Grants in Aid of VCCC Scientific Meetings[1]: Application Form

Eligibility Criteria
Meeting title
Meeting date
Meeting venue
Meeting convener
(provide the name, job title and organisation of the individual (or individuals) who have agreed to convene or chair the meeting and who will hold ultimate responsibility for the event)
Organising Committee
(provide the names, job titles and organisations of the individuals who have agreed to be part of the meeting organising committee)
Meeting discipline or focus
(outline which tumour stream or cross-cutting discipline the conference aligns to – for example, breast cancer, genomics)
Meeting information
Applicant name and association to meeting
(provide the applicants name and their connection to the meeting (e.g. meeting convener, organising committee member)
Applicant contact details
(provide the applicants phone number and email address)
Target delegates
(outline who the expected meeting delegates are with reference to their organisation/s and specialty/s)
Expected number of delegates
(outline how many delegates are expected to register for the meeting, providing evidence for the estimate if available)
Planned delegate fee
(provide the intended delegate fee, outlining the different tiers if applicable (AUD))
Funding secured or requested from other sources
(outline all secured and requested sources of funding for the meeting, excluding this request to the VCCC. Include the organisation and value (AUD))
Funding requested
(outline the amount of funding requested from the VCCC to support this meeting) ($5,000, $10,000 or $15,000)
Outline of how VCCC funds will be utilised
(outline how any funds secured from the VCCC will be utilised)
Outline how the VCCC will be appropriately recognised as a meeting sponsor (outline the marketing opportunities that will be available to the VCCC i.e. logo recognition on website, program, plenary session sponsor etc.)
Assessment Criteria
Meeting purpose and expected benefits
(outline the objectives and relevance of the meeting, evidence of the need for the meeting, and the anticipated contribution it will make to cancer care, research and education communities)
Meeting program
(provide a draft outline of the meeting program with invited speakers if available)
Alignment to VCCC strategic goals
(outline how the meeting aligns to the vision of the VCCC)
Outline the success of previous meetings (Evidence of the meetings impact on research and/or clinical practice. Only applicable to applicants requesting over $10,000 or $15,000. Please include past evaluation report/s)
Outline your plan for disseminating new knowledge from the meeting (outline if/how new learnings will be circulated to a larger audience)

Office Use Only


  More information required

  Not approved

Prof Jim Bishop, VCCC Executive Director Date

Grants in Aid of VCCC Scientific Meetings – Application Form 1

[1] Meeting is used a general term for conference, seminar, symposium, workshop etc.