Marine Resources Committee Meeting
February 28, 2007 Meeting
6pm at the West Bath Town Hall
Meeting called to order by Chairman Mark Nelson at 6pm.
Member Attendance: Mark Nelson – Chair, Paul Mateosian, Roger McNelly, Shawn Schutt, & Warren Swanson
Other Attendance: David Bourget, Tim Davis, Blaine Wallace, Howard Kenney, Michael Innes, Paul Buonadonna, Jack Castner, Don Card – DMR Area Biologist, Doug Alexander – Shellfish Warden, Michael Lyford, Aubrey Schutt, Chris Warner, Chad Campbell, Charlie Moore, Joey Gilliam
Minutes – Motion made, seconded and approved to approve the minutes from the meetings of December 27, 2006 and January 31, 2007.
Requests for Seed Clams – Georgetown came to make a request for seed clams. Mr McNelly said that Wiscasset also wants seed clams. This will be discussed at a future Marine Resources Committee Meeting after the ice is out.
DMR – Amy Fitzpatrick & Allison Sirois from DMR attended the Selectmen’s Meeting on February 26, 2007, to discuss the water testing issues. They will be attending either the March or April 2007 Marine Resources Meeting to show a presentation on their work.
Water Testing – The Marine Resources Committee needs to look into certification of local diggers to do water testing for DMR. Possibly Warden Alexander could be trained to perform water tests. Warden Alexander is willing if there is training available.
The possibility for a state license surcharge dedicated to water testing was discussed.
Next Month’s Agenda – Ordinance changes regarding the date that the number of licenses are set.
Warden Report – The ice is out to Sabino Landing.
Area Biologist Report – Wetlands review for a pier in Dam Cove.
Meetings With No Quorum – Motion made and seconded to hold a meeting regardless of quorum status to go through the agenda and any items requiring a vote will be postponed until the next regular meeting that does have a quorum. Unanimously approved.
Next regular meeting is scheduled for March 28, 2007 at 7:00pm.
Moved, seconded and approved to adjourn at 7:45pm.
Minutes taken by Paul Mateosian.