AP English Language and Composition Calendar

December 2017

Mrs. Kaszonyi

(412) 655-8610 x 6255



*Please note: Plans are subject to change at teacher discretion.

State Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday


Students will. . .

Continue notes for grammar and style unit
Homework: Diana Hacker online exercises / 12/5
Conclude notes for grammar and style unit
Homework: Diana Hacker online exercises / 12/6 *Diana Hacker online exercises are due by midnight
Complete review worksheets for grammar and style unit within small groups
Homework: Diana Hacker online exercises due by midnight / 12/7
Introduce creative grammar project (optional). Choose a partner or group, if completing the assignment with peers
Homework: Creative grammar project (optional). Review for unit test / 12/8
Grammar and Style Unit Test
Homework: Creative grammar project (optional).
Review details of synthesis essay research project. Begin brainstorming ideas for your prompt. Discuss topics of past years
Homework: Brainstorm ideas for your synthesis packet. Submit at least one idea in writing tomorrow / 12/12 *Creative project due
Watch grammar videos, if applicable
Continue discussion of synthesis assignment, if needed. Submit your idea for teacher feedback
Homework: Create a synthesis essay prompt / 12/13
Introduce the Transcendentalism unit by completing a personal values assessment
Homework: Create a synthesis essay prompt / 12/14
Receive “Defining Success” handout. Write your own definition of success for homework.
Take notes on Transcendental philosophy
Homework: Create a synthesis essay prompt / 12/15
Continue notes on Transcendental philosophy
Begin discussion of main contributors – Emerson and Thoreau. Start notes with Emerson, time permitting.
Homework: Create a synthesis essay prompt. Due on Monday
*Submit synthesis essay packet. A peer will write your essay after the holiday break
Continue notes on Transcendental authors. Receive Walden books and reading packet. The readings must be completed by Jan. 3. Consider getting a head start so that you don’t have much work over the holiday break
Homework: Transcendental reading assignment / 12/19
Conclude notes with Whitman. In-class reading time provided
Homework: Transcendental reading assignment / 12/20
In-class reading time provided
*Please join us after school for an AP Humanities Club book exchange holiday party!
Homework: Transcendental reading assignment / 12/21
“Gift of Words” class exchange activity (participation is optional)
Homework: Transcendental reading assignment / 12/22
No School!
Holiday Recess

Homework: Transcendental reading assignment