~ HANDBOOK 2012 ~

September 20th


This handbook has been prepared for the Victorian Equestrian Interschool Committee, which comprises representatives of the following schools:

Geelong GrammarGeelong CollegeIvanhoe Grammar

Toorak College Assumption Braemar College

Hillcrest Christian College Kardinia International College

These rules are intended to provide consistency and uniformity in the conduct Interschool Equestrian Events affiliate with the Equestrian Federation of Australia. This includes risk management, insurance, rules, entry forms and competitions.

Within these rules and regulations will be references to rules for each discipline, eg: dressage, horse trials, combined training and showjumping. These rules can be found on the EA Vic and EA National web sites – or

STANDARD OF COMPETITIONAll schools hosting events must be affiliated with the EA of Australia

  • Dates for all competitions must be sent to Caitilin at fore the end of term 3
  • Primary students are allowed to compete in the higher grades of dressage. These classes may be divided subject to entries.
  • Riders enter the divisions most suited to their abilities and their horses’ abilities. In disciplines where grading or qualification applies, the EA rules for eligibility must be adhered to.

The competition format and divisions are as follows:

  • Core Events. Only these classes will count towards the series championship. Other classes may be offered by individual events but these will not count towards a school’s overall score.
  • Show Jumping events must include a Grand Prix class as defined in Schedule [1] attached. To establish consistency across events, it is suggested that any additional class to the Grand Prix be a Two Phase competition (see definition in Schedule 2)

Class / Year Level / Arena Size / Notes
Preparatory / Primary Only / 40m x 20m
Preliminary (P) / Primary Only / 60m x 20m
Preliminary (S) / Secondary Only / 60m x 20m
Novice / All / 60m x 20m
Elementary / All / 60m x 20m
Medium / All / 60m x 20m
Advanced / All / 60m x 20m
Please remember series points will only be awarded where scores are 60% or over consistent with EA Grading point rules. In Elementary and above only
Horse Trials
Class / Year Level / Maximum Height / Notes
Introductory (EV80) / Secondary Only / 80cm
Preliminary (EV95) / Secondary Only / 95cm
Pre Novice (EV105) / Secondary Only / 105cm
CNC1* / Secondary Only / 115cm
Combined Training
Class / Year Level / Dressage Test / Notes
45cm (P) / Primary Only / Preliminary 1
45cm (S) / Secondary Only / Preliminary 1
60cm (P) / Primary Only / Preliminary 1
60cm (S) / Secondary Only / Preliminary 1
75cm / Secondary Only / Preliminary
90cm / Secondary Only / Novice 2
105cm / Secondary Only / Novice 2
Showjumping (Grand Prix)
Class / Year Level / Maximum Heights / speed allowed per minute
Freshman (P) / Primary Only / First Round / 50cm 300m/min
Second Round / 55cm
Jump Off / 60cm
Freshman (S) / Secondary Only / First Round / 50cm 300m/min
Second Round / 55cm
Jump Off / 60cm
Encourage / All / First Round / 60cm 300m/min
Second Round / 65cm
Jump Off / 70cm
Progressive / All / First Round / 85cm 300m/min
Second Round / 90cm
Jump Off / 95cm
Intermediate / All / First Round / 95cm 325m/min
Second Round / 100cm
Jump Off / 105cm
Advanced / All / First Round / 105cm 350m/min
Second Round / 110cm
Jump Off / 115cm
Stars / All / First Round / 115cm 350m/min
Second Round / 120cm
Jump Off / 125cm

Eventing Rules

One Star (CNC*) Classes:

From the beginning of the calendar year in which the rider turns 14.

Junior One Star (CNCJ*) Classes:

From the beginning of the calendar year in which the rider reaches the age of 14 until

the end of the calendar year in which the rider reaches the age of 18.

Pre-Novice/EvA105 Classes:

From the beginning of the calendar year in which the rider reaches the age of 13. A National Eventing Rules 2012 Page 14

Junior Pre-Novice/EvAJ105 Classes:

From the beginning of the calendar year in which the rider reaches the age of 13 until

the end of the calendar year in which the rider reaches the age of 18.

Young Rider Classes:

From the beginning of the calendar year in which the rider reaches age of 16 until the

end of the calendar year in which the rider reaches the age of 21.

Preliminary/EvA95 Classes:

From the beginning of the calendar year in which the rider turns 12.

Introductory/EvA80 Classes:

From the beginning of the calendar year in which the rider turns 11.

