CP11.02 / Rev.:
3.00 / Leader Construction Company Limited
Company Procedure
Emergency preparedness and response / Page #:
2 of 5
Rev / Description of Change / Prepared by / Approved by / Effective Date
3.00 / Working Version / JL / SYY / 01/11/2003
1. Purpose
This procedure establishes the method by which accidents and emergency situations of each construction activity are identified and the emergency preparedness and response procedures are established within Integrated Management System (IMS) to ensure effective and efficient project operation.
2. Scope
This procedure applied to all departments and projects carried out by Leader Construction Group and on all major joint venture projects that Leader has a leading role.
3. Definitions and Acronyms
4. Flowchart
5. Procedure
5.1 Identify Potential Accidents and Emergency Situations and Associated Environmental Impacts
a. Before the commencement of a project, Project Manager shall identify the potential accidents and emergency situations of each construction activity and the environmental impacts associated with them.
5.2 Emergency Preparedness and Response Procedures
a. Project Manager shall establish emergency preparedness and response procedures for preventing, responding to and mitigating the environmental impacts that may be associated with the identified accidents and emergency situations.
b. Project Manager shall periodically review and revise the emergency preparedness and response procedures.
c. After the occurrence of any accidents or emergency situations, Project Manager shall investigate the causes and evaluate the performance of their response to the accidents or emergency situations. Project Manager shall then review and/or revise the emergency preparedness and response procedures, in order to prevent reoccurrence of similar accidents or emergency situations.
d. Project Manager shall periodically test the emergency preparedness and response procedures, such as conducting regular emergency drills, in order to test whether such procedures are practicable and provide regular practices to the site staff on responding to different accidents or emergency situations.
6 Form(s)/ Record(s)/ Reference Document(s)
Forms required for this document:
Form Number / Title11.02-FR01 / Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan