
Proposed Classroom Training for Volunteers, Charity and Faith Sector subject to availability.

Budget Monitoring

Aim and objectives

  • To provide participants with a sound understanding of the key principles
    of budget monitoring.
  • To give SCC staff the necessary skills to forecast against budget effectively.
  • To ensure sound financial management across the organisation.

Target Audience
All managers and budget holders.
By the end of the training, participants should be able to:

  • Understand what budget monitoring is and why it’s important
  • Understand budget monitoring techniques and be able to apply them to
    different scenarios
  • Understand how to write a meaningful commentary


  • 25% of this course relates to SCC specific systems
  • Understand what is budget monitoring and why we do it
  • Overview of Surrey County Council processes for budget monitoring
  • Cover methods of calculating forecasts and writing meaningful commentaries
  • Quiz
  • Case Study

Investment Appraisal


  • To improve understanding of investment decision-making processes in SCC.
  • To improve the skills of managers and budget holders in dealing with
    investment appraisals

Target Audience
All managers and budget holders.
By the end of the training, participants should be able to:

  • Understand investment appraisal techniques
  • Understand the key factors and principles in making sound
    investment decisions
  • Be familiar with the Surrey County Council investment appraisal

The course gives a broad interview of investment appraisal and covers:

  • The key factors and principles in making sound investment decisions
  • How to use investment appraisal techniques to calculate which option
    delivers the best financial outcome
  • The SCC investment appraisal process, including some examples of
    investment decisions made in Surrey

Optimising Income


  • To build on other financial workshops in the series (financial acumen,
    thinking like an entrepreneur, investment appraisal), introduce the
    concept of optimising income and how this can be achieved.
  • To help SCC deliver even better results for every £ spent.

Target Audience
All managers and budget holders.
By the end of the training participants should be able to:

  • Understand the importance of income generation to the future of
    the Council
  • Understand the importance of optimising income
  • Explain the revenue streams available to SCC and how we can
    generate income
  • Stimulate ideas for optimising income
  • Identify cost drivers within different services and different

The workshop will seek to introduce content that will be useful when
assessing the performance of SCC from a commercial perspective.
Specific content to be covered will include:

  • The concept of income generation including legal aspects and how
    it can be achieved within SCC
  • Comparing income generation against other councils
  • Building a business case for generating income
  • Using a simple costing model.

As a rule we look to demystify Finance by providing a fun and safe
learning environment. The ½ day workshop will be a blend of team based
interactions, individual contribution and presentations.
Pre Event Requisites

Read through pre-reading document provided.

Valuing Budgets

Aims and objectives

  • To appreciate the importance of budgets and your role in managing value
    and performance
  • To support sound financial management across the organisation.

Target Audience
All managers and budget holders.

By the end of the training, participants should be able to:

  • Understand the Surrey budgeting context.
  • Understand different types of budgeting and how to apply them in
  • Identify ways for improving value for money and the return on every £
    spent at Surrey.


  • 25% of this course relates to SCC specific systems
  • What is a budget and the benefits of budgeting
  • Value of keeping your budget to hand every day
  • Budgeting behaviours and critical success factors
  • Building an incremental and zero based budget
  • Understanding the relevance of cost drivers and unit costs

Delivering Presentations

To increase the confidence and presentation skills of staff who are
unused to public speaking.
Target Audience
All staff who wish to develop their presentation skills.

By the end of the training delegates will be able to:

  • Display an understanding of the importance of effective planning and
  • Understand the requirements of a diverse audience and tailor the
    presentation accordingly
  • Select and use appropriate equipment and visual aids
  • Understand how body language and vocal variety can affect the
    presentation and practice what works well
  • Have had the opportunity to further develop presentation skills, and
    had supportive feedback to enable this
  • Have identified a range of options for responding appropriately to
    questions from the audience

Pre Requisite
You must come prepared with two short topics that you would like to
speak on in slots of no more than 5-10 minutes. There will be
opportunities within the programme to be supported to prepare and
deliver these. You have complete freedom in your choice of topics, but
you might like to take the opportunity to deliver a topic which is
relevant to the public speaking you have to do within your work.


