Bangkok, Thailand, 2~5 November 2017
The 2017 IFLA APR Congress will be held in Bangkok, Thailand from the 2nd to the 5th of November this year, organized by the Thai Association of Landscape Architects (TALA)
The organizing committee is excited to have launched the congress and its theme of “Blue, Green, Culture” during the Festival of Landscape Architecture held in Canberra, Australia in October 2016. We are now calling for abstracts on the ideas of “Blue”, “Green”, and “Culture” in landscape architecture.
We encourage you to interpret the congress themes yourselves as one of the goals of this years’ congress is to explore our different interpretations of “Blue”, “Green”, and “Culture” and how they intersect in our respective home countries and practice methods.
Congress Chairperson: Wannaporn “Pui” Phornprapha
TALA President: Dr.Vipakorn Thumwimol
TALA Address:
Architect Council of Thailand Bldg.
12 Rama IX Rd. Soi 36 ; Hua Mak, Bangkapi ; Bangkok 10240 Thailand
The Call for Ideas Abstracts is open to the general public with a preference towards artists, allied professionals, filmmakers and scientists. There will be special sessions for the ideas presentations, however, places are limited and we cannot guarantee a large number of successful applicants.
A maximum of 1 idea per author will be accepted.
The abstracts, with a maximum of 300 words, must be presented in English, formatted in A4 (210mm x 297mm), single-space, Arial 11 font, Office Word 14.3 (2011) or older. It is expressly stated that the language of the Congress is English.
The first line of the heading must indicate which of the 3 themes the abstract refers to, and why the applicant believes it is relevant to the congress theme.
The author must specify in the abstract what format their final presentation will be in. It can range from film, to artwork, to traditional slide format. We are open to anything that can be accommodated in the congress.
The author must present a CV of no more than 500 words.
The abstract and the CV must be emailed to by June 30th, 2017 at 12.00am (GMT +7). Successful applicants will receive confirmation by July 31th, 2017.
The title of the email must clearly have the phrase “Call for Ideas” in the subject line.
The final submission must be presented in English.
A separate PDF is required with the following information: title of the work, format and presentation requirements (such as AV system etc.), name of author or authors, affiliation or institution they represent (if necessary), address and e-mail address.
The curator of the Congress Ideas reserves the right to make editorial changes to the submission, but will consult the author/s prior to publishing.
Even if an abstract is accepted, the submission will not be published if it does not meet the requirements (deadline, format, etc.).
The final submissions must be emailed to
The requirements regarding the works selected to be personally presented during the Congress will be announced at a later date.
The accepted submissions will be published on the official TALA/IFLA APR websites after the Congress.
Deadline for abstracts: June 30th, 2017 at12:00am (GMT+7)
Acceptance communication: July 31st , 2017
Deadline for authors’ registration: August 15th, 2017
Deadline for complete papers: October 9th, 2017
For more information, please visit the website:
Prof. Dr.Rana P.B. Singh, PhD (Bhu), FJF (Japan), FIRFS (Japan), FAAI (Italy), FACLA (Korea), 'Ganga Ratna' (GMS Ind).
Dept. of Geography, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, UP 221005, India:- ex-HOD - 2013~2015. Retired.
* ex-Professor of Geography (spec. in Cultural Geography & Heritage Studies), Banaras Hindu University.
* Vice-President : ACLA -Asian Cultural Landscape Association (SNU Seoul, Korea).
*Vice-President: BHAI -Big HistoryAssociation of India, an affiliate of IBHA (USA)
* President,IASR - Indian Association of Study of Religion, an affiliate ofIAHR, Int'nl Assoc. History of Religion, 2014-2016.
*Series Editor :Planet Earth & Cultural Understanding (published 9 vols., 2009-2013).
* Banaras Study Fd.: Activist, & author of 07 books and 125 research papers/essays on Banaras.
* Hon. Secretary: National Geographical Society of India (publishes qty. NGJI since 1955): 2013~2016.
* Member,Steering Committee: IGU Commission on 'Cultural Approach in Geography', C16.07, 2016-2020.
* Founding President of:- *Society of Heritage Planning and Environmental Health; & *Society of Pilgrimage Studies.
* Expert Adviser (Varanasi): World Bank - Mo Urban Devel. GOI: Inclusive Heritage-based City Development Programme, 2013-14.
* Life Member: INTACH, Indian National Trust for Art, Culture and Heritage (Hq New Delhi, Vns)
* Member, A.A. Istituzione del Comitato Scientifico (Milan Italy), <2-terms> 2010-2015.
* Member, Advisory Board: the BHUMI Project [Green Pilgrimage Network - OCHS], Oxford
* Member, Editorial Board: Journal of Cultural Geography (ISSN: 1940-6320, Tayler Francis, USA)
* Member,Editorial Board:American Journal of Indic Studies(ISSN: 2471-8947, AAIS, Coppell Tx US)
* Member, Editorial Board: International Journal of Religious Tourism & Pilgrimage, IJRTP (ISSN: 2009-7379, Dublin Ins. Te., Ireland)
Mobile: [+091]-9838 119474.Email:
Web: https://banaras.academia.edu/RanaPBSINGH/Papers
ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0002-6031-9086