Present: Steve Priestley, David Morter, Caroline Wyness, Noggy Weston, Anne Barnham, James Bourne

Apologies: Ann Parish

1.  Coffee Mornings. The coffee morning held on Sat 19 March raised £146.40.
2.  The next coffee morning on the 16 April would be a basic one, ie just drinks and cakes. Noggy volunteered to take the lead on this one. Ann P was unable to do the kitchen - Steve would ask Mo and Gill if they could do it. Noggy would get the milk. Steve would solicit cakes from the usual donors and also get the banner to Caroline, who would put it up next weekend. / Noggy
3.  Beetle Drive. The Beetle Drive held on Sat 12 March was poorly attended, with only 12 player, 6 of which were committee members. Nevertheless, it proved to be a very enjoyable evening and £36 was raised from tickets plus £55.70 in bar takings.
4.  Open Gardens. This would be held on Sunday 26 June, from 11.00 to 5.00 as per last year. Anne Barnham would hold an Art Exhibition again. Fixter's Falconry had also said they would be there, but this needed to be confirmed.
5.  Caroline had started advertising the event, with entries on Lincs FM website, the Local Lincs magazine and the LCC What's On website. Local papers would be contacted nearer the time and we would do the usual posters.
6.  We needed to start getting details of participating gardens etc. Anne said that her garden plus her neighbours would be available, and John Fry would seek participants in North Street. Steve would 'phone last years participants.
7.  There was comment that the map provided could be improved. Also, the "flowers" provided as a participation flag should be slightly larger and in a more visible colour. These comments would be taken into account. / Steve
8.  Horticultural Show. This would be held on Saturday 6 August.
9.  David had written to previous cup winners asking for the cups back - only a few had been returned so far.
10.  We needed to get a voluntary committee together to organise the event. Members had been invited from the School and the Allotment Group. Planning would need to start this month, David would look to getting the first committee meeting organised. Caroline took the previous booklet to begin getting it into a "soft copy" so it could be easily amended and reproduced. / David
11.  Auction of Promises. This would be held on Saturday 24 September as a joint venture with the Bowls Club, with profits being split between us both and Help for Heroes
12.  We would need to get two types of pledges - those from businesses/organisations/ shops etc, and those from local individuals. A meeting had been held and a preliminary list drawn up. David and Steve had produced appropriate letters that could be sent out.
13.  Caroline suggested that where possible, we should use web sites and facebook etc to approach possible donors. She had done this with another fundraising event and had had a good response. It would also save on postage costs. / All
14.  Other Fund Raising. Steve had received a letter from the Co-op saying that we had £1681.83 due from their Community Champion scheme. Steve was trying to contact them to arrange for them to present it to us.
15.  Table Top Sale. The possibility of holding a Table Top Sale was discussed. We thought this could be done at a suitably convenient coffee morning sometime in the future, probably after the Feast. Stalls would be available to locals to sell their unwanted items (aka a car boot sale) but we would also consider a limited number of "craft" stalls.
16.  Christmas Draw. It was hoped that we could hold a Christmas Draw this year by selling squares on draw sheets, with appropriate prizes. The draw could be held on 10 Dec at the Christmas coffee morning. Sales would probably need to start in Oct/Nov.
17.  AOB. Noggy said she had been approached by Angus Hannam about doing an Open Mike night, with him and a couple of others doing turns, plus anybody else who wanted to take part. It was agreed that this was possible, probably during May/June/July, as it would take little arranging, plus we could run a bar. Noggy would speak to Angus to try to sort out a suitable date.
18.  Following feedback from the Cluster Meeting that Heckington had formed a "Film Club", there was discussion about film nights. We were still unsure how they got around licensing and charging admission. Caroline volunteered to investigate. / Noggy
19.  Date of Next Meeting. The next meeting would be held on Monday 9 May at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. / All
Events Programme.
Coffee Morning / 16 / April
Coffee Morning / 14 / May
Coffee Morning / 11 / June
Open gardens / 26 / June
Digby Feast / 16 / July
Horticultural Show / 6 / August
Coffee Morning / 17 / September
Auction of Promises / 24 / September
Coffee Morning / 15 / October
Coffee Morning / 5 / November
Xmas Market/Fair / 19 / November
Coffee Morning / 10 / December
Also to include a Quiz Night?