Apply environmentally and sustainable procedures in the energy sector

September 2012 Release 1.0

CSU Descriptor:

This competency standard unit requires the worker to undertake methods of work practice that minimises energy and material usage and to seek energy reduction strategies in the energy sector workplace. The unit seeks to minimise negative impacts on the environment.

To assist you in answering the questions below, refer to the following website and read all of the eleven (11) topic areas.


Topic Learner Activities 1
Code: KS01- EK142A / Title: Apply environmentally and sustainable procedures in the energy sector
Topic: 1. Environmental risk management
Learner Activity 1.1
Using information sources such as books, reference materials or the websites listed in the Topic Overview, write what you consider to be a good definition or explanation of the term ‘environmental sustainability’. List at least two of the information sources you used in this activity.
Learner Activity 1.2
Using the above information sources, explain why it has become increasingly important for individuals to live and work in an environmentally sustainable way.
Learner Activity 1.3
Describe five environmental risks that are typical of those faced by energy sector organisations.
Learner Activity 1.4
Outline the purpose of the ISO 14000 Environmental Management system, describe how it operates, and the advantages to an organisation of complying with ISO 14001. To do this, go to the ISO 14000 websites listed in the Topic Overview.
Learner Activity 1.5
Using the above website, or other resources, briefly explain the requirements of ISO 14001. Explain how the PDCA cycle applies, and what is involved in each phase.
Topic Learner Activities 2
Code: KS01- EK142A / Title: Apply environmentally and sustainable procedures in the energy sector
Topic: 2. Greenhouse effect
Learner Activity 2.1
Using books, references or the internet, (see websites listed in the Topic Overview):
  • Explain the term ‘greenhouse effect’. That is, how it occurs and why this effect is essential to life on earth.
  • Explain the term ‘greenhouse gas’ and the role these types of gases have in creating the greenhouse effect.
  • List at least three primary greenhouse gases (excluding water vapour) in the order of their contribution to the greenhouse effect.
  • Explain the term ‘global warming’, and the role greenhouse gases have in causing this effect.

Learner Activity 2.2
Referring to the above resources, describe some of the activities carried out by man that are causing the concentration of greenhouse gases to increase. Explain which activity is causing the greatest effect.
Learner Activity 2.3
By referring to the IPCC website at
  • Outline the role of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) in assessing climate change.
  • Briefly describe the structure of the IPCC and the role scientists have.
  • While at this website, click on the links page (from the home page) to access the gateway page of the United Nations Climate Change website. ( Using information from this site, outline at least four consequences of global warming due to climate change.

Learner Activity 2.4
By referring to the Australian Government Climate Change website (at or other sources, briefly describe the predicted impacts climate change is likely to have on Australia.
Learner Activity 2.5
By referring to the Australian Government Climate Change website (at outline what actions are being taken to reduce Australia’s carbon emissions.
Topic Learner Activities 3
Topic Learner Activities 3
Code: KS01- EK142A / Title: Apply environmentally and sustainable procedures in the energy sector
Topic: 3. Environmental legislation
Learner Activity 3.1
Using the internet, visit the Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities website at Click on the link to the EPBC Act, and using the information on the site, determine:
  • The overall objectives of the EPBC Act
  • The matters of national environmental significance to which the EPBC Act applies.
  • Who is affected by the EPBC Act.
  • Whether the legislation applies to you, and if so, under what circumstances.
  • The start date of the most recently amended Act.
  • The start date of the most recently amended Regulation.

Learner Activity 3.2
Using the internet, visit the state/territory government environmental website that covers the state you live or work in. See list of website addresses in the Topic Overview. Using the information on the site, determine:
  • The full title of the environmental protection Act that applies in the state.
  • The types of penalties an individual might incur under the Act. (Hint, enter penalties as the search term in the site’s search box.)
  • The general types of offences that incur a penalty.
  • The overall role of the state/territory regulating authorities such as the EPA or other department. (Hint, includes site visits, helping organisations to comply with the legislation, as well as administering the Act and Regulations.)

Learner Activity 3.3
Using the relevant website and referring to the environmental protection legislation that applies in your state/territory:
  • List the environmental issues covered by the legislation. Most websites provide a summary of the issues, under headings that give more details of each issue. You need to list the headings, and provide brief information about each issue, typically one or two sentences only.
  • Outline the responsibilities that apply to an individual as imposed by the legislation (e.g., your duty to report certain incidents, to ensure no harm is done to certain flora and fauna etc.).

