Gerrards Cross
Parish Council
South Lodge, East Common, Gerrards Cross SL9 7AD
Clerk to the Council - Mrs Diana Hepburn-Park
Minutes of the Commons Committee Meeting
Held 7.00 pm on Monday 3rd February 2014 at South Lodge
Present: / Mr P Grimes, Mr I Gordon, Mr C Brown, Mr I Bayliss Ms S Aga,Mrs J Woolveridge and Mrs D C Hepburn Park (Clerk).
There were no declarations of interest.
1 / Apologies for absence were received from Mrs H Orme.
The meeting was immediately closed to allow David Baldwin (Lord of the Manor) to speak.
DB was very unhappy about the amount the Common was being used for parking, as the owner he would like all requests from local organisations to be passed through him before the Commons Committee consider them.
The base line should be no parking on the Common except for some non-profit making events such as the Jazz Festival which he has approved.
JW The Parish Council encourages Community Events to be held on the Common as it is good for the community.
The meeting was re-opened at 7.30pm
2 / To review all actions from the minutes of the working party meeting held on the 6th January 2014.
All covered in the meeting / Actions
7 / Reports / East Common
JW little to report and no update on the position of the underpass was provided.
Sarah Moore, Science Subject Teacher Gerrards Cross CE School has asked for permission to hold a cross country event on the Common during their Science week 10th March 2014, this will be held on the Thursday.
The Committee approved.
Mr & Mrs Stott 14 Fulmer Way
Requesting permission to reduce the sycamore at the edge of the garden but on the Common by 25 feet.
The Committee declined the request.
Mr G Hoare – Classic Car Show 13th August 2014
Asked to use the area by Colston Court and West Common to the left of the football pitch for parking during the show which will be held at the Memorial Centre. Anticipated hours 12.00 to 18.00 using experienced stewards and suitability of surface.
The Committee approved the application but Clerk asked to confirm LOM also approves.
Jazz Festival
The next festival was provisional book for the 6th July 2014, the LOM has approved the use of the Common and the events organiser has confirmed all is now arranged.
Fun Run
James Tait asked permission on behalf of the Fun Run Committee to use the Common for the Fun Run on the 11th May 2014.
The Clerk has already received confirmation from the LOM that he has approved this event.
The Committee approved .
Play Equipment & Youth
SA was surprised how dry the actual play area was although it got considerably wetter as you went further into the Common.
West Common
IG both ponds were well up and generally all was well. The blue algae was now clear and the barley straw has been removed. IG to remove notices.
There was a broken tree limb just behind the Rotary Stone which will cause walkers problems. Clerk to get it cut down.
The Camp
PG The whole area is extremely muddy but paths are clear and no trees are down.
JW the entrance, just past the bund is practically impassable could we put gravel down. Clerk to look into the situation.
Review outstanding tasks
Next stage of clearing back the Commons Edge
Clerk met with Peter Harding, Paul (Fineland Forestry) and JW to discuss the works to be carried out.
Quote for £7,420.00
Committee approved quote.
New bench on West Common.
This is to replace the bench that was vandalised and it will be installed on the 6th February 2014.
Forestry Commission Project
Tree Safety Survey
The quote for the survey of all trees on the Common within falling distance of the roads and adjacent areas.
Quote £960.00
Committee approved quote
Interpretation Boards
The design of the proposed boards was circulated and it was agreed to insert the Gerrards Cross Parish logo to the left of the title.
The Garden Company Cressula Timeable for 2014 applications
The recommended timetable is three applications in April, July September at £475.00 each and review in November.
Committee Approved.
JW reported that 14 members worked on East Common with the assistance of the manager of Tesco.
Tree Covered in Ivy
There is a large tree just past Colston Court which is causing concern, the ivy is covering the tree now and it is close to the road side.
Clerk to ask Bill Collins if the volunteers could cut the ivy around the trunk to see if the tree can be saved.
The Chiltern Society
Advised that BCC proposing to pass some of their Right of Way maintenance funding to local Parish Council.
The Clerk asked to establish further details.
Facebook and Twitter topics.
Installation of new bench
Work on the edge of the Common to thin trees with Forestry Commission approval. / Clerk
8 / Correspondence
All covered in meeting
8. The next meeting will be held on the 3rd March 2014 7.00pm.
The meeting commenced at 7.00p.m. and ended at 8.000p.m.