November 10, 2016– 7:00 p.m.
Approved December 8, 2016
Attendance: David DeLaHunt, Russell Johnsrud, Gary Nasser, Duane Goeden, Tina Melott, and Deborah Anderson.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman DeLaHunt at 7:00 p.m. followed with the Pledge of Allegiance.
It was announced that the meeting is being recorded for clerk information only to complete minutes. After the minutes are approved the recording will be deleted.
DeLaHunt made a motion to approve the Minutes of October 13, 2016. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried.
Treasurer Melott presented the Treasurer Report. Goeden made a motion to accept report as presented. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried.
Goeden made a motion to approve the bills as presented. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried.
An addition was made to the agenda #6 under New Business, cemetery. Nasser made a motion to approve the agenda with the addition. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried.
Ralph Sanquist presented the road report. Roads were bladed, rocks were picked up on various roads, and 90 yards of class one was put on 209th Avenue and 178th Street. The drainage problem on Enchanted Drive was fixed. The property line posts, that were placed by the surveyors, on the end of Enchanted were located where it meets Long Lake.
Johnsrud reported that the road certification form was completed and turned into Hubbard County. He received a complaint regarding the breaking down of the chip and tar on Deer Drive due to heavy trucks hauling. It will be looked into next year. Johnsrud will contact Justin Clack to identify the public access as there is adjoining property up for sale.
Gary Korsgaden presented the Zoning Administrator report. In addition, he stated that there was concern voiced regarding the noise at the Jensen gravel pit. Gary K has visited the site and talked with the landowners at this time. There is also a known violation to the zoning ordinance regarding a landowner renting out a “place of business” for residential purpose. The Board directed Gary K to write the landowners a letter stating that they are in violation and asking them to conform to the zoning ordinance, (copy of which is to be enclosed with the letter). The Board
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would like them to attend the next Board meeting to hear directly from them the situation and set up a time line for conforming to the zoning ordinance.
Johnsrud has talked with Penny Vikre regarding the current annexation agreements in place with the City of Park Rapids.
Jim Burge addressed the Board in regards to his property located off of Fox Glove Drive. He has recently purchased this property and would like to add on to the existing house on the east side in the future. A clarification is needed as to where the road easement stops and his property begins. He is asking the Board to locate the survey pins. The Board asked Jim to put his request into writing and deliver to the zoning administrator. Gary K will then follow through with the request as needed.
Bill Steen addressed the Board regarding the noise level at the Jensen gravel pit. The company using the pit is crushing rock “all night long”. It was pointed out that this gravel pit was grandfathered into the zoning ordinance, as it was in operation before the zoning ordinance went into place. A letter asking the company to limit the hours of production was discussed. Bill was asked to put his information into letter form and deliver to the zoning administrator, who then will proceed with the request as directed.
Sharon Natzel addressed the Board regarding the Long Lake Association letter that was received from Environmental Services. It states that a verbal agreement needs to be made by January 31, 2017, for monetary support of the AIS program. Township would have until April 30th to pay out the monies. This matter was tabled to the next meeting.
The matter of the Peterka’s Scrap Metal license and insurance will be taken from the agenda until further notification from the new owners, Rob Black & Susan Tostenson. Gary K was asked by the Board to talk with them regarding the need of a new conditional use permit if the business is out of business over a year.
Deer Drive Public Access was tabled to next meeting.
Johnsrud has met with the engineer regarding Deer View Road. Johnsrud made a motion to move ahead with the Joint Powers Board of Engineers to survey, regarding erosion control measures, on Deer View Road up to the cost of $2000. Goeden seconded. Motion called and carried.
Several names were presented to contact regarding the clerk vacancy as of the December 8, 2016 meeting. Each supervisor will continue to make contacts regarding this matter. There was discussion about the possibility of changing the clerk position from an elected position to an appointed position, allowing clerks to reside outside of the township.
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Treasurer Melott will contact Arvig regarding blocking of spam still being received. DeLaHunt made a motion to rent a router from Arvig with a cost of $4.95 per month. Nasser seconded. Motion called and carried.
Treasurer Melott asked permission from the Board to set up on-line banking so she can print off the current bank statement so as to have a timely report for the Board each month. Goeden made this a motion. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried.
DeLaHunt made a motion to approve the renewal of the liquor license for the Chicken Coop. Johnsurd seconded. There were no known issues. Motion called and carried.
DeLaHunt made a motion to approve the renewal of the liquor license for LA Rossman. Johnsrud seconded. There were no known issues. Motion called and carried.
The MN Association of Townships Officer list was tabled to next meeting.
The letter from Enbridge regarding the Sandpiper Pipeline Project was reviewed.
Any Board member attending the Hubbard County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan meeting will be reimbursed the per diem.
A claim from will be taken to Frank Kruft to fill out for reimbursement of care taking of the cemetery. Upon receiving completed form, monies will be disbursed.
Communications: Multiple contacts from Hubbard County Historical, (forward to supervisors), multiple email from/to Kay Rave re: election information, MN Township Insider, multiple contacts with current election judges, Charlene Christenson re: road policy (forward to Russ Johnsrud), MAT Annual Conference Information (forward to supervisors), Headwaters Regional Development re: event (forward to supervisors), Chris Riley re: permit (gave Gary K’s contact information), Maria Shepherd re: zoning (forward to Gary K and Russ Johnsrud), multiple contacts from Joe Grove re: government surplus (forward to supervisors), rebate from MN Power in the amount of $65.20, Hubbard County Land Record re: tax exempt properties, SWCD Focus including tree order form, Living at Home update, Penny Vikre re: Gary K contact info, Gary K re: Doug & Annette Rokio (forward to supervisors), Ryan Leckner re: possible use of town hall, MN Township Association re: election information, and Sue Wothe re: Hubbard County Commissioners meeting (forward to supervisors).
Advertisements and Flyers: Political, and Ace Hardware.
Special assessment searches:
Hubbard County Abstract: Patrick & Carla Michels, Kirk & Cassy Smith (2 parcels), Sandra Johnson Dickerson, and Michel & Anita Berneck.
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Billings received from: Arvig, Hubbard County Highway, Northland Feed, Kennedy & Graven, Itasca Mantrap, MN Power x 2, and Wadena Asphalt.
Canvas Board Meeting: Tuesday, November 15, 2016, at 7:30 p.m.
2016 Educational Conference & Annual Meeting on November 17-19, 2016, at River’s Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud, MN (see Township Insider page 24-25)
Gary K stated that Randy Jokela is working on a new project, which does not require a building permit. Gary K has given the assessor a copy of all the building permits as requested by them.
Nasser made a motion to adjourn. DeLaHunt seconded. Motion called and carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Deborah Anderson
Henrietta Township Clerk