Aviv 1 2018

ChagSameach! And Happy New Year!2018

The new moon was sighted from Jerusalem the eve of March 18th, as well as in various other places in Israel. Three separate barley search groups found aviv barley around Jerusalem--enough for the wave-sheaf offering of Leviticus as per Exodus 9:31-35 and Leviticus 23:5-16!

So, we welcome Aviv 1 March 19th, and Passover the eve of April 1st.

You can go to these links for confirmation and learning:

1) Derek Townsend’s report:

The “Calendar” is under “the Shofar” heading. Check out his new post “Joyous Year” which also links to the calendar…

2) Devorah Gordon’s report from Israel, corrected link for Devorah’s Date Tree:

3) Abib of God Report:

From Abib of God a few days ago: “IF the barley is going to be mature enough for a wave sheaf offering by April 7, 2018 and the first crescent is seen in the region of Jerusalem on the evening of Sunday March 18th then the following dates will apply for the feasts of the first month.”

[Aviv/Abib barley was found; the new moon was sighted March 18th]

​“All days start from sunset the previous evening

Start of the year: Monday, March 19

​Passover/Pesach: Sunday, April 1

​First day UB: Monday,April 2 (Unleavened Bread)

​Wave sheaf Day: Sunday, April 8 (First Fruits)

​Last day UB: Sunday, April 8

​Pentecost/Shavu’ot: Sunday, May 27”

Let us rejoice! Exodus 12:2:“This month is the beginning of months for you. It is the first month of the year for you.”

The first month is named after the stage of the barley two weeks before harvest--the “aviv stage.” Aviv day 1 begins the Festival calendar! Notice the words “for you” are given twice. The Aviv calendar is an exclusive calendar given byYahuwahonly forHis set-apart children! It is not for the world. The Tishre 1 Creation-calendar is for us, too, but also for the world, for the timing for our earth and cosmos, and the timing of the return of Messiah.

I sincerely hope you’re not following the Jewish man-created calendar by Hellelfrom the 4th century that departs from the ways of Yahuwah and is usually wrong. Come on now, you say you believe in Elohim. If you do: What does He say?

Rabbinic Judaism does not follow Yahuwah’s very clear instructions in Leviticus 23 for First Fruits, or for Shavu’ot/Pentecost (“Pentecost” is Greek for “50”).

Be sure you celebrate First Fruits on a Sunday--the Sunday that follows Passover. Then Leviticus 23:11, 15: The counting of the Omer begins the following Shabbat after First Fruits for seven weeks. Then we celebrate Shavu’ot on a Sunday 50 days later. (Leviticus 23: 9-11, 15-16, 21-22) The dates above from Abib of God are correct by the barley, by the new moon, and by Leviticus 23!

When rabbi Akiva created rabbinic Pharisaical Judaism, he made sure that Yahuwah was demoted and put under the authority of the rabbis, which resulted in his being a laughing stock by rabbis through the centuries. [Refer to: “Exposing the Roots of Rabbinic Judaism and It’s Link to Rome/Mikvah of Present Reality] I also refer you to Daniel Gruber’s classic book Rabbi Akiba’s Messiah for details--the book from which the article was taken. From Haaretz: “…Nasi of the Sanhedrin, Hillel II (330-365 CE) is credited with finalizing the fixed Hebrew calendar as we know it.”

In 2017, the Sanhedrin voiced a desire to go back to the ancient paths and dismiss the 4th century rabbi Hillel per-set date calendar. I hope they do! In 2017, there were actually a few Orthodox Jews who went to the Sanhedrin and told them they had sighted the new moon in Jerusalem for Aviv 1. This got the Sanhedrin thinking. Later in the year, they instituted an ancient ritual of the Torah.

Jeremiah 6:16! “Thus says Yahuwah, `Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the ancient paths where the good way is, and walk in it and find rest for yourselves…” But, as the verse continues “…But they say, `We will not walk in it.’ ”

A couple of days ago, I had a friend ask me what Scripture taught that we go by the eye-sighting of the new moon to determine the new month as opposed to going by the conjunction, during the dark of the moon. First of all, a couple of definitions: The Oxford English Dictionary defines the new moon as “the first visible crescent of the Moon, after conjunction with the Sun”. Conjunction: Wikipedia: “A lunar conjunction is the event when the earth, moon and sun are aligned in that order. A dark moon describes the Moon during the period it is invisible against the backdrop of the Sun in the sky. The duration of a dark moon varies between 1.5 and 3.5 days, depending on its ecliptic latitude. In astronomical usage, the new moon occurs in the middle of this period, when the Moon and Sun are in conjunction.”

