St Mary’s Catholic Primary School
Newsletter 108 19thNovember2013
“Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.”(Matthew 18:20)
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is the trading name of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School (Academy Trust), Swindon, registered in England and Wales under 07697658, registered office Bessemer Road East, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1PE
Thank you so much for your generosity in supporting this appeal. The shoeboxes were delivered to the centre yesterday and St Mary’s donated 94 shoeboxes. This is a magnificent amount of shoeboxes. It is good for our children to know that they have brought happiness to others in different parts of the world. The shoeboxes that St Mary’s have donated are being sent to Belarus. ______
So far the amount raised for school fund is £400.00 Thank you very much. It all helps to subsidise educational visits.
We certainly had some crazy outfits last Friday 15th November. As you all know, the money raised was in memory of Isabella and so far the school hasraised_£312.73 for C.A.L.M. Add the £185.73 raised by St Catherine’s and we have a total of £497.73. Thank you so much for your generous response.
Fr Michael has asked me to put the following in the newsletter about First Holy Communion.
“Preparation for reception of First Holy Communion in May 2014 will begin in January. For an application form please speak to Fr Michael after Mass at St Mary’s Church.”
Please remember this takes place at 4.30pm on Monday 25th November at St Joseph’s Catholic College.. Our book of remembrance will be taken up during the Mass. Already we have been given the following names for our book:
Eileen Kelleher, Len Atkins, Barry J Walters, Domenico Bartucci and Anna Serratore. Please remember them in your prayers. If you have any names to hand into the office please do so by Friday 22nd November.
We will be saying goodbye to Miss Lumley at Christmas. Miss Lumley is moving to a school in Gloucester which is very close to her home. I’m sure she will not miss the commute on the A419 each day.
It is always difficult to recruit half way through the school year so it has been decided that Miss O’Brien will become the full time class teacher of Sarum class, Mrs Clare will move back into becoming the full time class teacher of Ridgeway and Mrs Cull, who taught at St Mary’s before taking maternity leave will returm in a part time capacity to teach Miss Lumley’s Maths class as well as teaching Year 5 Literacy.
This will ensure a smooth transition and hand over for Sarum.
24thNovember Bishop Declan celebrates Mass at St Mary’s Church for the parish’s 6oth birthday with a reception in the school afterwards.
25th November Remembrance Mass at St Joseph’s College at 4.30pm.
26th November The Travelling Book Fair.
1st December First Sunday in Advent
6th December non uniform day, bring in a gift for the Christmas Morning.
9th December Mass in school at 9.30am for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
13th December Christmas morning.
17th December Infant Nativity 9.30am and 2.00pm
19th December Carol Concert at 11.00am at St Mary’s Church.
20th December 1.15pm end of term
6th January School reopens for pupils.
St George’s Day non unifo
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is the trading name of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School (Academy Trust), Swindon, registered in England and Wales under 07697658, registered office Bessemer Road East, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1PE