National 5 Biology

Unit 2



Cells, tissues and organs

Learning Intentions

I can explain what is meant by the term ‘specialisation of cells in animals and plants’.

I can give details of how the structure of an animal cell or plant cell can relate to its function.

I can state that the cells in organs are specialised for a specific function.

I can describe the levels of organisation found in animals and plants.

Stem Cells and Meristems

Learning Intentions

I can state that stem cells have the ability to divide to produce cells that can become different types of cells.

I can state that stem cells are involved in growth and repair.

I can describe the role of meristems in plants.

I can state that non-specialised cells can become any type of plants cell and they contribute to growth.

Control and Communication

Learning Intentions

I can describe the structure of the brain.

I can give details of the functions of the different structures of the brain.

I can describe the structure and function of the central nervous system (CNS).

I can state that the CNS is the communication system.

I can describe the role of sensory and motor neurons.

I can explain the role of sensory, relay and motor neurons in a reflex arc.

I can state that electrical impulses move along neurons.

I can explain the importance of synapses in the nervous system.

I can describe the different responses brought about by the CNS.

I can explain what a reflex action is and give some examples.

I can explain the importance of reflex actions.

I can state the function of endocrine glands.

I can describe the role of hormones in signalling.

I can describe the role of the liver, pancreas, insulin and glucagons in controlling blood glucose levels.

I can state that glucose can be stored as glycogen in the liver.

I can describe the causes and treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

I can explain the importance of controlling blood glucose levels.


Learning Intentions

I can describe the chromosome complement of gametes.

I can describe the structure if the male and female sex cells and state where they are produced.

I can give details of the male and female reproductive structures, including their function.

I can describe the process of fertilisation in animals.

I can give details of the chromosome complement of a gamete and zygotes in animals.

I can name the sex cells found in plants and state where they are produced.

I can describe the reproductive structures found in plants and give their functions.

I can describe the process of fertilisation in plants.

I can give details of the chromosome complement of a gamete and zygotes in plants.

Variation and Inheritance

Learning Intentions

To develop knowledge on inheritance

To be able to describe and explain the difference between continuous and discrete variation.

To know the biological terms of genetics and inheritance. Such as phenotype, dominant, recessive and true breeding and identify examples from given crosses

To be able to use a punnet square to carry out a Monohybrid cross.

To develop knowledge on polygenic inheritance.

To develop understanding on family trees and the benefits they have.

Transport Systems

Plant Transport Systems

Learning Intentions

To understand why multi-cellular organisms need transport systems.

To understand the function of a leaf in transport systems of a plant

To know the structures involved in transport of water and food around a plant

To understand the functions of transpiration in a plant

To describe the process of transpiration

To state the effects of environmental conditions on transpiration and how to measure this effect

Animal Transport Systems

Learning Intentions

To understand why multi-cellular organisms need transport systems

To have knowledge of the organs involved in animal transport systems

To label a heart and describe the flow of blood around the heart

To know the names and structures of the vessels involved in transporting blood around the body

To know the constituents of blood and their functions

To label the structures of the lung and understand their role in transport of gases.

To understand the need for digestion

To know the organs of the alimentary canal and their role in digestion

To know what happens to the final products of digestion

Lifestyle Choices

Learning Intentions

To understand the effects of lifestyle choices on animals transport and exchange systems

To be able to identify that certain lifestyle choices can have a negative impact on peoples’ health.

To be able to identify that certain lifestyle choices can have a positive impact on your health

To identify the health risks individuals have with certain lifestyle choices.

To investigate how exercise will affect an animals transport and exchange mechanisms

To understand the need for vaccinations

To debate the need for free NHS treatments for all diseases.