Lower Level Classes:

  • See individual state rules.


CONDITIONS – competitions are affiliated with EA (Vic Branch).

EA Rules and Code of Conduct apply, these can be found at

  • Competitions open to all currently enrolled school students.
  • All riders must be currently enrolled at the school they are representing and MUST be accompanied by an adult.
  • Schools must nominate a suitably experienced Team Manger who will be responsible for Gear Checks. Inappropriate gear will result in elimination.
  • No riders other than those competing are allowed to ride on the grounds.
  • One horse, one rider rule applies. Riders may ride more than one horse, numbers permitting.

ENTRY FORMS– see sample attached

  • Entry forms must be signed by the School Principal / Director of Sport / Equestrian Coordinator.
  • Entries will only be accepted with full payment
  • In the event of excessive entries, a ballot will take place of all entries received by the Close of Entries date
  • Late entries may incur a late fee
  • Scratching’s after the Close of Entries. As per EA Rules, a vet/doctor certificate is required for return of entry money less $15.00 administration costs.
  • Inexperienced riders on horses graded above Elementary may apply to ride at Novice Level. Application is to be in writing to the OC BEFORE the close of entries.
  • Any Rider deemed to be riding in an incorrect grade will be eliminated and will be required to compete at a level deemed appropriate by the committee after consultation with all relevant parties.
  • All appeals must be lodged by the Team Manager to the organising committee, no later than 30 minutes after the incident accompanied by $50.00, which will only be refunded if the protest is upheld. The Jury of Appeal will consider all appeals on the day.
  • Appeals committee must be formed before the event, made up of hosting school committee, member of VIEN committee, a representative from another school


  • All riders must wear currently approved helmets and boots whilst mounted. School equestrian uniform including shirt, tie, woollen v-necked jumper, white, beige fawn or banana jodhpurs must be worn in all competition and for presentations. No Blazers or jackets. Gloves must be worn in Dressage.
  • All riders must provide own number as per the timed draw.Numbers must be on both sides of saddle blanket or bridle


  • Officials and Marshals are to be easily identified eg. Fluro jackets
  • Events may run later or earlier than advertised. Riders are expected to be aware if changes to times and report accordingly.
  • Riders who do not report in time to ride in their draw may be eliminated. The Committee reserves the right to alter, delete any event, and refuse entry with or without a reason.



  • A qualified first aid officer must be available on the day (minimum level 2).
  • A first aid sign MUST be displayed in a designated First Aid area/ Office.
  • A OH and S review must be done on area, this must be signed off before competition,
  • (Sample form attached)


  • The competition area should be safely fenced.
  • The competition surface must be safe – not slippery or uneven.
  • Dressage arenas must not have rope or pig tail.
  • All equipment should be safe and well maintained.


The venue must have public liability insurance

  • Students must have EA insurance and provide membership number or the rider’s school must provide a letter stating the student is covered under the school insurance.
  • Sample letter attached


  • For your competition to be considered part of the interschool Equestrian Network Series, $50.00 must be sent to the Victorian Interschool Committee. C/O Rob Kayler Thomson, The Geelong College, PO Box 5, Geelong. 3220 email
  • Schools are to provide contact name and details
  • Schools will be invoiced, and cheques are to be made payable to the Victoria Interschool Series and sent to VEINS c/o Rob Kayler-Thompson, PO Box 5, Geelong 3220


  • All levels will be awarded points, however at least 60% must be attained in the dressage tests from Elementary and above to be allocated.
  • The allocation of points for overall Championships as well as school teams will be 1st place – 10 points, 2nd – 9 points, ..... 10th place 1 point.
  • Team places will be calculated from the best four competitors from each school. One team per school
  • All results to be emailed to
  • It is essential that the scorers work closely with the event Secretary and have been given accurate information and a copy of the rules.
  • Keep the scoring simple – Microsoft Excel for example
  • Be aware of any EFA rules that apply to your event
  • Scores should be posted on the scoreboard as soon as possible after the last tests have been ridden


  • Ribbons or rosettes will be awarded to 6th place in each class
  • There will be an overall champion for each section
  • Presentations should be made as soon as possible after the final scores have been posted
  • If competitors are unable to stay for presentations, it is quite acceptable for someone to accept prizes on their behalf
  • Have envelopes on hand so that test sheets and prizes can be posted. Usually $1 or $2 donation covers this
  • Team prizes can be posted after the event. This alleviates the need for competitors and their families to stay for lengthy periods following competition, takes the pressure off the scorers and gives the schools an opportunity to make presentations at school assemblies