Learner Activity 3.4
Using the internet, find the website for your local Council. From the website, determine and list the types of environmental issues the Council has responsibility to regulate and enforce.
Learner Activity 3.5 (Optional)
If available, examine typical workplace environmental policies and procedures. Briefly outline the general approach that workplace has to environmental management. For example, look for any general statements given in the policy. List the titles of the main policies and procedures that apply to a typical worksite activity, e.g. minor construction involving digging trenches and other earthworks.
Topic Learner Activities 4
Topic Learner Activities 4
Code: KS01- EK142A / Title: Apply environmentally and sustainable procedures in the energy sector
Topic: 4. Sustainable work practices
Learner Activity 4.1
By referring to available resources, including the internet explain the term ‘sustainable work practice’ and what this would mean to you, as an employee in an energy sector organisation.
Learner Activity 4.2
Case Study: An outdoors worksite slopes down towards street level and the stormwater system. The privately owned land is cleared of trees and is mainly covered by patchy low lying weeds and grass. A 300mm deep trench for electrical cables is being dug, using manual tools, from street level to half way up the site. Power tools and a petrol-powered 230V alternator are being used on the site. Waste materials include aluminium, recyclable plastics, timber, copper wire and putrescible rubbish. The job will take a week, and the weather forecast is for heavy rain during that week.
  • List the environmental issues associated with the site you would need to consider in order to apply environmentally sustainable work practices
  • Briefly explain how the issues you identified would be managed
  • Describe ways in which energy usage on the job could be reduced.

Learner Activity 4.3
Case Study: You are working in an electrical/electronic repair workshop. Typical repair jobs include repairing small electric motors, computers and electronic appliances, including photocopiers, TVs, DVD players and the like. The workshop generates a lot of electronic waste, along with other conventional waste products, some recyclable. A range of cleaning chemicals is used, including acetone. The workshop is illuminated with a large number of fluorescent lights, although most of the workshop is unoccupied.
  • List the environmental issues that apply in this situation, and explain how to deal with them
  • What could be done to reduce the energy usage of this workshop?

Learner Activity 4.4
By referring to your state/territory government environmental website:
  • Give an overview of the general statements the site makes about waste disposal. For example, are there licensing requirements, does the site mention special types of waste, does it provide waste disposal information for organisations, the public?
  • List the waste classifications that apply and an example waste product of each classification.
  • Under what circumstances does waste need to be tracked during transport?
  • What special requirements are there about disposing of asbestos?
  • Are there special requirements concerning disposal of electronic/computer parts, batteries? If so, what are they?

Learner Activity 4.5
By referring to your state/territory government environmental website or other internet or reference sources:
  • Give an overview of the general statements the site makes about recycling. Is there a target figure for a particular year? Does it give reasons for recycling, and does it provide guidance on the types of recyclable materials typically produced by an energy sector organisation?
  • Develop a list of typical recyclable waste materials produced by an energy sector organisation.

Topic Learner Activities 5
Code: KS01- EK142A / Title: Apply environmentally and sustainable procedures in the energy sector
Topic: 5. Sustainable energy
Learner Activity 5.1
By referring to relevant websites (e.g., or other resources:
  • Explain what is meant by the term ‘sustainable energy’.
  • Outline ways of achieving sustainable energy.
  • Write a brief conclusion as to whether Australia is capable of reaching a zero emission electrical energy supply system, and when this might be achieved.

Learner Activity 5.2
By referring to
  • Briefly explain how the Australian/New Zealand Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) program operates.
  • List the types of appliances that are required to display an energy label, and list the products registered for MEPS. (Hint: at the home page, click on compare appliances, then on the next page, click on link Click to compare products.)
  • Describe the main features of an Energy Rating Label and how the Star Rating shown on the label applies.

Learner Activity 5.3
By referring to (Australian Building Codes Board website):
  • Outline the role of the Australian Building Codes Board in setting the minimum energy efficiency of buildings in all parts of Australia. That is, explain what actions took place that resulted in the present 6-star rating being applied to domestic dwellings, and the role of the Board in applying this rating. (To find the information, from the home page of the website, click on the link Energy Efficiency.)
  • Identify what is meant by the acronym NSEE, and outline the purpose of NSEE.

