Tasks and Amending Charge Tickets

In the dashboard you have 2 tabs regarding task. Open tasks & Closed tasks

Open Tasks tab there are 3 sections.

Open Tasks

List of all open task records assigned to you. You can also create a new task from the

Open Tasks list. Press A to add in this list.

Open Sent Tasks

List of all open tasks that you have created.

Open Group Tasks

If you belong to any group, then all tasks assigned to this particular group are listed in this list.

Closed Tasks

This is the list of tasks that were completed by the owner of the task –person it is last assigned to and marked it completed

Final Route Specified

If a Final Route person is identified at the time of crating the task then the complete button says sent to that person. When the assignee has completed the work requested they will click the “sent to ______. At this point the task will be marked completed in the back ground and appear in the creators closed task list.

Please see the attached cheat sheet to help you with tasking and changing charge tickets if sent to billing review with an error! Also, make sure you are checking your task tab each day, Lee Ann (and others in the office) have been tasking people when they leave items off their charge ticket which delays billing and will not pull to the payroll report.

Time in and out: many of you are forgetting to put time in and time out

Make sure you are clicking “Show Charge Recap” BEFORE sending to bill review. Then click Refresh Charges. Then submit to billing review! These steps are very important.

Discharge Notes, please make sure you are checking “No visit” on the charge ticket so a visit isn’t charged when doing a D/C summary.

If Lee Ann sends you something to amend, please save and sign off again! If you need to fix something on your charge ticket:

Go to the patient menu from the open task screen.

Then go to Medical Records

Find the date of service that needs fixed. Click on the date of service.

Click Amend and Correct.

Click Modify

Then make your changes and then submit it to billing review again, save and sign off again (f10).

If it is greyed out and the charge ticket does not allow you to make any changes, please let Lee ann or Carla know.

Also, then click “send to Lee Ann or Complete on the task to alert Lee Ann that the change has been made. You can also enter any comments back to Lee Ann or anyone else in the office.