Awards and Plaques

READ ME file

Only the most “recent” awards and plaques are on the display wall of the council hall, because of the space requirements. When new awards come in, the oldest awards are “retired” to make room for the new awards.

The hanger system is “Walker Display, Inc.” The parts have the web site info listed. I find the “best” hangers are the “Hi-Hooks” that go into the back holes or tabs of the awards. I also grind down the edges of the hooks to “fit” into the award holders. The other holders are too big for what we hang.

The awards we receive are of two types: flat paper certificates or three dimensional wall plaques with usually a wooden frame or backing and a metal sheet and/or dimensional object. Binders in the council hall have a glossy photograph of each wall plaque and each actual paper certificate / award received. The original paper certificates go into the binder; no glossy photograph needed.

“Retirement” process

  • Take photographs of all plaques (.jpg files)
  • Take photographs or scans of all paper certificates, removed from their frames. (.jpg files)
  • Each .jpg file should be renamed as “yyyy Description”, with yyyy as year received. (Ex: “2014 Tootsie Roll 1st Place”)
  • Photoshop, crop, image correct each .jpg file for best appearance.
  • Place all the .jpg files into a new folder on personal computer. Copy all new files along with prior year files onto a CD-R for safekeeping in the council safe. (One CD-R can hold lots of .jgp files.) Personal computer at home will have all the prior .jpg files and folders.
  • Add to the master spreadsheet log file each new award / item. Make and place printouts of the master log into each binder. (Old binders can have the total log of all awards, not just the awards shown within that binder.) Upload log file (.xls) onto web site for general viewing.
  • Upload files and get hard copy photographs of each “plaque” from Target / Walmart. Make it 5x7, color, landscape or portrait mode, whichever mode gets the largest image. No need for a photograph of the certificates. For the 5x7 photograph, since the text on the photo might be hard to read, make a 11x8 plain white sheet “backing” that gives the pertinent info, e.g. “Tootsie Roll Drive / First place / 2014.” The photo could be taped to the backing to keep from falling out; the backing sheet helps separate each photo in the binder.
  • File each 5x7 plaque photo (with backing sheet) or certificate into its own plastic “sheet protector” and put into the binder for display. Sheet order is newest at front of binder, filed by year.
  • Once a plaque is photographed and the photo is filed in the binder, the plaque is recyled: give to the most likely person to want it, or just trash it.
  • If a new binder is needed, make the appropriate cover sheet insert and edge insert. A “collage” photograph, color, 10x8, should be on the cover.
  • Upload onto the web site the latest spreadsheet log file in the “About Us” web page.

If this read-me file is updated, upload latest version to the web site in “Procedures, Guides, Forms” tab.

Awards process – READ ME version 2.0 Last update 6 June 2014 psa