Learner Activity 5.4
By referring to your state/territory government environmental website and navigating to the relevant pages concerning energy efficiency in new homes:
  • Outline how the regulations concerning energy efficiency (not water conservation) are applied.
  • Identify who the regulations apply to.
(Hint: In NSW, go to in Victoria then click on link to the Sustainability page where further links under the heading Sustainability appear. In South Australia go to then navigate to the page titled Six star energy efficiency requirements for new homes. See Topic Overview for websites in other states.)
Learner Activity 5.5
Go to the Australian Government Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism website at and click on the Energy button. This should take you to the section of the site that covers government initiatives concerning energy. From this page go to the Energy efficiency page (
  • Outline how the department is assisting industry achieve energy efficiency.
  • Explain the role of the National Framework for Energy Efficiency (NFEE).

Learner Activity 5.6
Concerning renewable energy sources, by referring to the internet (use the search term renewable energy), books or other resources:
  • Explain what is meant by the term ‘renewable energy’.
  • List areas other than electricity generation where renewable energy is being applied.

Learner Activity 5.7
By referring to
  • Outline the role of the National Electricity Market (NEM).
  • Briefly explain what is done to ensure the required standard of supply reliability.
  • List the titles of the government institutions/bodies that regulate the electrical energy market.

Topic Review Questions

Topic: 1. Environmental risk management
Instructions: These questions will help you revise what you have learnt in this topic.
1. / What is meant by the term “environmental sustainability”?
2. / Apart from greenhouse gas emissions, what other factors to do with the environment make it important to live and work in an environmentally sustainable way?
3. / List typical environmental risks that energy sector companies need to consider and deal with.
4. / Briefly describe the role of an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS).
5. / What is meant by the PDCA cycle of continuous improvement as applied to an EMS?
Topic: 2. Greenhouse effect
Instructions: These questions will help you revise what you have learnt in this topic.
1. / What is meant by the term ‘greenhouse effect’?
2. / Why is an increase in greenhouse gas concentration regarded as a problem?
3. / Describe two main human activities that are causing an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere.
4. / What is the role of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) in assessing climate change?
5. / Give four likely consequences of global warming; assuming nothing is done to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
6. / Outline the actions being taken by the Australian Government in regard to dealing with climate change.
Topic: 3. Environmental legislation
Instructions: These questions will help you revise what you have learnt in this topic.
1. / Given that each state/territory has its own environmental legislation, briefly explain the role of the Australian Government’s EPBC Act. That is, outline what types of areas (land/sea) and situations it covers, and why state legislation does not apply in these situations.
2. / Outline the main issues covered by the environmental legislation that applies in your state/territory.
3. / Under what circumstances is it your duty to notify relevant authorities of a pollution incident?
4. / List the general responsibilities that environmental legislation imposes on an individual.
5. / What role do local Councils have in administering environmental legislation? As this might vary between Councils, your answer can be based on the Council covering your area.
6. / Outline the main reasons energy companies need environmental policies and procedures.
Topic: 4. Sustainable work practices
Instructions: These questions will help you revise what you have learnt in this topic.
1. / What are the four main steps associated with applying an environmentally sustainable work practice?
2. / Under what circumstances is an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) required before work can start?
3. / List four typical sustainable work practices associated with an outdoors worksite. Assume the work includes excavation, plus the production of dust, waste products and noise.
4. / Why is it illegal to dispose of batteries and electronic circuit boards into landfill, and how are these best disposed of?
5. / Why is it illegal to allow oil spills, chemicals or water pumped from a worksite to enter the stormwater drainage system?
6. / Give two reasons for recycling copper wire.
Topic: 5. Sustainable energy
Instructions: These questions will help you revise what you have learnt in this topic.
1. / Explain what is meant by the term ‘sustainable energy’.
2. / What are the two main pathways to achieving sustainable energy?
3. / Explain the difference between an electrical appliance or component with a low efficiency compared to the same appliance/component that has a higher efficiency. Give an example.
4. / What role does the Australian Building Codes Board have in determining the minimum energy efficiency of new buildings and when did this role begin?
5. / List three (or more) aspects concerning the energy efficiency of a new building that are taken into account to ensure the building complies with relevant state/territory building regulations.
6. / Outline two ways Australian Government regulations and programs are assisting or ensuring energy efficiency, particularly in industry.
7. / List four renewable energy sources used to generate electricity.
8. / When talking about the use of electrical energy, what is meant by the term ‘peak demand’, and what type of situation typically causes it?
9. / Why do electricity retailers offer a lower tariff for electrical energy during certain periods (e.g., night time)?

