UNIT : 2nd Grade
State Library Resources
Learning Outcome:
AASL 21st Century Learning Standards
1.1.1 Follow an inquiry based process in seeking knowledge in curricular subjects, and make the real-world connection for using this process in own life.
1.2.6 Display emotional resilience by persisting in information searching despite challenges. 4.1.2 Read widely and fluently to make connections with self, the world, and previous reading
4.2.4 Show an appreciation for literature by electing to read for pleasure and expressing an interest in various literary genres
Background Information: N/A
Date: February Subject/Grade: 2nd/3rd
Prerequisite Skills Needed for Learning: NA
Learning Resources:
Books/Resources / Props / Handout/ActivitySearchasaurus / xx / Students explore the website Searchasaurus
Searchasaurus / Cups / Students explain subject headings in searchasaurus
Day 1 with Searchasaurus
Kansas Lesson P-3
McPherson USD 418 Lesson Plan Template
Learning Outcome:
AASL 21st Century Learning Standards
1.1.1 Follow an inquiry based process in seeking knowledge in curricular subjects, and make the real-world connection for using this process in own life.
1.2.6 Display emotional resilience by persisting in information searching despite challenges.
Background Information: n/a
Date: February Subject/Grade: 2nd/3rd
Prerequisite Skills Needed for Learning: N/A
Learning Resources:
Book/Resource / Props / ActivitySearchasaurus / xx / Students explore the website Searchasaurus
Opening -Prepare the Learner
Attention: How will I get the students’ attention?
Where do we go to look for information?
Where would we look for information about the Holidays?
If they say books in the library GREAT! but tell them we only have a few books on that topic so we need more places to look.
Show them the online Encyclopedia Searchasaurus.
What topics do they see?
Things to Point Out!
0. How to Navigate to Searchasaurus via the Library Page
1. How to change Lexile
Have them pick the easiest Lexile when searching.
2. How to pick a PDF when searching
pick a PDF Full Text at the bottom of the page
Your paper will go from the following image to
to this
An example to read aloud with the class
Search for Zip likes the holidays for a quick comic you can read with the class
This will obviously take a little bit of time to load.
Give them FREE TIME TO SEARCH FOR WHATEVER preferably in groups of 2.
At the end have them line up by telling you something they searched for or something interesting they found.
Closing - Solidify the learning
--Review and Practice
--Celebrate : How will I affirm students’ efforts and learning ?
Day 2 with Searchasaurus
Kansas Lesson P-3
McPherson USD 418 Lesson Plan Template
Learning Outcome: AASL 21st Century Learning Standards
1.1.1 Follow an inquiry based process in seeking knowledge in curricular subjects, and make the real-world connection for using this process in own life.
1.2.6 Display emotional resilience by persisting in information searching despite challenges.
Background Information: n/a
Date: February Subject/Grade: 2nd/3rd
Prerequisite Skills Needed for Learning: N/A
Learning Resources:
Book/Resource / Props / ActivitySearchasaurus / xx / Students explore the website Searchasaurus
Students use cups to sort subject headings
Amanda to provide cups.
Opening -Prepare the Learner
Attention: How will I get the students’ attention?
Show students Searchasaurus. Ask kiddos to share something interesting they looked at last time or if they have any tips for kids using Searchasaurus.
Show students the subject headings on the cups. It would help if you had the subject headings page (ie the first page) up on the board. Then show students one slip of paper. Ask students which subject heading it would fall under.
For example if you had the slip of paper that said basketball then you would put it in the cup marked Sports.
Give each table a set of cups with each subject heading on it and then give them some slips of paper to sort (~12 slips). Allow them to use the computer to help them and check their answers.
Once kids get done they can play on Searchasaurus.
Closing - Solidify the learning
--Review and Practice
--Celebrate : How will I affirm students’ efforts and learning ?