Welcome to Fulton Independent School District. Fulton Independent School has provided an outstanding education to the young people of this community for many years. The administration, faculty, and staff are committed to continuing this tradition.

Our goal is to help students have a successful high school experience. In order to do that, they must be present, engaged, and give a lot of themselves in pursuit of their education. The policies and procedures at FISD are intended to help students reach their maximum potential by ensuring that they are helping us help them. One important item to note is attendance – students need to be present and on time each and every day. Failing to adhere to the attendance policy can become a problem area for students because of grades, inability to participate in field trips, extra-curricular activities, participating in the graduation ceremony, etc.

We want every student who enters the doors at FISD to be proud to be part of the school community. We offer a wide variety of coursework and programs, so that each and every student can find his or her place. The expectation is high! We will work hard to teach each child how to create a positive learning environment – and we expect each student to work to help us create a great school. We expect every student to be kind to others, be respectful of their elders, follow basic rules, and to do their very best every day.


We think that well-informed parents promote a positive school environment. Consistent with this philosophy, we are requiring that your child bring home a copy of the Student Handbook so that you may become acquainted with the various phases of school life. In this handbook, you will note that we have included regulations, the Code of Student Conduct, activities, clubs, and general information which will aid a student in becoming a productive member of the school community. All policies listed in this handbook are subject to change because of Fulton Independent School Board or school administrative action. Students will be notified when such changes occur. The changes will be posted on the district home page: www.fultonind.kyschools.us.

In addition, parents are encouraged to use the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to monitor current student progress. The portal allows parents to check grades, attendance, scheduling, immunizations, and much more.


This handbook has been developed for the purpose of informing you of the policies, procedures, and organizations of your school. We hope that it will assist you in making your school days pleasant and productive. It is the responsibility of each student and parent to read, understand, and abide by this handbook.

All policies listed in this handbook are subject to change because of Fulton Independent School Board or school administrative action. Students will be notified when such changes occur. The changes will be posted on the district home page - www.fultonind.kyschools.us.

In addition, students are encouraged to use the Infinite Campus Student Portal to monitor current student progress. The portal allows students to check grades, attendance, and scheduling.


Superintendent Tammy Smith 270-472-1553

Supervisor of Instruction/DPP DeAnna Miller 270-472-1553

Principal Donna Garland 270-472-1741

Assistant Principal Sondra Gibbs 270-472-1637

Guidance Counselor Mindy Rose 270-472-1741

Office Secretary Kelly Cash 270-472-1741

DoSE/Preschool/504 Deborah Heisel 270-472-5758

School Nurse Joyce Lawrence 270-472-1637

Family Resource Center Tracy Pulley 270-472-6924

Food Service Director Vickie Swift 270-472-1640

Community Education Mike Thomas 270.309-0373


Tim Adams Maintenance

Allison Butner Drama/Chorus/HVPA

Scott Carlson History/Social Studies/HVPA

Tammy Crumble Library Assistant

Tia Cross-Davis Middle School English

Dan Dietrich Junior/Senior English

Jennifer Dillon Mathematics

Erica Duke Middle School Social Studies/HVPA

Tracey Grooms Middle School Science

Kathy Godfrey Food Service

Jessica Green Instructional Assistant

Ben Harned Instructional Assistant

Stacy Howell Middle School Math

Justin Johnson Custodian

Stephanie Lee Special Education

Chad Malray Business

Melissa Martin Alternative Classroom Monitor

Katherine Parr Librarian

Beverly Pledge Special Education

Patricia Ray Food Service

Chris Roberts Middle School/Freshman/Sophomore English

Fred Robinson Instructional Assistant

Brad Rozzell Physical Education/Health

Geneva Storey High School Mathematics/Spanish

Kathy Thweatt Science


Fulton Independent School, in partnership with the citizens of Fulton, is committed to educational excellence and equity, whereby 21st Century students are provided a safe learning environment in which they can become lifelong learners of a democratic society, functioning productively in a global economy and reaching their fullest potential.