The events in this handbook are run by volunteer organising committees (OC’s), often compromising busy parents. With this in mind, it is important that riders note the following:

EA Rules and Code of Conduct apply. These can be found at or

  • Enter competitions early – the closing date of entries is not the day you sent the entries in. Some events are heavily subscribed and cannot accommodate large entries
  • Make sure you have completed the entry form fully in clear, legible handwriting – particularly your email address
  • All requests to the OC should be made through your Team Manager
  • Remember, you are representing your school, so behave and dress accordingly

Should this have something about event secretary?? The fact that they are set up to score especially for the VIES ???


Most members of Organising Committees (OC’s) will have some experience running equestrian events, whilst others may have been co-opted on to committees to fill a variety of roles. The following points will help with planning and running a smooth Equestrian Event

It is essential that all officials are familiar with the rules as well as the code of conduct. These can be found at or

  • In the case of excess of 35 riders in one class, the class must be split according to year levels.
  • Consideration must be given to schools who need to travel long distance eg. They must not be put on first.
  • Schools should be separated on draw, not bunched together
  • Use EA judges whenever possible.
  • If additional rules are made, it must be clearly stated in the program and on the entry form. Event officials must be clearly briefed beforehand.The scoring formula must not change, for the purposes of the VIES .
  • Plan your event well in advance with the entry form, rules and conditions distributed at least 2/3 months prior
  • Take time to thoroughly brief your committee about the rules of the competition and what is expected of them
  • Allocate tasks to committee members and have one person that everyone reports to
  • Think carefully about the closing date for entries, allowing sufficient time for delays in the mail, last minutes changes and the time it takes to do the draw. To be fair to competitors and their families, the draw should be made available at least 5 days before the event. Advise competitors / team managers that the draw will be posted on a web site and will be updated when necessary
  • Make sure you have a mobile phone number and contact person on the entry form for competition day


  • OHS Form attached
  • Sample insurance letter
  • Calendar of events for 2013
  • Show Jumping Class Definitions


“Grand Prix” Article 261 (5.2)

This competition is designed to encourage better jumping by making performance over obstacles

the principal factor. The competition consists of two rounds, plus a Jump-Off for a limited

number of riders.

ROUND 1 All riders take part in Round One with ten, eleven or twelve obstacles, including

at least one combination. The “Time Allowed” is calculated using a speed of 275m/min for

“Freshman”, 300 m/min for “Improvers”, “Progressive” and “Intermediates” and 325 m/min for

“Advanced” & “Stars”. Time penalties apply if the “Time Allowed” is exceeded (1 penalty per four

seconds or part thereof). The “Time Limit” is twice the “Time Allowed”. Any rider exceeding the

“Time Limit” is eliminated.

ROUND 2 All riders, including those who were eliminated or who retired during Round One,

may take part in Round Two. Riders ride the same course with the same obstacles (excepting

that the number of obstacles in Round Two may be reduced to a minimum of eight) in the same

draw order as for Round One, excepting that all obstacles in Round Two are raised 5cm. Time

penalties again apply.

JUMP-OFF All riders who have ridden two clear rounds take part in the Jump-Off, plus all others

with the least number of penalties so that at least 25% of the field participate. The Jump-Off will

consist of a minimum of six obstacles, including a combination. All obstacles in the Jump-Off are

raised a further 5cm. Riders in the Jump-Off, ride in reverse order to their aggregate penalties

and, if on equal penalties, to their time incurred in Round Two.

PLACINGS Riders who take part in the Jump-Off, are placed according to their aggregate

penalties, including their penalties in Round One and Round Two which are carried forward into

the Jump-Off, and, if on equal penalties, to their time incurred in the Jump-Off. The remaining

riders are placed according to their aggregate penalties in Round One and Round Two and, if on

equal penalties, to their time incurred in Round Two.


“Two Phase” Article 274 (5.3)

A competition comprising two phases run without interruption. The finishing line for the first

phase is the starting line for the second phase. There will be eight or nine fences in the first

phase, and four, five or six fences in the second phase including one combination.

Competitors incurring a penalty in the first phase, or exceeding the time allowed, will be halted

by the bell after completing the first phase. Competitors will be placed according to penalties

and time in the second phase and, if necessary, to their penalties and time in the first phase.