We are pleased you are taking part in the “4-H Foods Fiesta” on Saturday, November 20, 2010. The following information should tell you what you need to know to participate. Wear something suitable for the theme of your recipe or your 4-H uniform.

Before you leave home, check the list below.


_____Your Favorite Prepared Food, your recipe and menu on a file card.

_____Your Place Setting--(dishes, silverware, place mat) and appropriate serving utensils (spoon or knife) for your dish.

_____A box containing all the things you need. Mark your items for identification. (Keep your box under the table at your assigned area.)

_____Potholders and a dish mat to protect table, if yours is a hot dish.

_____Bring your own table service for the luncheon.

LEADERS AND PARENTS: (Please remember the items listed below.)

_____Bring item for beverages:A—N a can of frozen juice or O—Z a liter bottle of 7-UP

_____Bring your own table service for the luncheon.

On Saturday, registration will begin at 8:15 AM and entries must be in place by 9:00 AM. Report to the registration table and you will be assigned a place to set up as well as a number and color designation. Odd numbers represent early judging. Even numbers will attend workshops first and be judged in the second section of judging.

Your parents or friends WILL NOT be allowed in the set-up area. Parents, this year we ask you to comply willingly when asked to leave the area where your child is setting up his/her display. There will be help and support for your child in the form of committee members and other designated older 4-H members.

You will need to remain at your display while judging is in progress and until completed. The judges will ask questions on how you prepared your recipe and about your menu. You will be asked to serve your prepared dish to the judges. You will be judged on the item prepared and on showmanship.

You will be judged separately on THEME and SPECIAL FOOD CATEGORY if you entered it on your Foods Fiesta application. Participation in THEME and SPECIAL CATEGORY is OPTIONAL and not open to Primary members.

Ribbons will be awarded to all participants. Participants receiving 100% scores in project exhibit and showmanship will receive a rosette.

Event disk: foods fiesta_entrant info