/ VoteCal Statewide Voter Registration System Project
Use Case: UC08.11.01 / Review Orphaned Precincts

Use Case: UC08.11.01 / Review Orphaned Precincts[IV&V1]

Attribute / Details
System Requirements: / S21.4 VoteCal must detect “orphan voters” who do not have a valid home precinct assignment and “orphan precincts” that are not assigned to the required State Senate, State Assembly, Board of Equalization, CountySupervisory and municipality/unincorporated area districts. [This should also incorporate Federal Congressional Districts.]
S21.9 VoteCal must provide the ability for SOS administrators to track unresolved errors with county submitted changes to the precinct and political district data.
S21.7 VoteCal must detect and notify the independent county and SOS administrators if changes in political district or precinct data have created orphaned voters, precincts or political districts (i.e., voters without a home precinct or without required political district assignments and home precincts without required political district assignments).
VoteCal must provide the ability to suspend detection and notification until batch or other mass updates are completed.
Description: / The purpose of this use case is to enable a userto review the list of precincts that do not currently meet the minimum requirements for district assignments.
Actors: / SOS User, CountyUser
Trigger: / The list of orphaned precincts will be reviewed after receiving a notification that an orphaned precinct has been created. An orphaned precinct may be created at anytime after a county hasuploaded a new Precinct-District Mapping Batch into VoteCal. This is expected to increase around the time of re-districting.
The Precinct-District Mapping Batch contains three batch files: District Detail View, Precinct Detail View, and Precinct-District Mapping View. An Orphan Precinct work item can be triggered throughcreated by any of the following errors in these three batch views:
  • The precinct or precinct part identified in a voter record is missing from the Precinct Detail View or is incomplete.
  • The precinct part number identified in the Precinct-District Mapping View is missing from the Precinct Detail View or is incomplete.
  • The district identified in the Precinct-District Mapping View is missing from the District Detail View or is incomplete.
  • The precinct or precinct part identified in a voter record does not have an association to all of the required district types in the Precinct-District Mapping View.

System: / VoteCalApplication
Preconditions: /
  • All global preconditions apply.

Post conditions: /
  • All global post conditions apply.

Normal Flow: /
  1. User accesses the Work Item Management area of the application.
  2. System presents UI999.XX Work Item Summary Screen. This screen displays the various types of work items that exist with the corresponding count of open items for each type.
  3. User elects to work with Orphaned Precincts work item type.
  4. System presents UI999.XX Orphaned Precinct List. This screen displays a list of precincts that are not currently assigned to the required district types[pd2]. Each column of the list is sortable. Fields appear at the top of the screen that allows filtering on the columns.
    *NOTE: Items will automatically be removed from this list when the precinct is assigned to the missing districts.

Alternate Flows: / N/A
Exceptions: / N/A
Includes: / N/A
Business Rules: /
  • “Orphan precincts” refer to precincts that are not assigned to the required Federal Congressional District, State Senate, State Assembly, Board of Equalization, CountySupervisory and municipality/unincorporated area districts.
  • Because this work item list will dynamically change as precincts are orphaned and no longer orphaned. The SOS will have the ability to “suspend” review of this list at any time. Additionally, the Precinct-District Mapping Batch can be suspended to prevent the triggering of work items (see UC04.13.01 Process Precinct-District Mapping Batch).
  • Tracking open work items will enable SOS administrators to see which items are still unresolved errors.

Frequency of Use: / TBD
Assumptions: / The fact that SOS Users have the ability to access this work item list is assumed to satisfy the “notify” component of S21.7[pd3]
Notes and Issues: / During the revision of this use case, updates were identified for one use case that has already been streamed in Round 4 (UC04.13.01 Process Precinct-District Mapping Batch).
  • UC04.13.01 Process Precinct-District Mapping Batch– this requires update to reference the creation and clearing of the Orphan Precinct work items. It also requires reference to the ability to suspend detection (via rescheduling of the job).

Revision History

Date / Document
Version / Document Revision
Description / Revision Author
01/05/2010 / 0.1 / Initial Draft / Chad Hoffman
01/12/2010 / 0.2 / Document Revisions / Chad Hoffman
01/14/2010 / 0.3 / Document Revisions / Chad Hoffman
01/14/2010 / 1.0 / Release to Client / Chad Hoffman
02/08/2010 / 1.2 / Incorporate Client Feedback / Chad Hoffman
02/08/2010 / 1.3 / Submit to client for review / Maureen Lyon
02/12/2010 / 1.4 / Accept Changes / Chad Hoffman
03/19/2010 / 1.5 / Incorporate Client Feedback / Kimanh Nguyen/ Kalyn Farris
03/24/2010 / 1.6 / QA and Release to Client for Review / Don Westfall
04/15/2010 / 1.7 / Update with client feedback / Kimanh Nguyen
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.0 / Submit to Client for Review (Deliverable 2.3 Draft) / {Name}
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.1 / Incorporate Client Feedback / {Name}
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.2 / Submit to Client for Approval (Deliverable 2.3 Final) / {Name}
Version: 1.76 / Page 1

[IV&V1]Paula: No comments on this use case.


[pd2]If the report only shows precincts that are not currently assigned to the required district types – i.e. - orphan precincts, it does not satisfy the complete requirement in S21.4 (“orphan voters” missing). Is there a separate UI for “Orphaned Voter List”? Or it needs to be re-worded to include all ?

[BMc] Isn’t that UC08.01.01?

KN: Agree with Bruce.

[pd3]Not really – SOS admins should be explicitly “Notified” and not just expected to access the screen everytime.

[BMc] I’m okay with this. Cathy?

KN: Agree unless any argument.