RAC – Value of Research Task Force

Meeting Minutes


/ November 19, 2009 /


/ 1:30 p.m.


/ Mara Campbell / Scribe / Donna C. Linnenbrink
Subject / RAC Value of Research Task Force Conference Call Minutes
Attendees / Mara Campbell, Chris Jenks, Ann Overton, Dale Peabody, Dinny Oliveira, Myra Sperley,Daniel Yeh
Follow Up from September 24, 2009, Meeting
Action Item /

Follow-up Report



Ensure the CEO Brochure has been distributed and a link posted on the internet and link sent to all RAC members / This document was shared at the recent SCOR meeting. A question was raised regarding hard copies being available at TRB CEO lunch since all state CEOs did not attend AASHTO Annual Meeting in Palm Desert. It was also noted hard copies should be available at the TRB meeting for distribution to regional representatives. The original printing was 500 copies. Chris Jenks to check on remaining copies of this brochure and if necessary, reprint for distribution at TRB CEO lunch and to provide 25 copies to each region. Mr. Jenks will also follow up on status of getting document posted on the website. / Mara Campbell
“Deploy It” Plan created to submit and present to the SCOR / SCOR members were pleased with the plan. The next step is to assign responsibility and a time frame for implementation of plan strategies. In conjunction with this effort, the task force will work collaboratively with the NCHRP 20-63 task force in an attempt to increase comprehension of the process for assessing the value of research. Clint Adler from Region 4 is an active member of NCHRP 20-63 and Ms. Campbell will remain in contact with Mr. Adler. / Ann Overton
Prepare a list of suggestions and/or recommendations the TF can work on regarding “Assessing the Value” of research. / Mara Campbell
Create and post a compilation of High Value of Research examples from the Annual Meeting. / Dale Peabody compiled the information and it was e-mailed with the agenda. Ms. Campbell will ensure this information is posted on the website. / Dale Peabody
Prepare the “process” for keeping the High Value of Research fresh to RAC / Dale Peabody developed a suggested process and it was e-mailed with the agenda. / Dale Peabody

Key Points Discussed

No. / Topic / Highlights
1. / Update from Communicating the Value of Research / The “Deploy It” plan contains seven strategies for communicating the value of research to the target audience of state DOT research directors, state DOT transportation executives, and state communications/public affairs directors. Ms. Oliveira reported she communicated with Jim Simes and she is to develop a brief presentation on the plan for presentation at the RAC meeting in conjunction with the TRB annual meeting. Ms. Campbell reported in calendar 2010, the task force will work to implement all the strategies. At the January meeting, decisions will be made as to who will lead the individual strategies and which AASHTO meetings this should be strategically linked to.
The RAC meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, January 10, 2010. Ms. Campbell would like to schedule a working dinner meeting for 5:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m. She questioned the availability of a meeting room for this group. Mr. Jenks indicated meeting rooms are limited this year, but he will check availability. Discussion revealed that some task force members have conflicts and/or will not be attending the TRB meeting. Ms. Campbell will e-mail the committee to determine who is attending and then determine availability for a meeting Sunday from 5:00-6:30 p.m.
2. / Update from Assessing the Value of Research / Ms. Campbell stressed to SCOR members the need to address performance measures, develop criteria for assessing the value of research as well as calculating a fiscal impact of research, and determine quantifiable evidence of the improvement. Once a methodology is determined, all states should report data in the defined format to ensure consistency in reports used by AASHTO leadership in communication with the congressional delegation. This will be a discussion topic at the January meeting. The current process is cumbersome and the NCHRP 20-63 panel is meeting now to streamline the process. Ms. Campbell believes the final NCHRP 20-63 report, when issued, should be supported by this task force with a goal to assist with national implementation.
3. / Update from Support for SCOR Action / SCOR leadership received and acted upon the revisions to SCOR strategic plan submitted by this task force. SCOR members approved revisions to the plan on November 16 and hope to distribute the new plan to SCOR and RAC members before year’s end. At the January meeting, the revised SCOR strategic plan will be reviewed for actions assigned to the Value of Research Task Force.
4. / Reauthorization – Communication Plan for the Value of Research / Susan Martinovich asked this task force to develop a communication plan quantifying the potential impacts to research as it relates to Reauthorization. Ms. Martinovich will vet this plan in January and she will provide the final plan to AASHTO’s reauthorization team for use in communication with Congress. Leni Oman developed a rough draft of a communication plan that demonstrates the consequences of not funding research. Ms. Campbell will send the draft to the task force with a request for someone to take the lead in further fleshing out the plan. A question was raised regarding the availability of AASHTO templates for communicating the reauthorization process. Ms. Campbell will send an email to AASHTO to see if there are templates developed for communicating reauthorization issues.
Ms. Campbell shared this is an opportunity to utilize the NCHRP 610 report to create a practical demonstration of how the report findings can be used to develop tangible evidence that the process works. Items to communicate include the potential for lack of funding if research is reduced, impacts of applying SPR funds to other projects, etc. Ms. Overton mentioned this would be a classic example of an opportunity to engage the subcommittee on public affairs with the task force, although it will not happen in time to benefit this project.
Sandra Larson will share Neil Pederson’s testimony before congress. Ms. Campbell shared Mr. Pederson will be taking the CEO brochure and the compilation of the high value research examples from July to the Hill.
Action Items
No. / Action Item /



Target Date

Check on remaining copies of CEO brochure and if necessary, reprint for distribution at TRB CEO lunch and to provide 25 copies to each region.
Follow up on status of getting document posted on the website. / Chris Jenks / December 1, 2009
Ensure compilation of High Value of Research examples from the Annual Meeting are posted on RAC website. / Mara Campbell / December 1, 2009
1. / Include on January meeting agenda - Assign individual to lead specific “Deploy It” strategies and determine appropriate AASHTO meetings to link the plan to. / Mara Campbell / January 10, 2010
1. / Check on availability of a meeting room, ideally at the Marriott Wardman Hotel, on Sunday, January 10, 2009, from 5-6:30 p.m. / Chris Jenks / December 1, 2009
1. / E-mail the committee to determine who is attending annual TRB meeting and then determine availability for a task force meeting on January 10 from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. / Mara Campbell / December 1, 2009
2. / Include on January meeting agenda – Assessing the Value of Research/ NCHRP 20-63 final report. / Mara Campbell / January 10, 2010
3. / Include on January meeting agenda – Review and assign action plans for revised SCOR strategic plan. / Mara Campbell / January 10, 2010
4. / E-mail draft communication plan quantifying the potential impacts to research as it relates to Reauthorization to task force members with a request for a leader for this project. / Mara Campbell / November 30, 2009

RAC – Value of Research Task Force Conference Call Minutes

November 19, 2009

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