Arizona Planning Guide for Natural Resource Concerns
Water Quality Degradation–Excess Sediment in Surface Waters
USDA Natural Resources Conservation ServicePage 1Arizona
Field Office Technical Guide, Section IIIJuly 2014
Resource Concern Description–Off-site transport of sediment from sheet, rill, gully, wind, and irrigation-induced erosion into surface water threatens to degrade surface water quality and limit use for intended purposes.
Planning Criteria–Land use and management does not cause accelerated erosion. Upslope treatment and buffer practices address concentrated flows to water bodies.
- Planning criteria for all applicable types of soil erosion are also met for this resource concern.
- Where applicable, SVAP2 bank condition element score is ≥ 5.
- Where applicable, livestock and vehicle water crossings are stable.
Methods for evaluating resource condition
- Visual assessment
- Volume calculations
- Rangeland Health Assessment
- Pasture Condition Score
- Irrigation-induced Erosion worksheet
- Hillslope Erosion Model
Conservation Practices that may be needed as part of a Conservation Management System to achieve Planning Criteria for this resource concern include those listed here.
575Animal Trails and Walkways
314Brush Management
327Conservation Cover
328Conservation Crop Rotation
330Contour Farming
331Contour Orchard and Other Fruit Area
340Cover & Green Manure Crop
342Critical Area Planting
324Deep Tillage
386Field Border
393Filter Strip
512Forage and Biomass Planting
511Forage Harvest Management
666Forest Stand Improvement
410Grade Stabilization Structure
548Grazing Land Mechanical Treatment
561Heavy Use Area Protection
315Herbaceous Weed Control
423Hillside Ditch
464IrrigationLand Leveling
443Irrigation System, Surface and Subsurface
447Irrigation System, Tailwater Recovery
441Irrigation System, Microirrigation
449Irrigation Water Management
543Land Reclamation, Abandoned Mined Land
544Land Reclamation, Currently Mined Land
468Lined Waterway or Outlet
466Land Smoothing
516Livestock Pipeline
338Prescribed Burning
528Prescribed Grazing
550Range Planting
562Recreation Area Improvement
566Recreation Land Grading and Shaping
329Residue and Tillage Management, No Till
345Residue and Tillage Management, Reduced Till
555Rock Barrier
558Roof Runoff Structure
557Row Arrangement
442Sprinkler System
570Stormwater Runoff Control
580Streambank and Shoreline Protection
578Stream Crossing
587Structure for Water Control
612Tree/Shrub Establishment
638Water and Sediment Control Basin
645Wildlife Upland Habitat Management
USDA Natural Resources Conservation ServicePage 1Arizona
Field Office Technical Guide, Section IIIJuly 2014