Dear Torah guarders, back to Jeremiah 6:16: “…ask for the ancient paths where the good way is, and walk in it and find rest for yourselves…” Psalm 81 tells us to blow the shofar at the new moon. I have been with believers in Africa who have never heard of a computer and never seen a TV, cell phone, or an air plane. They live in the jungle in mud huts or wooden board structures. How do they determine the new moon? From online information: “The first evidence of recognition that astronomical phenomena are periodic and of the application of mathematics to their prediction is Babylonian. Tablets dating back to the Old Babylonian period document the application of mathematics to the variation in the length of daylight over a solar year.”

When Jeremiah wrote the words of Yahuwah about returning to the ancient paths, there was no science of astronomy even in its infant stage. Today’s advanced astronomy is a relatively new science, with its giant observatories and telescopes.

Another point is that Australia sees the first sliver of the new moon two days before they see it in Israel. So, are the Australians to blow the shofar two days earlier than its sighting in Jerusalem? Is that going back to the ancient paths for the Australians? Today we are blessed with a way to find out about the sightings in Jerusalem. Yahuwah has made a way for us to return to the ancient paths! After all, technology was stolen by the fallen ones from Yahuwah and given to man to use against Him!

In the ancient days of His people, they had to see the first sliver of the new moon with their eyes. If a person wants to go by modern astronomy and go by the conjunction dark of the moon to determine the months, all I ask is that they seek Abba about it, and suggest to him that He changing His wording in Jeremiah 6:16 to go by the ancient paths starting with Babylon.

If we are to observe the ancient paths, then we have to do what the Arabs still do today – have a couple of witnesses to report on the sighting of the first sliver of the new moon with their eyes so that all of His people can join in unity around His signs. In various ways, the Arabs and Persians go by ancient paths that correspond to the Bible.

Genesis 1:14: “And Elohim said: `Let lights come to be in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night and let them be for signs, and pointed times, and for days and years.”

If the moon has always been a sign to us of times and seasons, which it has been, then we have to see it for it to be a sign. How can we calculate His will in the dark?

Also keep in mind that the time of the dark of the moon is a major time for witches’ rituals, satanic rituals, human sacrifice, “witches’ Shabbats,” yea they call it that, and other horrors that honor the ancient gods of the dark kingdom. You see, the dark kingdom also has its own “ancient paths.” Our Abba is the King of Light. Therefore, go figure, if He wanted us to join the dark kingdom at this time of rituals honoring the fallen ones, He’d let us know clearly in His Word. But, let’s look at His nature.

His nature reflects the joy of our seeing the LIGHT after 1 or more days of darkness!

Figure this also: The dark time before the light is a monthly reenactment of what will happen during the time of tribulation. We must go through the days of darkness looking for the new moon of Tishre 1, when the light comes, and the LIGHT OF THE WORLD comes. HalleluYah!

One more point: Christians often say that we don’t have to keep Shabbat because “Christ” didn’t teach it when He was on earth. Duh … Question: In today’s modern western-culture world, do you have to teach an adult how to flip a light switch, or to how to flush the toilet, or how to boil water on a stove? Why would Messiah teach on what He and all the others in Israel did every Saturday? -- A no brainer …

Don’t be duped by human teachers, no matter how sanctimonious they appear. Study the Word for yourself and ask the Spirit of Yahuwah to teach you what He is saying.Discern through His nature, not the nature of human beings. Learn the ancient culture of the land in which the Bible was written. Learn what Yahuwah was addressing through His prophets and apostles. The Word of Elohim is NOT an American document, or a Greco-Roman document! English is a very poor language, influenced by Latin and by manipulation of Roman Catholicism. Get a good older version Hebrew/Greek concordance, even a pre-1995 Strong’s Concordance. But, learn what is being said from the ancient language. Study the culture of the Middle East from the days of Abraham, and you’ll learn what He’s saying.