At Fulton Independent School District “We Teach Success to Every Student Every Day” by providing relevant, engaging, quality learning experiences in a safe school climate supported by an exemplary and visionary partnership of students, parents, community members, staff, and administrators.


The Fulton Independent School District believes that all students can learn in different ways with a variety of instructional approaches to support their learning. Varied assessment should provide opportunities to demonstrate student achievement. Clear goals and high expectations for student achievement should guide the development and design of the curriculum. Each student is seen as a valued individual with unique intellectual, physical, and emotional needs capable of continuous improvement. This will enable students to become confident, ethical, productive citizens who are self-directed lifelong learners and who can compete successfully in a global society. Teachers, staff, administrators, parents, students, and community members share the responsibility for providing a supportive learning environment within our school.


Every child served by the Fulton Independent School District will participate in relevant, engaging, quality learning experiences in a safe school climate supported by an exemplary and visionary partnership of students, parents, community members, staff, and administrators.

Students are citizens and do not lose guaranteed rights when they enter a school building. As citizens, they may exercise their rights, as long as they do not violate the rights and responsibilities of others, including their right to learn and the responsibilities of adults to educate.


The Fulton Independent Board of Education Student Handbook describes standards of conduct which are important to the success of both learning and community life in our schools. For students to have a successful educational experience, they must understand that individual rights and responsibilities go hand in hand. When people come together, their individual rights become limited because of the need for mutual respect.

This includes the responsibilities of following rules and respecting the authority of adults whose jobs are to ensure a successful educational opportunity for all students.

In accordance with board policy 09.438, KRS 158.148, and 704 KAR 7:050 the board shall develop a student discipline code of acceptable student behavior and discipline. Board policies are available upon request.


The Fulton Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Donna Garland, Title IX Coordinator or Deborah Heisel, 504 Coordinator.


In case of severe weather (snow, ice, etc.) the official announcement for school closing or delayed opening may be heard over WPSD TV and/or KF99 radio. Another source of information may be through Fulton Independent’s Board of Education ONECALL system.


All Fulton Independent events can be viewed online on the schools’ website at www.fultonind.kyschools.us.


Since the safety and education of all students are of primary importance, the school requests that all visitors abide by the following:

§ Have valid school business.

§ Report to the office upon entering the building.

§ Dress appropriately as to school expectations.

§ Wear appropriate visitor’s badge.

Parents of students are always welcome and encouraged to visit the school. Should a parent/teacher conference be necessary, please call the office at 472-1741 to schedule an appointment. Appointments are encouraged to allow for preparation and scheduling. When in the school building, all students are under the supervision of school personnel, even when parent/guardian is in attendance. Students are not permitted to bring visitors to school or into the classrooms at any time during the school year.

Visitors are guests in the building. If their conduct is disrespectful, violent, threatening or otherwise inappropriate, they will be banned from the school and possibly school events. It is a Class D Felony for anyone to threaten any school personnel whether it is verbal, physical or perceived. (KRS 508.078 and KRS 161.190)


Whenever a student has health insurance of any kind, such insurance is the primary insurance. Student accident insurance is secondary insurance available to any student at low cost. Forms are available in the front office. Student must also be able to show proof of primary medical insurance prior to participation in PE, field trips, athletics, etc. or may purchase student accident insurance through the Board of Education.




a. A syllabus for each class will be distributed to students at the beginning of each course outlining the subject matter to be covered, supplemental readings and/or recommended readings, and any long-term projects/assignments.

b. Teachers will explain the course grading system to the students at the beginning of each course.


a. The Grading Scale is as follows:

“A” is 90-100; “B” is 80-89; “C” is 70-79; “D” is 60-69; “F” is anything 59 and below.

b. All regular (non- Advanced Placement “AP”) classes are calculated on a 4.0 scale. The grade of an “A” will equal 4.0 points, “B” will equal 3.0 points, “C” will equal 2.0 points, “D” will equal 1.0 point and a failing grade will equal 0.0 points.

c. All AP and Dual Credit courses are calculated on a 5.0 scale to take into consideration the increased degree of difficulty of these classes. The grade of an “A” will equal 5.0 points, “B” will equal 4.0 points, “C” will equal 3.0 points, “D” will equal 2.0 points, and a failing grade will equal 0.0 points.


