journals to demonstrate thatfarms are following good food safety practices. Food safety documentation for each farm must beemailed or mailed to the school district before purchasing begins.Food safety documentation must cover those listed on the Checklist for Retail Purchasing of Local Produce report (attached). If you have any questions please contact, Richmond Smith or Sunny Young (contact information located above).

Site Visit

Each associated farm will be subject to a Site Visit by OSDbefore purchasing begins to meet the farmer(s), observe farm practices, and assure that good food safety practices are being followed.The organization will receive a report within 7 business days of visit confirming that farm is eligible tosell to OSD, or outlining any corrective actions that must be taken before farm is eligible to sell to OSD. OSDand other partners will be available to help farmers makecorrective actions. Contracts for mini-grants and technical assistance may also be provided. As applicable, farmerswill have 2-4 weeks to take corrective actions, based on report findings. As applicable, a follow-up sitevisit will ensure that remediation or corrective actions have been taken.

Unannounced Visits

In addition to scheduled Site Visit(s), OSD reserves the right to conduct unannounced site visits toparticipating farms.


OSDmust carry product liability insurance that covers associated farm(s)or associated farm(s) must have their own product liability insurance. A proof of insurance, such as a Liability Insurance Certificate, must be attached to application form.

Product Specifications and Pack Sizes

All products must be packed and stored under sanitary conditions and in accordance with good commercial practices. Products delivered must match the specifications and standard pack sizesspecified for each product, which are described in the Produce Availability and Pricing Form below.OSD will workwith organization to communicate appropriate deviations from specified pack sizes and specifications.Any deviations not previously agreed upon may result in one written or verbal warning followed bytermination of contract.


Each case delivered must be labeled with farm name, product, date harvested, and date packed.


The product quantities described in Part 3 below are estimates of the quantities that OSD will purchase regularly during the growing season. OSD will contact partner(s)to obtain forecasted availability on aweekly or bi-weekly basis. Then, OSD will send partner(s)exact Purchase Orders (PO’s) by email withproduct need dates and quantities no less than 7 days prior to delivery to OSD schools. Partner(s)mustdesignate a primary contact person to work with OSDin a timely manner to communicate availability and meet order requirements, as well as a secondary contact (for instances when primarycontact is unavailable).


Partner(s)must deliver products in clean, sanitary vehicles. While refrigerated trucks are not required, product temperatures will be checked upon delivery for appropriate ranges. Organization is expected to bring copies of PO’s with each delivery and deliveries must match POquantities and pack sizes exactly. Deliveries must be made Monday between the hours of 7:00 am and 11:00 am at each schools kitchen location. The addresses are located below in this section. OSD has the right to refuse products that do notmatch agreed-upon product specifications, pack sizes, quantities, temperatures or delivery times, andafter one warning, discontinue orders from that organization. Aggregation of deliveries whenever possible will help reduce delivery costs, depending on product perishability.

Delivery locations listed below:

  • Bramlett Elementary School
  • Address: 225 Bramlett Blvd. Oxford, MS 38655
  • Oxford Elementary School
  • Address: 1637 Highway East Oxford, MS 38655
  • Della Davidson Elementary School
  • Address: 209 Common Wealth Blvd, Oxford, MS 38655
  • Oxford Intermediate School
  • Address: 222 Bramlett Blvd. Oxford, MS 38655
  • Oxford Middle School
  • Address: 501 Martin Luther King Jr Dr, Oxford, MS 38655
  • Oxford High School
  • Address: 101 Charger Loop Oxford, MS 38655


Partner(s)must email or fax invoices to OSD no more than 7 days after delivery.

Vendor will receive payment by mail within 30 business days from last school board meeting (meetings take place the forth Monday of each month at 5pm – (see Oxfordsd.org for all meeting dates)after purchase.

Part 3: Produce Availability and Pricing Form

The types of produce items below are some of the approximate quantities that OSD intends to procure in large volumes from farm to school partners in during the 2017-2018 school year.OSD understands that unexpected weather-related or other events may lead to a reduced supply. Similarly, OSD may face unexpected changes in demand or last-minute menu changes. Therefore thequantities below are approximate.This RFI is not the only way that OSD will identify Farm to School partners for the 2017-2018 schoolyear. The produce items referenced in this RFI are items that are on OSD’ menus in large, consistentvolumes throughout the growing season. In addition to this RFI, there will be a separate bi-weeklyFarm to School competitive bid process that will solicit information from organizations and farmersabout smaller volume and/or intermittently offered produce menu items throughout the course ofthe 2017-2018 school year. Through that occasional bid process, farmers and organizations will alsohave the flexibility to inform OSD of produce items available. To assure that you are included on the occasional bid email, please contact Sunny Young at .

Purchases listed are based on typical products purchased.

