Universal Native Ad Specifications
The cross-platform native ad experience integrates the client’s advertising into the natural form and function of the site and user experience. The highly engaging ad unit allows advertiser to showcase custom client content with social and custom call to actions.
Please Note:
Due to the native nature of this ad, each placement is customized to the device and page it runs on and may not display all assets components.
Required Guidelines:
- Images should have the main subject matter in the center.
- Images should contain no text or logos.
- Three or more headlines are recommended for optimal engagement.
- Three creatives max per line.
Thumbnail Ratios
- All Thumbnails will be automatically adjusted to one or several of the following ratio aspects1:1, 4:3, 16:9 to fit to the device and/or page that the ad runs. Example:
Site / Headline Text / Description Text
CBS (mobile) / 45 / 90
CBS Sports (desktop/mobile) / 40 / 100
CNET (desktop/mobile) / 65 / 145
MaxPreps (desktop/mobile) / 27 / 100
TV Guide (mobile) / 25 / 90
All other sites / 50 / 90
CBS Interactive requires that all creative be submitted 5 business days prior to launch date.
If the submitted creative does not conform to the specifications, it will not be placed online and may result in a delayed launch date.
ContactsQuestions about this opportunity: Please contact your CBS Interactive representative.
Technical questions about your creative: E-Mail
Building Your Native Ad:
The native ad is composed of two components. The first is the Traffic Driver and the second is the Custom Content, both are required.
Below are the specs that are needed for a successful Native Ad, starting with the Traffic Driver:
Traffic Driver Specs: Need all for ALL creative typesItems Needed with Specifications
Brand Name:This will be displayed in the "Paid content by" or “Sponsored by” line
Landing Page/Link to promote content online: This is brand’s website
Thumbnail:1333w x 750h pixels min, any format, no animation
Headline(s):2-3 variations for optimization, character limit varies per site. See chart on page 1
Description:Character limit varies per site. See chart on page 1
3rd Party Tracking is accepted
Custom Content:
There are a few different types of creative offerings that are customizable by the client. Below you will find specs and information on the following:
- Clickout
- Video Card
- Content Card
1. Clickout. Unit that drives to a URL via direct link
Demo (desktop/mobile):
URL is pulled from the Traffic Driver
2. Video Card. Generate a click to play video. (Video File required or YouTube link)
Demo (desktop/mobile):
Video File: MP4, 100MB max video file - click to play.
YouTube: Need YouTube URL pulled from Traffic Driver
Custom Call to Action (YouTube only,optional): 20 character max including spaces and also a URL
3. Content Card: Generate a content card with an article or swipeable gallery format. Also used for Infographic (graphic visual representation of information ).
Demo (desktop/mobile):
Demo (mobile):
Image: Landscape image 900w x 600h pixels minimum, any format (1.5:1 ratio). Images of same size are recommended.
Headline: 35 characters max including spaces
Description: 180 characters max including spaces
Custom Call to Action (optional): 20 character max including spaces and also a URL
© 2018 CBS Interactive. All Rights Reserved. Updated on 08.08.18