Astronomer’s Menu Project

DIRECTIONS: You will have class time and homework to complete your menu on astronomers. The menu is designed to get you thinking about the main ideas in this unit. You must complete all three sections of the menu.

All work must be your original ideas.

Appetizer- Complete one of the bulleted choices for all of the following astronomers. Choice must show if the astronomer was geocentric or heliocentric and include most notable contribution(s)

Eratosthenes, Aristotle, Aristarchus of Samos, Hipparchus, Anaxagoras, and Giordano Bruno

  • Create an originalcartoon that represents the contributions ofeach astronomer.
  • Make a flow chart that shows the major contributions of each astronomer.
  • Make a text message thread between the astronomers to show each of their contributions to astronomy.

Main Course- You must choose ONE of the bulleted choices.

Astronomers- Ptolomy, Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Galileo, Kepler, Newton

  • Make a timeline to show the shifts in thinking among the listed astronomers.
  • Make a children’s book to show the shifts in thinking among the listed astronomers.
  • Write a debate between the listed astronomers that arguesfor their point of view of the universe and shows shifts in thinking.

Side Dish- Choose one of the following bulleted choices.

Each of the following astronomers made a contribution to astronomy.

Annie Cannon, Hertzsprung and Russel, William Hershel, Edwin Hubble, Penzias and Wilson, Einstein

  • Write an original poem or song that describes the contributions of all astronomers- You must have six verses with at least two lines in each verse.
  • Create anoriginalinterpretation of each of the astronomer’s contribution.
  • Make a magazine headline with caption and picture for each astronomer.

Dessert (Bonus)- Choose one of the following. You may only complete the dessert if you finish your plate. Key must be provided.

  • Make a crossword puzzle that can be used by others as a review of all the astronomers
  • Make a review game that can be used by others as a review of all the astronomers.

Grading Rubric

CATEGORY / A (20-18) / B (17-16) / C (15-14) / D (under 14) / F (0) / Total
"Appetizer" Activity
/ -Activity is complete
- Information is accurateand represents the BEST choices for astronomer contributions.
Extremely creative
Thorough/ More than minimum amount of information provided
-Professional quality / -Information is accurate and represents good choices for all astronomers
More than minimum amount of information provided.
Good creativity
Neat and legible.
Great Quality / -Completed all astronomers
-most significant contribution was chosen for at least two of the astronomers
Minimum amount of information provided
-Minimal attempt for creativity
Good Quality / -Completed less than three astronomers
- most significant contribution was not chosen for any astronomer
-Black and white stick figures were used.
-No attempt at creativity
-Crooked lines /little attempt at neatness / This activity was not turned in or activity was plagiarized.
"Main Dish" Activity
/ Accurate and free of errors.
Clearly shows shifts in thinking
Very Neat and legible.
Professional quality / Follows Directions
Accurate and free of errors
Shows shifts in thinking
Neat and legible.
Great Quality / Some directions are followed
Mostly accurate, and contains minimal grammatical errors.
Shifts in thinking weakly shown
Good Quality / .Directions were not followed.
Poor Quality
Shifts in thinking not shown / This activity was not turned in or activity was plagiarized.
"Side Dish” Activity
/ Contains all required elements.
-Contains all-important information about the topic.
Information is accurate, and contains no grammatical errors.
Thorough and Creative
Used designated choices.
Very Neat and legible.
Professional quality / Contains most required elements.
Does not contain all-important information about the topic.
Information is accurate, and contains minimal grammatical errors.
Used designated choices
Neat and legible.
Great Quality / Contains some required elements.
Does not include important information.
Information is mostly accurate, and contains minimal grammatical errors.
Attempt at creativity
Used designated choices
Good Quality / Contains few required elements.
Does not contain important information.
Information is not accurate, and contains many grammatical errors.
Not creative
Used designated choices
Poor Quality / This activity was not turned in.
Activity is plagiarized.
Student did not complete in assigned choices.
"Dessert” Activity
/ Student completed all three courses.
Excellent learning tool for others. / Student completed all three courses.
Information was accurate
Good learning tool / Student completed all three courses.
Legible / Student completed all three courses but components were missing / Student did not complete all three courses.