To explore expectations of retirement, and responses to the process of
Target Audience
All staff who wish to plan for their retirement.
By the end of this session delegates will be able to:

  • Review and understand health and welfare issues
  • Review and understand legal and financial issues
  • Make informed choices and plan for their future


Healthy Living in Retirement: To explain the ageing process and how to
take responsibility for your own health and fitness

Benefits from the State: To increase awareness of relevant benefits at
retirement including:

  • Benefits based on Contributions
  • Benefits based on health needs
  • Means tested benefits
  • Care in the Community
  • Extra help

Legal matters Participants will be aware of:

  • The importance of making a will
  • Inheritance tax
  • Lasting Powers of Attorney
  • The possibility of making an Advance Decision (formerly known as a
    living will)
  • Maintaining and developing relationships in retirement
  • To consider possible personal adjustments in retirement and their
    impact on family and wider relationships.
  • Understanding Taxation, Investment and Money Management

Participants will:

  • Be aware of the need to plan
  • Have a better understanding of the tax situation
  • Be aware of the need to consider inflation
  • Be aware of the need for a strategy for investment
  • Be aware of considerations when choosing a financial adviser

Getting Started
Participants will have explored expectations and options for a
fulfilling use of time in retirement and begun to plan for action. This
will include opportunities for education, volunteering and paid work.

Lean Continuous Improvement

Target Audience
All Surrey County Council Employees

  • Continuous Improvement for Surrey County Council is about achieving a
    shift in culture so we always think about how we can maximise our efficiency, effectiveness, and respond to external influences.
  • It is about simplifying, standardising and stabilising everyday systems and processes across our business; and joining up with others where we can and actively managing performance to ensure progress.
  • It is also about challenging ourselves personally to improve our performance
    and grow our skills whenever we can.
    This course is designed to offer a practical example of the fundamental
    principles that underpin continuous improvement.
  • The techniques that the delegates work through can be applied in any situation.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:

  • Recognise problems within a process
  • Identify the areas within the process that require improvement
  • Demonstrate effective management of the problems
  • Implement effective countermeasures
  • Analyse and assess the effectiveness of improvements made
  • Recognise the impact of incremental steps to improvement

Pre Requisite
Course Length
3 Hours (approx)

CIEH Level 2 in Food Safety

Please note: All delegates are required to bring photo ID (office pass,
passport or driving licence etc) with them to the training course.
It is the legal responsibility of those involved with food to ensure
that food does not cause illness, injury or any other problems.
Individuals may not have the personal responsibility for every aspect of
food handling covered in the course but they still need to be aware of
all the topics covered to help avoid causing illness.
Please note all timings are approximate.
This course will provide you with training and information which then
enables you to take the multi-choice question paper at the end of the
course to achieve the level 2 CIEH award.
Target Audience
To identify if this is the right course for you please refer to the Food
Hygiene Decision tree, found under the Food hygiene training pages on
the before applying.
By the end of this session delegates will have covered:

  • Introduction to Food Safety & Hygiene
  • The Law
  • Food Safety Hazards
  • Taking Temperatures
  • Refrigeration and cold holding of foods
  • Cooking, hot-holding & re-heating
  • Food Handlers
  • Safe food storage
  • Cleaning
  • Food premises & equipment

CIEH Level 2 Food Safety Refresher

Please note: All attendees must bring a copy of their Level 2
Certificate and photographic ID, in order to take part in the exam.
If your name has changed since you last completed this course you will
need to bring documentary evidence of your name change (e.g. marriage
certificate). If you do not have a copy of your certificate and photo ID then you will be turned away from the course. There has been a change to the duration of this training and the course will now take place between 9.30-13.00
To refresh the skills and knowledge of those who work with food to
enable them to safeguard the health of consumers and ensure that the
food they serve is perfectly safe to eat.
Target Audience
To identify if this is the right course for you please refer to the Food
Hygiene Decision tree, found under the Food hygiene training pages on
the before applying.
By the end of the training participants should have refreshed:

  • A firm grasp of the importance of food safety and knowledge of
    the systems, techniques and procedures involved
  • An understanding of how to control food safety risks (personal
    hygiene, food storage, cooking and handling)
  • Confidence and expertise to safely deliver quality food to customers

Topics covered include:

  • Introduction to food safety
  • Food legislation
  • Food safety hazards
  • Taking temperatures
  • Refrigeration, chilling and cold holding of foods
  • Cooking, hot-holding and re-heating of foods
  • Food handlers
  • Safe storage
  • Cleaning
  • Food premises and equipment
  • Multiple choice assessed

Pre Event Requisites
Meet with your manager to discuss the purpose of the learning and the
proposed outcomes.
All attendees must bring along their original certificate for their
Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering qualification and photographic
ID in order to take part in the exam.

