(Planning Board, July 15, 2014, cont.)






July 15, 2014

MEMBERS PRESENT: / Mr. Kettenring,Mr. Mertz,Mr. Luciano, Mr. Irvine, Mr. Conkling,Ms. Gregg,Mr. Love, Mr. Fielding, and Mrs. Hiltzwere present.
OTHERS PRESENT: / Town Administrator Mrs. Lucas, Reno Rossi, and Mr. Mrs. Perron were present.
CALL TO ORDER: / Chairman Kettenringcalled the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.
6/17/14 / Mr. Irvine made a motion, seconded by Mr. Luciano, to accept the minutes as written. Vote was unanimous.
  1. Article XIV: Definitions
/ Mr. Kettenring reviewed each of the amendments.
Mr. Irvine motioned to approved and place on the ballot Amendment #1 on the change to the definition of Inn, seconded by Mr. Luciano. Vote passed unanimously.
  1. Article IV Section F (6)
/ Mr. Mertz motioned to approve and place on the ballot Amendment #2 to clarify that the agricultural uses in the village district are for personal use and structures are for the permitted uses only, seconded by Mr. Irvine. Vote passed unanimously.
  1. Amend Article IV, Section C 4(v); Section D 4(v); & Section E 4(v)
/ Mr. Irvine motioned to approve and place on the ballot Amendment #3 to change the outside storage square footage from 3,000 sq. ft. to 5,000 sq. ft., seconded by Mr. Mertz. Vote passed unanimously.
  1. Article IV, Section C (5)
/ Mr. Luciano motioned to approve and place on the ballot Amendment #4 to allow up to 25 animals at 1 time, require a 50 setback for raising of bees and adding the requirement that they adhere to the Manual of Best Practices for Agriculture, seconded by Mrs. Gregg. Vote passed unanimously.
MASTER PLAN UPDATE / Mr. Mertz distributed copies of the updated Master Plan and asked the full board to read and provide input for the next meeting.
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN / Mr. Irvine advised that this was still on hold while waiting for completion of the Master Plan Update and submission of the CIPs from all department heads. He stated that to date we only have the submission of the town clerk.
Michael Sharp; NH Route 104 & Riverwood Drive; Tax Map U-17, Lot 55 – Site Plan Review for health focus facility / Mrs. Hiltz recused herself from this portion of the proceedings relative to Mr. Sharp’s application.
Engineer Kent Brown and applicant Mike Sharp were present.
Mr. Brown updated the board a new conceptual architectural design for the building that he and the developer felt was more appropriate after looking at buildings in the village precinct area. The Board members found the new architectural drawing more appealing. There was a short discussion regarding the color of the structure. Also discussed was whether it could be seen from NH Route, which it was agreed the building would be visible from the road and is a desire of the owner of the building for a commercial/business use. A more detailed set of plans would be provided as the process continues.
Mr. Brown advised there was a meeting scheduled for 7/17 with the Board of Selectmen regarding the relocation of the access (Class VI) onto NH Route. A meeting is also going to be scheduled with NHDOT to view the proposed driveway site.
Mr. Brown advised that he had reviewed the comments from Mr. Gerald Lang, the town’s engineer who did a preliminary technical review of the stormwater drainage, roads and parking, erosion and sediment control and compliance with federal and state regulations. He said he is in the process of preparing a written response.
Mr. Brown stated he has not received letters from Department Heads nor the Village Precinct regarding providing utilities. Mrs. Lucas will followup with the departments and Precinct Commissioners.
Mrs. Gregg made a motion, seconded by Mr. Conkling, to accept the application as complete and continue the hearing to 8/19/14 at 7pm. Vote was unanimous.
Several state permits are pending: NHDOT, NHDES Septic construction approval.
New Hampton School & Willingham Trust; Dr. Childs Road & Shady Lane; Tax Map U-3, Lots12, 1517; boundary line adjustment of 0.72 acres and equal swap of 0.51 acres / Surveyor Dean Clark was present representing the school.
Mr. Dan Love as a school employee and Mr. Ken Mertz as an abutter recused themselves from this portion of the proceedings for the New Hampton School project.
Mr. Clark reviewed the two boundary line adjustments between the Willingham Trust and New Hampton School.
NHS will be granting an access and utility easement to the house on the Willingham Trust property from Dr. Childs Road.
Mr. Kettenring asked for abutter’s input. Though abutters were present none spoke.
Mr. Conkling made a motion, seconded by Mr. Luciano, to accept the boundary line adjustmentand land swap application and approve the plan. Vote was unanimous.
Driveway standards, major subdivisions, and safety codes / Mrs. Lucas advised that as Mr. Kettenring was not present at the last meeting so this discussion was continued and now the Fire Chief was not present. The board agreed to continue this discussion to the August meeting.
PSNH / Mrs. Lucas advised that PSNH representative, Bea Hebert, came to the June meeting to discuss service to the new subdivision on Pinnacle Hill Road and whether new pole placements would require a hearing as the roadway is a designated scenic road. There had also been discussion of a pole replacement in the triangle at the corner of Pinnacle Hill and Mulberry Lane. As a hearing is required based on the diameter of the tree being removed, a measurement was taken after the June meeting and determined it was over the requirement. Mrs. Lucas said she has gotten advice from town counsel. Mrs. Lucas advised that the owner of the newly subdivided lots came by the office and expressed his concern with the amount of trees that PSNH was going to remove to provide service to the lots and is now going to look at the possibility of burying the line on the other side of the rock wall. PSNH will still require the pole on the triangle to be replaced but if they only trim the tree in the process, a hearing won’t be required. If PSNH determines the tree will need to be removed they will have to get permission from the owners of the triangle and the PB would be required to hold a hearing.
Adjournment / Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Irvine, seconded by Mr. Mertz. Vote was unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Lucas

Pamela Vose

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