The Secretary is an elected and voting board position. The Secretary documents the activities of the APICS Cleveland Chapter. Responsible to carry out the duties of the Secretary by documenting and processing any necessary paperwork to keep the APICS Cleveland Chapter in compliance with the National and Regional Organization. The Secretary’s duties must be carried out without bias. All documentation must be professionally written, using facts and accurate information and is to be submitted to the appropriate people within fourteen (14) days of each activity.

Main Duties:

  1. Coordinate and facilitate the transition when transition of office occurs.
  2. Attend all BOD, PDM, special events, and Regional activities.
  3. Keep a running list of action items with the President.
  4. Secretary should keep the agenda going vs. the time allotted.
  5. Participate in member renewal/retention surveys as supplied by the Director of Marketing and the Director of Communication.
  6. Ensure all Key documents are on-file within the APICS Cleveland Chapter and with the National Organization, including but not limited to: Constitution, By-Laws, “Detailed Position Guide”, meeting minutes, financial records submitted to the BOD, documents submitted to the National Organization and any other pertinent documents related to the Chapter’s activities.
  7. Each board member shall report on actual expenses versus the budget at each monthly board meeting.
  8. Update/maintain the Secretary’s “Detailed Position Guide” and forms, contracts, etc. related the Chapter and on file with the chapter Secretary.

Technical Requirements:

  1. E-mail, internet, phone access.
  2. Have read and fully understand the job description, APICS Cleveland Chapter by-laws, and rules set forth by the National Organization

Required Skill:

  1. Leadership, motivation, teambuilding, communication, organization, negotiation.
  2. Typing and computer skills: word processing, spreadsheets, Internet skills, Excel, and MS Word
  3. Familiarity with APICS body of language.
  4. Writing skills (grammar, spelling, proofreading).
  5. Public speaking and presentation skills.

Minimum Time Requirements:

  1. BOD meetings: 1 per month, 2 hour per meeting
  2. Transition meeting weekend: 1 per year
  3. APICS sponsored Training Meetings: 1 per year (optional)
  4. Professional Development Meetings: 1 per month, 8 per year
  5. Documentation preparation: 2 hours per month
  6. 7-15 hours additional per month, depending on the level of chapter activity.

Last Update: August 23, 2005