Product / Quantity / Packaging / Price we currently pay per case
Spring Mix / 10 cases /week / 4-5 lb bags / $14.75
Shredded Lettuce / 10 cases /week / 4-5 lb bags / $16.75
Cabbage / 12-15 cases / for one service day / 4-5 lb bags Needs to be shredded washed / N/A*
Potatoes / 12 cases / week / 70 count/case Ready to use / $21.75
Tomatoes / 5 cases / week / 20 lb/case / $18.75**
Apples / 25-30 cases / week / 113-125/case / $35.75
Oranges / 25-30 cases / week / 113/case / $33.75
Cantaloupe / 10 cases / for one day service / 12 count/case / $21.75
Honeydew / 10 cases / for one day service / 8 count/case / $17.75
Strawberries / 15 cases / for one day service / 8-lb baskets/case / $21.75**
Grape Tomatoes / 1-2 cases / for one day service / 12—1 pint/ case / $18.75
Carrots / 15-20 cases / week / 4-5lb bags/ case Need to be washed, peeled, and cut / $30.75

*We normally purchase slaw mix, we will negotiate for cabbage

**We understand the price of these products often fluctuates, we are open to negotiations

In addition to adding local products to our everyday menus (as outlined in the chart above), we will continue our “Harvest of the Month” programming started in the 2013-2014 school year. Harvest of the Month highlights local products for one day of service at all schools. The product and producer are celebrated in and out of the cafeteria with promotional posters, stickers, and special activities.

OSD is expanding the school salad bars into more sites next year (started in the High School this year). We will therefore need additional produce that we have not previously purchased. Please consider letting us know in your application if you have the following:

-Bell peppers, onions (white and red), radishes, blueberries (fresh and frozen), beets, spinach, unique fruits and vegetables such as purple carrots or watermelon radishes or lemon cucumbers

Part 4: Application

Application Checklist

Filled out and printed application

Checklist for Retail Purchasing of Local Produce report

Any other relevant materials such as promotional farm materials, pictures, etc. (optional)

Responses are due Friday, September 18that 2:00 pm. Incomplete or late responses will not be considered.

Oxford School District Farm to School Application

A) Farm Information

Farm Name:______

Website (if you have one):______

Primary Contact Name: ______

Primary Contact is expected to provide communication with OSD by phone and email in atimely manner.

Primary Contact Title: ______

Work Phone: ______Cell Phone (if different): ______

Email: ______

Secondary Contact Name (if applicable): ______

Secondary Contact is expected to provide communication with OSD by phone and email in at timely manner when primary contact is unavailable or unreachable.

Secondary Contact Title: ______

Work Phone: ______Cell Phone (if different): ______

Email: ______

Farm Address: ______


Mailing Address (if different): ______


Type of organization (circle one): LLC 501c3 Other: ______

Total number of farms represented/associated with organization: ______

Number of farms represented/associated with organization interested

in selling to OSD: ______

Farm mission statement? (optional)______





Has organization sold produce to a school or school district in the past 2 years? If so, please fill out thefollowing:

Name of School/District:______

When did you sell to them? ______

Which item(s) did you provide? ______



Approximate quantity ofeach order? ______


Has organization sold to any other large institutional or wholesale buyers, such as colleges, hospitals or produce distributors/wholesalers in the past 2 years? If so, please fill out the following:

Name of Buyer When did you sell to them? ______

Which item(s) did you provide? ______



Approximate quantity ofeach order? ______


Is a farmer or organization representative interested in partnering with OSDto educate students about farming and local food? Check all that apply.

_____*Photoshoot with Good Food for Oxford Schools team to advertise product

in schools (*required)

______Pen pals with a classroom 

______Visits to schools

______Farm field trips

______Special educational events


Please list contact information for two references, who represent customers the organization currently sells to. School, institutional or wholesale buyers are preferred.

1. Organization Name: ______

Name of Contact: ______

Contact’s Position: ______

Phone: ______Email: ______

2. Organization Name: ______

Name of Contact: ______

Contact’s Position: ______

Phone: ______Email: ______


B) Product Information

Projected acres of fruit/vegetable production on farm for 2014-2015 growing season:______

Does the farm have a growing philosophy?




Does farm fall under any of the following categories? Check all that apply.

_____Farm is within 250 miles of Oxford, MS

_____Farm owned by beginning farmer (within the past 5 years)

_____Farm is family operation (more than one family member owns and/or works on farm)

_____Farm owner(s) are first- or second-generation immigrants

_____Farm owned by racial/ethnic minority farmer

Does farm have a written food safety plan? _____Yes _____No

Does farm keep logs or documentation (e.g. journal) of food safety related information? _____Yes _____No

Does farm have any of the following? Check all that apply.

_____GAP Audit

_____GAP training (but not official GAP audit)

_____Certified Naturally Grown

_____Certified Organic

_____Sustainable growing practices (but no certification)

Other certifications: (please describe)______

Briefly describe how and where products are rinsed/washed on the farm, if applicable.______


Briefly describe how and where products are packed on the farm. ______


Does farm have product liability insurance? _____Yes or_____ No

Does farm use any pesticides or fertilizers? If so, list below – please include natural andsynthetic/chemical applications used on the farm. Attach extra pages ifnecessary.______

The Oxford School District serves around 2,000 students daily. Students receive about a ½ cup serving of fruits and vegetables every day.

Figuring these amounts, along with the charts outlined in Part 3: Produce Availability and Pricing Form, please list below what your farm could potentially provide to the district, along with:


-Timeframe available (peak season)

-Pricing information

Product / Quantity Harvested at one time / Timeframe available (peak season) / Pricing information (please provide wholesale pricing)

If OSD was able to pre-purchase by creating a forward contract with your farm, please list what you could potentially grow, specifically for the district. (IE, Though I do not currently grow enough sweet potatoes to supply the district, I could grow 3 acres of sweet potatoes for the school district if I knew I could sell them)