Emergency First Aid at Work

Course Content
Attendance is required at all sessions for the entire session to qualify
for certification.
Please note: All delegates are required to bring photo ID (office pass,
passport or driving licence etc) with them to the training course.
To provide attendees with a Health and Safety Executive statutory
certificate in the above course for basic life-saving skills and minor
First aid treatment in the workplace.
Target Audience
The course is for staff who must have knowledge of emergency first aid
as part of their role.
By the end of the training participants should be able to:

  • Understand the role of the First Aider and the legal context
  • Communicate with and care for a casualty
  • Deal with First Aid emergencies at work
  • Conduct a primary survey
  • Treat:
  • Severe bleeding
  • An unconscious casualty
  • Shock
  • An adult who is choking
  • Minor workplace injuries
  • Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on an adult

First Aid at Work

To provide attendees with a Health and Safety Executive statutory
certificate in First Aid at Work for life-saving skills in the
Target Audience
Nominated workplace first aiders. Also relevant for those requiring
first aid in their job role.
Learning Outcomes

By the end of the training participants should be
able to:

  • Understand the role of the First Aider and the legal context
  • Communicate with and care for a casualty
  • Deal with First Aid emergencies at work
  • Conduct a Primary Survey
  • Treat:
  • Severe bleeding
  • An Unconscious casualty
  • Shock
  • An adult who is choking
  • Minor workplace injuries
  • Burns and scalds
  • Bone, muscle and joint injuries
  • Poisioning
  • Chest injuries
  • Eye injuries
  • Fainting
  • Anaphylactic Shock
  • Recognise and provide appropriate first aid in cases of:
  • Heart Attack
  • Stroke
  • Epilepsy
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on an adult

First Aid at Work Requalification

Please note: All attendees must bring a full copy of their First Aid
Certificate and photographic ID, in order to take part in the course.
If your name has changed since you last completed this course you will
need to bring documentary evidence of your name change (e.g. marriage
If you do not have a copy of your certificate and photo ID then you will
be turned away from the course.
The course aims to update and refresh your knowledge of the First Aid at
work syllabus, while allowing time for revision and practice sessions in
preparation for a final assessment.
Target Audience
This course is for nominated workplace first aiders who need to renew
their statutory first aid at work certificate and whose existing
certificate is still valid.
Learning Outcomes

By the end of the training participants should be able to:

  • Be updated in first aid knowledge and skills and a revision of
    workplace requirements.

Pre Event Requisites
Meet with your manager to discuss the purpose of the learning and the
proposed outcomes.
First aiders whose certificates have expired for more than 28 days must
attend the three day first aid at work course. Please note that you need
to have completed this course before the 28 days after expiry of your
certificate are up.


Social model of disability

Although attitudes towards disabled people and other
minority groups within our society are changing and becoming more
positive, there still seems to be an immense lack of understanding about

This module introduces the social model of disability and explores the
difference between the social and medical model of disability, the facts
and legislation surrounding disability.
It also highlights the main principles of inclusive communication.
Surrey County Council has adopted the social model of disability. The
aim of the module is to explain the key principles behind the approach
and how it differs from the medical model of disability.
Target audience
The module is intended for all members of staff working with disabled
colleagues or managing employees with disabilities and everyone
interested in accessibility and disability.
After completing the module learners will be able to:

  • Define the social model of disability
  • Recognise the difference between the medical and social model of
  • Understand the barriers faced by disabled people
  • Recognise the main principles of inclusive communication
  • Signpost to key SCC’s accessibility resources

15 min (incl. 1 min video footage)

Conflict Resolution

Conflict is an inevitable ingredient in any workplace, but it can
actually be regarded as a good thing sometimes – it can show that people
are engaged, committed and fired up, and it may help to drive positive
change in an organisation. The most effective and efficient workplaces
are not necessarily those where conflict doesn’t arise, but those where
conflict is handled constructively.

This module will look at the causes and types of conflict that can
arise in the workplace. We'll demonstrate best practice approaches to
resolving conflicts, and show everyday measures that can help to prevent
future disharmony.
Learning objectives

  • Resolve instances of conflict quickly and effectively
  • Manage the impact of ongoing conflict, so as to minimise the effect on
    the business
  • Put in place some practices that can help to prevent future conflict.

Target audience

All Surrey County Council staff

20 minutes

Manual Handling Loads


This brief course will provide you with basic knowledge and information on safe methods of moving and handling.
Target Audience

All members of staff.

  • An awareness of the relevant legislation and guidance relating to
    moving and handling
  • A basic understanding of anatomy and physiology of the spine and the
    possible causes of injury
  • Knowledge of the principles of safe moving and handling
  • The ergonomic approach to Risk Assessment of handling tasks, risk
    prevention and reduction

This course consists of an introduction module followed by a
quiz. For some people there will also then be a classroom module.

The whole course should take approximately 45 minutes.

Introduction to Project Management

In this course you will learn about the Project Management lifecycle,
which is a robust four stage process to help you manage projects and
deliver the outcomes you require.

This course provides delegates with an understanding of the Surrey
County Council Project Management processes and methodology.
Target audience