Fall 2010Math 227Test #1Name:______

Total points: 100

  1. <8>Determine which level of measurement is most appropriate: nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio
  2. The weights of people being hurled through the air at an enthusiastic rock concert.
  1. A movie critic’s ratings of “must see, recommended, not recommended, don’t even think about going”.
  1. A movie critic’s classification of “drama, comedy, adventure”.
  1. This week’s record high temperatures.
  1. <4Determine which type of data is most appropriate qualitative or quantitative. If it is a quantitative data, determine whether it is continuous or discrete.
  2. 53 students in a math class took the test #1.
  1. The mean weight of pennies currently being minted is 2.5 gram.
  1. <8>Identify which of these types of sampling is used: random, systematic, convenience, stratified, or cluster.

a. Motivated by a student who died from binge drinking, the College of Newport conducts a study of student drinking is randomly selecting 10 different classes and interviewing all of the students in each of those classes. ______

b. An NBC television news reporter gets s reaction to breaking story by polling people as they pass the front of his studio. ______

c. In a Gallup poll of 1059 adults, the interview subjects were selected by using a computer to randomly generate telephone numbers that were called. ______

d. A quality control engineer selects every 100th computer power supply unit that passes on a conveyor belt. ______

  1. 6Get to know our Notation. State what the notation represents in Statistics.

a. N b.

c. d.

e. f.

5. <27Consider the following data.

34 / 21 / 55 / 48 / 61 / 44 / 38 / 43
26 / 46 / 31 / 41 / 52 / 54 / 39 / 36
41 / 31 / 17 / 47 / 44 / 39 / 33 / 44
43 / 33 / 39 / 38 / 54 / 37 / 50 / 31
36 / 59 / 58 / 44 / 47 / 37 / 44 / 22
29 / 37 / 39 / 24 / 33 / 37 / 38 / 21

Find the following:


  1. <1>Mean: ______
  1. <1>Median: ______
  1. <1>Mode: ______
  1. <1>Standard Deviation: ______
  1. <1>Variance: ______
  1. <1>: ______
  1. <1>: ______
  1. 3Find
  1. 3Find the percentile of 58.
  1. <3 Find z-score for 21.
  1. <3 Find the interquartile range (IQR), then determine whether 79 is an outliers
  1. <3Is 55 an unusual value? Why?
  1. <5> Construct a frequency distribution with 7 classes. Use the minimum value as the lower class limit of the first class.


6. <15>Use the following table to answer the questions.

Classes / Frequency / Class midpoint / Class Boundaries / Relative
0.00-0.49 / 3
0.50-0.99 / 1
1.00-1.49 / 2
1.50-1.99 / 10
2.00-2.49 / 7
2.50-2.99 / 1
  1. <2,2,2Use the given table above to fill in the class midpoint, class boundaries, and relative frequency.
  1. <2Find the meanof the group data.
  1. 3, 2,2Draw a Historgram; Construct a cumulative frequency distribution, then draw an ogive.
  1. <5Carl took the following classes in the Spring semester. The following is his grade report.

Math 125 5 units C

English101 3 units B

History0123 unitsA

PE1 unitA

Compute Carl’s GPA for the Spring Semester. (Assume A = 4, B=3, C=2, D =1, F=0)

  1. <12: 3,3,3,3The ages of cars owned by all people living in a city have a bell-shaped distribution with a mean of 7.3 years and a standard deviation of 2.2 years.
  1. If Melanie’s car is 10 years old, Find the z-score, then determine whether it is unusual.
  1. Use the empirical rule; find the percentage of cars in the city that are 0.7 to 13.9 years old.
  1. Using the empirical rule, find the interval that contains the ages of 95% of the cars owned by all people in the city.
  1. The ages of cars owned by all people living in a city have an unknown distribution with a mean of 7.3 years and a standard deviation of 2.2 years. Find the interval that contains the ages of at least 95% of the cars owned by all people in the city. (Chebyshev’s theorem)
  1. <5Identify the sample and the population. Also determine whether the sample is likely to be representative of the population, why?

“A reporter of Newsweek asks10 randomly selected adults if they feel that the current president is doing a good job.”

Sample: ______

Population: ______

Representative? ______

  1. <10: 4, 2, 4 >Twenty elementary school children were asked if they live with both parents (B), father only (F), mother only (M), or someone else (S). The responses of the children follow.



a.Construct a frequency distribution table.

b.What percentage of the children in this sample live with their mothers only?

c.Draw a pie chart.