The seven Festivals are the backbone of the eternal plan of salvation through the Lamb of Elohim, Yahushua. Refer to the article: “The Seven Appointments With Man”/Mikvah of the Covenant to learn how each festival pictures a part of the eternal plan for our salvation from Messiah’s death to His marriage to His Bride and His reigning over earth for 1000 years.

The Festivals are a blessing to us--not a prison-house of religious dogma and Pharisaical “takin’ot!” “Takin’ot” (Hebrew) are man-made traditions and rules, which Yahushua, giver of the Torah, condemns.

Mark 7:13, Messiah speaking to priests in the man-created sect of Pharisees: “…nullifying the Word of Elohim through your tradition, which you have handed down. And many such traditions you do.”

My Apology: I referred you to whatisthenewmonth.com for an accurate telling of each new month. The website did accurately tell of each new month by the sighting of the new moon. I checked with it this afternoon and saw that they accurately reported the new moon, waxing at 2%. HOWEVER, I was not pleased to see their announced an Adar Bet, a 13th month. Their reason: The new moon was sighted before the spring equinox. Refer to my article: “Exposing Equinox Observance – Another Return to Babylon”/use the search option on the website main page. We mustn’t go by what Jews brought back from the ancient Babylonians! Don’t be foolish and follow Babylonian and post-Babylonian paganism! We are NOT in an Adar Bet!

Abba pleads with His children to go by the ancient paths--the paths that Yahushua set in motion from Genesis 1:3 and in Exodus 19-20. Yahushua is the living Word, and His Word is the Word spoken from His Father. It carries the highest authority. Man tries to usurp His authority, but it is all in vain. They lose! Those aligned with the Creators win!

Psalm 81:1-4: “Shout for joy to Elohim our strength; Raise a shout to the Elohim of Ya’cob. Lift up a song and beat the tambourine, the pleasant lyre and with the harp. Blow the ram’s horn at the time of the New Moon and at the full moon on our festival day. For this is a law for Isra’el, and a right-ruling of the Elohim of Ya’cob.” What a privilege we have!

Celebrate “Rosh Chodesh” – “the head of the month.” Read Numbers 28, which speaks of Rosh Chodesh and continues to talk about Passover and other festivals.Offer your Leviticus 2 cakes and drink offering, dance, feast, and enjoy your Elohim. This is a special new moon!

The beginning of our festival year: Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits: I Corinthians 5:7-8; I Corinthians 15:20, 22. Referring to Himself as unleavened bread, Yahushua said: “Unless a corn of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone. But, if it dies, it brings forth much fruit.”

Refer to: Leviticus 17:11 and Hebrews 9:22. In observing a basic Scriptural Passover/Pesach, you are remembering Messiah. “As often as you do this, do it in remembrance of Me.” He spoke of Passover!

Some of you may be putting on a Passover Seder and are inviting the unsaved and/or Christians to attend. Make sure you present the message of salvation via Exodus 12 NOT as a religious formality, but from the foundation of our loving Messiah’s death, burial, and resurrection. We celebrate the festivals because they reveal what our Beloved has done for us. Emphasize the resurrection, which is symbolized by the crossing of the Red Sea, and our deliverance for Pharaoh/Satan.

Yahuwah teaches us to obey the Torah with love and joy, as we walk in His Spirit, loving His Son. The word “Torah” simply means “the loving teachings and instructions of our wonderful Abba for right standing in His Kingdom.” It must be presented this way, otherwise, we may be guilty of the accusations Messiah heaped on the Pharisees in Matthew 23:23-33.

On Wednesday “between the evenings,” sometime between 3:00-5:00 PM, Messiah died willingly died in our place. (II Corinthians 5:21) All that day the priests had been sacrificing the lambs for the households of the people. But, finally, in the late afternoon, the High Priest sacrificed the final lamb, the most perfect lamb—the lamb for the nation. At the exact moment that the High Priest slit the throat of the lamb for the nation, and he cried out “it is finished,” the Lamb of Elohim on the stake cried out “it is finished” and died. Thus the Passover Lamb sacrificed for us fulfilled the Festival of Pesach in great detail. Make sure that He is esteemed and honored at your Passover feast!

In His love,


March 18, 2018 7:30 PM EST sunset, beginning March 19, 2018

Posted as an article: March 20, 2018/Mikvah of the Covenant

Aviv 1 2018


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