Fairfield Primary School Behaviour Policy Overview January 2017

Our School Rules:

Care for everyone and everything.

Follow instructions straight away.

Show good manners at all times.

Our non-negotiables:

No-one hurts anyone either physically or emotionally. This sort of behaviour is likely to result in a detention.

Silly or reckless behaviour that causes an accident, injury, or near-miss will be dealt with as a behaviour incident (e.g. inappropriate use of P.E. or play equipment; throwing or kicking of objects indoors; throwing or kicking of objects such as sticks, stones or cones outdoors that cause or may cause injury). If the silly or reckless behaviour causes an accident/injury, it is likely to result in a detention.

Children will follow all reasonable requests/instructions from adults (refusals and/or confrontations are likely to result in a detention).

All staff care for all our children and show it by being consistently firm but fair.

We only use kind language; the use of any language which is insulting is not acceptable.

Our specific instructions for...

1. How we (often) stop classes, assemblies and groups of children:

Hand in the air, followed by “look at me” if necessary.

2. Lining children up:

Stand one behind the other, eyes forward, silent voice.

3.  How to lower class/dining hall noise levels:

Use your partner voice.

Our methods for encouraging great behaviour:

·  Use of specific praise e.g. “Thank you for using partner voices.”

·  Use children as examples of great behaviour.

·  In class, use stickers and DoJo points.

·  All staff to use the same phrases (silent voice, partner voice, look at me, thank you for…..) consistently.

Our methods for recognising great achievements and effort:

·  Good work assembly at the end of the week.

·  Specific praise

·  Stickers/DoJo points in class.

·  Postcards/ texts from HT to child’s parents.

·  Child sent to subject leader or SLT for praise about specific work.

•  We ensure children are given extra support with their behaviour when/if they have Special Educational Needs or if they are experiencing a high level of stress due to bereavement or family crises.

•  We ensure staff are given extra support with behaviour when/if they have a child with particularly challenging behaviour. This may involve training, mentoring or additional adult help.

•  We have PSHE lessons weekly that help children to understand how to control their emotions and develop tolerance and respect for others.

•  We use Restorative Practice to help build and repair relationships. This gives children opportunities to discuss alternative responses and to help put things right in a very practical way.

If pupils don’t follow our reasonable instructions, we follow these steps:


1.  In the first instance, children will be reminded of how they should behave.

2.  If they continue to make the wrong choices of behaviour then the child will receive 5 minutes ‘time-out’ and a member of staff will speak to the child’s parent at home time.

3.  If the poor behaviour persists, the child may lose additional privileges (e.g. they may have to spend some time away from their friends during play time) and they may need to spend some time talking to a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

4.  As the year progresses, the Reception staff may choose to move towards the more formal KS1 model of our behaviour plan to reflect our increasing expectations (in line with the children’s developing social and emotional skills).


1.  Warning 1 - name recorded on board in classroom or in notebook on yard.

2.  Warning 2 – child reminded that this is final warning before losing morning playtime or lunchtime privileges.

3.  Warning 3 – child will lose their next morning playtime and will be supervised either by a member of staff on the yard, or will go to the office. If the incident occurs shortly before, or during, lunch time, the child may lose 15 minutes of lunch time (child will sit in the hall). For more serious incidents, e.g. hurting another child or willful disobedience or confrontation with a member of staff, a child may lose more than 15 minutes. Parents informed by email (parents will be encouraged to discuss the incident with their child and will be welcome to contact school with any queries).

4.  Warning 4 - child will attend a formal lunch time detention (this is normally only to be used for KS2 pupils and should be seen as a very serious incident). If this warning is delivered during a lunch time, the child will spend the remaining lunch time in the hall and then do their detention on the following lunchtime. They can also be denied any further privileges (e.g. representing the school at sporting events or participating in non-curriculum events and celebrations). A member of the SLT will contact parents to discuss the child’s behaviour.

5.  If a child fails to improve their behaviour, despite having been given clear warnings, they will be sent to/removed from class by a member of the SLT and their parents will be contacted.


1.  Warning 1- name recorded on board in classroom or in notebook on yard.

2.  Warning 2 – child reminded that this is final warning before detention.

6.  Warning 3 – child will receive lunch time detention with member of Senior Leadership Team (SLT). If this warning is delivered during a lunch time, the child will spend the remaining lunch time in the hall and then do their detention on the following lunchtime. Parents informed by email (parents will be encouraged to discuss the incident with their child and will be welcome to contact school with any queries).

3.  Warning 4 - child will receive an additional lunch time detention on a following day. They can also be denied any further privileges (e.g. representing the school at sporting events or participating in non-curriculum events and celebrations). A member of the SLT will contact parents to discuss the child’s behaviour.

4.  If a child fails to improve their behaviour, despite having been given clear warnings, they will be sent to/removed from class by a member of the SLT and their parents will be contacted.


In Year 1, warnings are refreshed after each lesson or break and children start afresh.

In Year 2, warnings are refreshed after each half day.

In KS2, warnings last for a day.

DoJo points are removed for each warning.

In some cases, a child’s behaviour may be such that the school chooses to escalate the consequence straight to detention (e.g. the breaking of one of our non-negotiables).

Even if a child does not reach step four, the school reserves the right to deny any child access to any non-curriculum privileges, events or celebrations, or opportunities to represent the school, until the school can be sure that the child’s behaviour has improved enough to be deserving of such activities.