ISSRC Meeting Notes
Meeting Type: Special Ed Subcommittee Meeting Notes
Date: November 5, 2014; 11:30-3:15
In attendance: Bill Mosiman, Signe Pierce, Julie Goldsmith, Amy Jernigan, Karen Connors, Meg Evans, Janice Petaja, Sheila Jakubik, Diane Leonetti, Sara Edwards, Melinda Reynvaan
Val Lynch and Gordy Linse, Consultants, participated in the PSESD review process during 2013-14 SY. Both Val and Gordy have recently retired from PSESD.
Following discussion with Albertsons, and Gordy Linse, it was determined that Val and Gordy were a better fit for the needs of the ISSRC. Together, they have significant combined experience working with these types of committees, and with many school districts in the Puget Sound area.
- Introductions and role of the consultant
- Review of meeting with Island Autism Moms on Oct 30th: Karen and Bill
- Action Plan
- Steps needed to address the two priorities; who, what, when, where including calendar review dates. See First Big Steps from Oct 22nd meeting notes
- Survey: to whom and what information are we looking for
- Communication actions
- Other action items
- SDI discussion
- New Agenda items
Consultants’ role:
- attend meetings
- provide input
- guide subcommittee work
- assist with research and bring information to committees
- facilitate additional parent meetings
- help develop surveys
- help provide direction towards identified priorities
- provide third party validation
Meeting with Island Autism Moms (IAMS):
- 10 parents present plus 4 emails. Meeting information sent via email list of 40.
- Used poster board & sticky collection of information. See table below summarizing the results.
- Changing the “culture” was a big concern but felt to be something that will come out of the other points.
- This population represents children with autism as well as typically developing children.
Discussion regarding results of IAMS meeting:
- What would a “good” culture look like? Culture is ephemeral - Gordy learned about our high-performing culture during conversations last year. It currently feels like two worlds - the “prime” and those for which there is a “disconnect”. We want to connect with all kids in that grand way.
- In a perfect world, when the assets of BISD are touted, the assets of special ed kids would be touted too. How do you create visibility in a high-performing system?
- Have met with one small group, we need to reach out to others, including at the school level.
Discussion regarding the development of the top three priorities:
- Reviewed how we selected these (report, staff, parent & community input).
- Gordon & Val agreed with our selection of these as the place to start this year
- Action Plan has been drafted with steps needed to accomplish/address each priority identified. Subcommittee will work to finalize draft Action Plan.
Discussion of SDI:
See WACs regarding FAPE, SDI and Service Providers
- We need to operationalize the definition of SDI and identify elements of programs, yet may not be all that SDI is.
- SDI must be defined as the individualized instruction that is necessary for each individual student with an IEP.
- We need to think about SDI in an observable way.
- Create a list of T-Chart with examples of what SDI is and what is NOT. And then have the conversation of why an example is SDI and another is not SDI.
- OSPI has additional guidance around SDI in a training module. (Diane will find and share.)
- Create “look fors” in SDI.
- Use these “look fors” when visiting exemplar programs. Questions to ask: Who is providing the SDI? Who is designing? Who is supervising? Who is monitoring and evaluating? Do you have a common definition of SDI for your district? What helps to make your programs cohesive?
Talking Points
For Parents:
- Consultant hired - Gordy Linse, Val Lynch worked with PSESD and are familiar with district. They have met with SpEd subcommittee and have helped developed a draft Action Plan. They will continue to meet with the SpEd subcommittee on a regular basis.
- Action Plan has been drafted
- ISSRC Special Ed subcommittee will continue to gather input from parents and community:
- A survey will be sent to give all parents an opportunity to validate the tentative priorities set, and give input
- Parents can continue to provide input through communication with parent reps and/or emails to district
For Staff:
- Consultant hired - Gordy Linse, Val Lynch worked with PSESD and are familiar with district. They have met with SpEd subcommittee and have helped developed a draft Action Plan. They will continue to meet with the SpEd subcommittee on a regular basis.
- Action Plan has been drafted
- Here are top three priorities:
- Defining SDI, Consistency of programs PS-21, and Curriculum and Materials
- Paraeducator philosophy, management, training, and structure, and staffing used across district (PS-21)
- Professional Development/Training for general ed teachers around special ed and consistency knowledge of special ed staff
- ISSRC Special Ed subcommittee will continue to gather input from staff through communication with committee reps and/or emails to district
Further communications needed:
- Talk to principals - may committee reps take a few minutes to share with staff
- Send to Talking Points and Meeting Notes to association and principals
- Confirm availability of consultants for upcoming meetings
Next meeting Thursday, Nov 20th, 7:45-10:30 am in Board Rood
Upcoming meetings: Thursday, Dec 4th 11:30-3:15 SpEd subcommittee and 3:30-5:30 ISSRC Steering Committee, location TBD
Island Autism Moms Parent Meeting
October 30, 2014
Identified Areas / Concerns and Improvements / Level of ImportancePara Training / Hovering / Lines of communi-cation / More organized behavior plans / Caseload / “Fluent” in the child / Know system / ABA training / At IEP meetings / 13
Preparing for the Future / Honing in on strengths and focus / Transition planning at 16 years of age / Purpose-ful, not random tasks / not vigorous enough, needs practicality / Data Collection and IEP form, ensuring imple-mentation / SDI:
Individual + rigorous + purposeful + educational / Using ABA / Kids not exiting SPED
(no RTI) / 9
Transitions / Every kind
Team to team
Para to para and School to school / IEP document becoming functional / Working IEP document from year to year / 5
Culture of SPED / Too much focus on GenEd and HC learners / Educating school board and general public / 2
Access to Choice Programs / 2
Communi-cation / Come up with system / 1
Re-vamp IEP / Data collection / Imple-menting goals / Have a functional document / Current form ineffective / “Snapshot IEP” / 1