The Western Ohio Education Association – Retired has grown and prospered the past several years, due,in large part,to the tireless efforts of Chair, Jane Rahn She has inspired and engaged retired members to become involved within WOEA-R, OEA-R , and NEA-R. Jane Has engaged herself in these Associations and served as a great example for others to become involved. We, as WOEA-R, thank Jane immensely for making WOEA-R and WOEA look good!!!

Jane has surrounded herself with very capable and involved members. One, Emmy Brudzynski, has put together many interesting, educational, and entertaining programs. In September members will hear about Dayton’s “History, Mystery, Mayhem, Murder”. On October 19, the program will be “Reducing Clutter to Lower Stress”. The November 16 meeting will feature one of WOEA-R’s life members, Peg Green, about her new adventure in photography. Beginning in December, new vice-chair, Sandy Dobberstein, will take over the programs with collection of items for a Dayton children’s outreach program.

WOEA-R has renamed the scholarship fund the “WOEA-R Founders Scholarship Fund” in honor of all founders of WOEA-R and in particular Nancy Brown.

Dawn Wojcik, Legislative Chair, will kick-off a FCPE year-long fund raiser at the September meeting with the June prize being a dinner donated by Sophia Rodriguez and Phil A. Long for a contributing WOEA-R member.

We are currently adding a retired member to each WOEA committee, planning attendance at the Uniserv Councils, and plan to participate in the Lobby Days and election activities. WOEA is also helping obtain the names of 2016 retirees from locals within the District. WOEA-R appreciates the support and cooperation we are receiving from WOEA. We must all work together to strengthen public education!!!

Respectively submitted,


Phil A. Long, Chair WOEA-R