PUPIL BULLETIN Monday 5th December 2016

Book of the Month - Novelties Book Club has chosen the book One, by Sarah Crossan, as the book of the month. This is a story of Tippi and Grace who share everything- clothes, friends and even their body. An amazing book and it is now on display for borrowing in the library.

Girls Football – Could all pupils attending the tournament at Gordonstoun tomorrow please ensure they bring their consent form and bus money to Mr Davis in PE ASAP, if they have not already done so. Please come directly to the PE Department at 1:35pm to change before travelling to Gordonstoun.

Biology Problem Solving Support - Reminder to pupils that there is a Biology problem solving support group at lunchtime today in Mrs Shaw’s room G16. Starts at 1.05pm, bring your lunch. Percentages today. (TS)

S6/Staff Volleyball: - Fancy playing some more Volleyball.Mixed teams of whoever turns up Every Tuesday 1.00 to 1.30 in PE.All welcome !

School Rugby - Wednesday after school 3.40 to 5.00 Change in PE. Any questions please see Mr Kelly

Christmas LunchThe canteen will be serving its Christmas Lunch on Wednesday 7 December 2016. To allow for this to run smoothly, lunchtime will begin at 12.30 for S1, 12.40 for S2, and normal times for S3-S5. S6 are asked to come from 1.05pm.

Eco Committee – meeting on Tuesday 6th December at 1.15pm in Mrs Shaw’s room to discuss the litter issue, bird boxes, insect houses and the eco code. For switch off fortnight we managed to save £300 which averages to £5000 in a year. Thank you to everyone who helped achieve this.


Live ‘N’ Learn - In September a company called Live’N’Learn worked with the entire S4, S5 and S6 year groups. The feedback was extremely positive. So much so that we have invited them back to do sessions with S3 on Tuesday 6th Dec. Arrangements for this are as follows:

S3 pupils in Gordon & Innes should report directly to the hall immediately after registration

S3 pupils in Moray & Seafield should report to the hall immediately after interval

S3 pupils in Randolph should report to the hall immediately after lunch

Please ensure pupils are made aware of the arrangements. AW

S1 Dodgeball Tournament - Thursday lunchtimes at 1pm in the games hall. An opportunity to make new friends, create your own teams and to win prizes. Remember to take your P.E kits, please come along.


Leavers Hoodie - All pupils wishing to purchase a ‘Leaver’s Hoodie’ must see Caitlin Gallacher with payment of £20/size by Monday 12th December. Once finalised, the order will be sent off to the company during the week to ensure we get the discount for early purchase. If this is a problem for anyone, please see Mr Webster.

S4 Girls - Sara Sheridan girls or those with an interest in writing for fun - Tuesday 6th December – 1.10 – G02. Could the pupils who attended the S3 Sara Sheridan event come to Mrs Forster’s class Tuesday lunchtime at 1.10 for a sharing of ideas and a discussion on writing? If you have written or thought of your 62 word object bring it along or just chat about what you thought it could be. Hoping that this can lead to informal and fun writing group in future. Mrs Forster

Senior Christmas Masquerade Ball – Wednesday 14 December 7.30 – 10pm

S5/6 Christmas dance tickets will be on sale form Monday 28th November, priced £5. The S6 social committee will be coming around registration classes so please have your money at the ready. The deadline for purchasing tickets is Friday 9th December. Tickets will also be available I Mrs Mays room (B53) on Thursday lunchtimes.