Dear Parents,
Welcome to Third Grade! I am looking forward to working with your child to make this year a great experience! Please remember that attendance and promptness are very important to keep your child caught up in their learning. The following is a summary of what we do in our classroom. Please keep this and refer to it as necessary throughout the year.
Reading: Each week we will read two stories from our reading book. We will also learn and memorize new vocabulary words and definitions. We will work on fluency, comprehension, phonics, book reports, and many other reading strategies.
Spelling: Each Monday, a spelling list will be sent home in your child’s homework folder. We will be doing different activities using the spelling words throughout the week. Spelling words will be tested on Friday. All spelling lists will be accessible from our class webpage and
Math: At first we will be reviewing place value, rounding, estimation and easy addition and subtraction. Then we will gradually move toward more challenging math concepts including multiplication and division. We will keep a math journal and use many fun manipulative-based activities. Involve your child with everyday household math skills at home to help with their learning.
Cursive: We will be practicing good printing practices with spacing and neatness before we move on to cursive. We will be learning traditional Zaner-Bloser cursive.
Homework: Your child has been given a Homework Folder. This is to be taken home and brought back to school each day! Our work for the day will be in this folder for you to check or for your child to finish. Please get in the habit of looking at your child’s daily work as this validates their hard work and encourages them to do their best. It also prevents your child from getting behind in their schoolwork. Any unfinished homework must be turned in by Friday of that week.
AT HOME READING: I cannot stress enough how important reading at home is to your child’s reading development. We recommend that your child read at least one hundred minutes a week (20 minutes a night). Please keep track of the minutes read on the monthly calendar in your child’s planner. At the end of every month your child’s minutes will be recorded. Please have the minutes totaled and initialed at the end of the month. Reading minutes will become part of your child’s reading grade. It is always a great thing to visit the Library regularly and get a fresh set of books to keep your child interested in reading at home.
DAY PLANNERS: Your child has been given a Day Planner. This is to be taken home and brought back to school every day. Please remember to check and sign your child’s day planner each day. Every MONDAY I will check the previous week and points will be given based on the number of days signed. This will help keep you informed on what we are learning, upcoming events, and special assignments that are due.
Classroom Policy: Students are expected to follow our class procedures and will be given reward activities for positive behavior. It is our goal to make each day a positive experience for our students. We concentrate on providing opportunities for them to feel daily success and learn the importance of being responsible for the choices they make. We will be using a color card system. Misbehavior will result in a card being pulled with the following consequences:
Green card = Good choices throughout the day!
Yellow card = Think Time in classroom.
Red card = Stop and Go to another class or in the hall.
All Cards Pulled = Too many bad choices. Behavior Notification and call home to parents. Parents please sign and return this Behavior Notification the next school day or your child will continue to miss recess until it is brought back.
Respect for everyone is encouraged and rewarded. No bullying or put downs allowed! Our class will discuss good behavior choices and write our own class procedures together on the first day of school.
Restroom and Drinks: Students are encouraged to use the restroom at recess. They may use the restroom and get drinks as needed during the day. However, if it becomes too frequent, or just before recess, students may be asked to wait for recess unless it’s an emergency. Bottled water is always welcome as long as it doesn’t become a distraction to the child.
I am looking forward to working with your child to make this year a great experience for them. If you or your child has a concern about something taking place at school, please contact me and let’s work it out together. I am truly excited for your child to succeed in Third Grade. We are all in this together!
Thanks for your support!
Mrs. Corey
You can e-mail me at
You may also reach me at the school (801)402-3150.
Check out our class webpage regularly to stay updated
You can also easily access our class webpage from the Burton Elementary website. On our class webpage you will find additional study resources, spelling and vocabulary lists and educational games.
Please sign and return this page.
*I have read this disclosure statement and I also give my permission to have my child’s work displayed, corrected by someone other than the teacher on occasion, and I give permission for my child to pass back work and projects for the teacher.
Child’s Name______
Parent’s Signature______