Topic 4: Sustainable work practices

Skills Practice Title: Reducing waste and energy use in current work practices
Part A – Determining ways of reducing the amount of waste produced due to current work practices
2.1. Through observation, list the types of waste typically produced as a result of the current workplace practices.
2.2. Classify the waste products into recyclable and non-recyclable.
2.3. Determine the extent to which the waste products are recyclable. That is, by observation of the quantities of waste, identify whether the larger portion of it is recyclable or non-recyclable.
2.4. Identify the waste products that are produced in the greatest quantity (can be recyclable or non-recyclable).
2.5. By observation of current work practices, determine how to reduce the quantity of some or all of the waste products. For example, are some waste products recyclable, but are not being recycled? Can waste be reduced by changing current work practices, such as reducing the amount of electrical cable being discarded by keeping the off-cuts for future use in other work projects?
Record your Observations

Part B – Determining ways of reducing the amount of energy used

2.1. Identify the types of non-renewable energy sources currently used in the workplace, including electrical energy, oil products (petrol, diesel) and gas. Assume the electrical energy being consumed is from non-renewable sources.
2.2. By referring to workplace records and accounts, determine which type of energy source is used the most in the workplace.
2.3. Identify the extent to which the workplace uses energy from renewable sources. For example, does the workplace make use of the sun’s energy through good use of insulation and windows to keep the workshop temperature stable and to avoid using artificial lighting?
2.4. Identify and describe ways energy could be reduced through current work practices. For example, by turning the power off to lighting and equipment that is not being used, by fitting lamps that are more energy efficient, by changing the layout of the work area, or by keeping windows and doors closed to keep the workshop temperature stable and to avoid using heaters or air conditioners.
Record your Observations

3. Completing the Skills Practice

3.1 Include your observations, either on separate sheets of paper or in the spaces provided.
3.2 Summarise your findings and give suggestions on reducing electrical energy use in the workplace. For example, you may find there is one particular activity that, if changed, would bring about significant improvements in waste and energy reduction. Or you may find numerous workplace activities that if modified would improve the sustainability of the workplace. Include as many suggestions as possible.
Findings and suggestions

Topic 5: Sustainable energy

Skills Practice Title: Reducing energy use at worksite/home

Part A – Determining amounts and patterns of electrical energy usage
2.1. Obtain a recent electrical energy bill for your home or worksite. If possible obtain several bills. From these documents, determine the amount of electrical energy used (in kilowatt hours) over the billing period. Refer to other bills to determine if the energy used varies between seasons. (Some energy companies provide graphs of energy usage over different periods.)
2.2. Determine if electrical energy use increases during a particular season. For example winter, or maybe summer.
2.3. Identify, from observation, how others in your home/worksite use electrical energy in terms of sustainability.
2.4. Where electrical energy usage varies between seasons, identify one or more reasons. For example, air conditioners used in summer, gas heating in winter.
Record your Observations
Part B – Determining ways of reducing the amount of energy used
2.1. By looking at name plates or manufacturer’s information, identify those commonly used items of electrical equipment in your home/worksite that consume more than 200 watts of power. Examples include refrigerators, heaters, air conditioning units, stoves, many power tools and some types of entertainment equipment.
2.2. Examine the type of lighting in the premises and identify the type of lamps that are mainly used. These could be fluorescent tubes, incandescent lamps, LED lamps etc. Also examine how the lighting is used by others. Note particularly if incandescent lamps are on for long periods.
2.3. Identify appliances that are greater than say 10 years old, and determine whether new models on the market have a higher efficiency. For example, refrigerators and washing machines, and other items that are required to show an energy (star) rating.
2.4. Identify and describe ways energy could be reduced through improved energy usage practices. For example, by turning lights off when not in use, increasing the amount of natural light to reduce lighting usage, wearing warmer or cooler clothing to minimise use of heaters or air-conditioners.
2.5. Identify appliances and types of lighting that could be replaced with higher efficiency types. For example, air conditioning units, refrigerators and freezers. Identify also where energy efficient lamps could be used while still retaining the same light level.
Record your observations

3. Completing the Skills Practice

3.1 Include your observations, either on separate sheets of paper or in the spaces provided.
3.2 Summarise your findings and give suggestions on ways to reduce electrical energy use in the home/worksite. For example, through changed energy usage practices, replacing or servicing electrical equipment, changing to different types of lighting. Add anything else you can think of that helps reduce electrical energy use.
Findings and suggestions

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