Students at FISD will have continuous grading throughout the year and may access their confidential grade records via the Infinite Campus Portal. The student’s PIN number to access these grades may be obtained through the guidance office by the student and/or parent/guardian.

In addition, the following is a schedule of nine week endings and progress and report card issue:

August 6 – October 4 1st Nine Weeks

October 14 – December 20 2nd Nine Weeks

January 6– March 7 3rd Nine Weeks

March 10– May 15 4th Nine Weeks

September 6 1st Progress Report

October 21 1st Report Card Parent Teacher Conferences

November 8 2nd Progress Report

January 8 2nd Report Card

February 7 3rd Progress Report

March 14 3rd Report Card Parent Teacher Conferences

April 21 4th Progress Report

May 19 4th Report Card Final not returned

NOTE: Each progress report given to students is to be signed by parent/guardian and returned within 5 school days. All late report cards/progress reports will result in an early morning detention.


All courses are required to give exams and will count as 20% of the course grade. Exams are to be administered on the designated days and times as specified by administration.


End of Course Assessments reflect the course content that students should have mastered by the conclusion of the course. EOC Assessments will be given in the following areas: English II, U.S. History, Biology, and Algebra II and will count as 20% of the course grade. These exams are constructed by the Department of Education will be administered within the testing window (usually mid-April) as determined by the Kentucky Department of Education. Testing window for EOC exams will be posted on the school website.


A student must earn a minimum of 5 credits in order to be promoted to the 10th grade; 10 credits to be promoted to the 11th grade, and 15 to be promoted to the 12th grade. Core courses are not optional and must be made-up in summer school or repeated the upcoming year if failed. Failing core courses can cause students to drop their diploma type or even postpone graduation. Any student who has not met/completed the requirements for graduation will not be allowed to walk in the graduation ceremony.

NOTE: All year long classes will be given one (1) credit at the end of the school year upon passing the course.


Board of Education Policy 8.211 states homework shall be assigned for the improvement of learning. Curriculum-related assignments shall not be used for disciplinary purposes. Assignments should have meaning for the student, should be clear and specific, and should be of an amount and type that may be accomplished in a reasonable period of time.

Homework requirements for each high school course are contained in the course syllabus supplied to each student at the beginning of the course. Teachers determine the quantity and value of homework appropriate for the courses they teach. If no homework is given, students should review material given in class and use the time to master subject concepts.


Credit recovery will be offered to high school students in grades 9-12 only during summer school. Classes offered for credit recovery include: Psychology, Health, English 1-4, Algebra I and II, Geometry, American Government, World History, American History, Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry and HVPA. Credit recovery may be offered during the school day ONLY when deemed necessary by the administration. Guidelines will be given to students who qualify prior to the start of credit recovery.

§ There will be a fee of $100 per credit.

§ Students will receive the grade earned upon successful completion of the work assigned using the A+ credit recovery program.

§ Students may only work during approved times to receive credit. Academic honesty rules apply for credit recovery.

NOTE: Students who are taking an EOC exam class in Credit Recovery classes will be required to take and EOC exam upon completion.


Academic progress for middle school students focuses on core content. The middle school curriculum is a building block in preparation for high school. A student must end the 7th or 8th grade with a passing grade in Math, Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science in order to be promoted to the next grade. Any student who has failed a content course may be promoted if he/she passes a comprehensive end of course (EOC) exam in that content area which is created by the content teacher.

In cases which involve a student with disabilities, the procedures mandated by federal and state law for students with disabilities shall be followed. (Board Policy 08.22)