> Call for nominations for the 2015/15 U3A Management Committee
> National Bike Count: help raise funds for U3A
> 21st Birthday and launch of U3A at Woodend
> New classes: Colloquial Italian and Life Coaching

For all enquiries call 3282 7484 or email:

Calling for Nominations to the Management Committee

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of U3A Ipswich and West Moreton Inc. has been set for Thursday 26 November, 10:00 am at the Humanities Centre. In accordance with U3A's By-law No 2, the Management Committee is callingfor nominations for the positions of President, Secretary, Treasurer and seven members. Nomination forms are available from the Office and via internet. Closing date: 12November, 2015.

Bike count and fundraising for U3A > 1September(7 am to 9 am)
Here is a wonderful opportunity to raise funds for U3A Ipswich by volunteering a couple of hours of your time on Tuesday 1st September between 7 am and 9 am. For each counter completed, the Bicycle Network will donate $50 towards your nominated organisation, which we hope will be U3A Ipswich. Register ASAP via their website:
The U3A Management Committee has approved this initiative and hopes that you will consider volunteering, not only to help U3A's finances, but also to help make Ipswich a safer bike environment. Please share this message with your network. If you have questions, please contact Paulette at any time 0498 200 055 or via email.

Birthday and Open Day of U3A @ Woodend > Saturday 10 October (2.00 pm) Block the day in your diary; invitations will be sent out later. Special guests: Mayor Pisasale will join us to celebrate this milestone. Joy Winnel and Janet Findlay of The Babbling Trillbillys have kindly offered to present snippets of their show “Better Late Than Never”.

We plan to present a revolving photographic display during the party; would you have any photos to share with us ? If so, please get in touch.

We will need all hands on deck so please join us in making this a very special event.

Introducing new classes

Colloquial Italian with Carlo Gabbi: - already in full swing - Wednesdays, 10.30 am to 12.00 noon, Woodend. Carlo proposes to “parlare, scrivere, leggere in un modo migliore” (To speak, write and read in a better way). Taking enrolments now; call the office if you wish to sign up.

Life Coaching with Anna Bradbury Friday mornings starts 9October, Woodend. Topics will range from personality profiles to problem solving techniques to goal setting. It will be an interactive group and members will be encouraged to participate in setting the theme for sessions.

A full profile of our new tutors will be published in the Term 4 newsletter (end of September).

News about classes

Photography Richard McLaren has accepted a major commission so will not be able to proceed with his Photography class for the remainder of the year. We are actively recruiting for a replacement tutor. Would you know any one ? Please help; this is a very popular class and we have a long waiting list.

Calling for a Graphic Artist: would you be or know of a Graphic Artist who would like to donate their time and skills to help U3A with artwork and branding ?

The U3A eNews is an irregular bulletin emailed to members to provide time sensitive information. Print copies are made available through the U3A office at the Humanities Centre as well as at the Woodend Centre. Make the U3A website your first stop for regular updates:

U3A Management Committee