Outline for Chapter 9 – Weight Management

I.A Closer Look at Obesity

II.Problems Associated with Weight

III.What Is a Healthful Weight?

A.Body Weight versus Body Fat

B.Measuring Body Fat

C.Distribution of Body Fat

D.Weighing In for Health

IV.Energy Balance

A.Basal Metabolism

B.Voluntary Activities

C.Total Energy Needs

V.Causes of Obesity


1.Set-Point Theory


3.Fat Cell Theory


C.A Closer Look at Eating Behavior

VI.Weight Gain and Loss

A.Weight Gain

B.Weight Loss and Fasting

C.Drugs and Weight Loss

D.Surgery and Weight Loss

VII. Diet Confusion—Weighing the Evidence

A.How Do Diets Work?

B.What Are Common Diets?

1.Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution

2.The Zone Diet

3.The SouthBeach Diet

4.Weight Watchers

5.Dr. Ornish Eat More, Weigh Less

6.Eat Right for Your Blood Type

7.Dr. Phil’s Ultimate Weight Solution

8.The New Glucose Revolution

C.How Can You Determine if a Diet Is Healthful?

1.Does the weight-loss program systematically eliminate one group of foods from a person’s eating pattern?

2.Does the weight-loss program encourage specific supplements or foods that can be purchased only from selected distributors?

3.Does the weight-loss program tout magic or miracle foods or products that burn fat?

4.Does the weight-loss program promote bizarre quantities of only one food or one type of food?

5.Does the weight-loss program have rigid menus?

6.Does the weight-loss program promote specific food combinations?

7.Does the weight-loss program promise a weight loss of more than 2 pounds per week for an extended period of time?

8.Does the weight-loss program provide a warning to people with diabetes, high blood pressure, or other health conditions?

9.Does the weight-loss program encourage or promote increased physical activity?

10.Does the weight-loss program encourage an intake that is very low in calories?

D.Don’t Give Up!

VIII. Successful Weight-Loss Strategies

A.Personalize Your Weight-Loss Plan

B.Never Say “Diet”

1.Adopt a Nondiet Approach to Weight Loss

2.Set Achievable Goals

3.Focus on Health Rather than Appearance

C.Aim for Gradual Weight Loss

1.Expect to Reach a Plateau

2.Aim for a Positive Gain in Lean Body Mass

3.Maintain Bone Health by Increasing Calcium Intake

D.Adopt a Physically Active Lifestyle

IX.Weight-Gain Strategies

X.Breaking Old Habits

A.Aiming for a Healthy Weight While Dining Out

1.Eating Well on the Run

B.Behavior Modification

1.Set a Goal and Get to Know Yourself

2.Change Behaviors and Reward Yourself

3.Plan to Take Small Steps

4.Give It a Try and Adapt Your Plan!

5.Be Prepared for a Relapse

6.Set Priorities

7.Consider the “Rule of Three”

C.Strategies for Changing the Way You Eat

XI.The Eating Disorders

A.What is considered an eating disorder?

B.What is the difference between an eating disorder and disordered eating?

C.What are the symptoms of anorexia nervosa?

D.What are the symptoms of bulimia?

E.How are anorexia nervosa and bulimia treated?

F.What are the early warning signs for eating disorders?

G.What can be done to prevent eating disorders?

H.What can I do if I am worried that someone I know may have an eating disorder?