L4 Evaluation Summary
No. of responses = 54
Question 1
Which sector best defines your program?
Community-based – 41 (75.93%)
School Board – 7 (12.96%)
College – 2 (3.70%)
Support Organization – 4 (7.41%)
Analysis: While this webinar was intended primarily for community-based programs, it is great to see that practitioners from all sectors, and from support organizations, took the time to attend.
Question 2
Which stream best defines your program?
Anglophone – 47 (87.04%)
Francophone – 1 (1.85%)
Aboriginal –5 (9.26%)
Deaf/Deafblind –1 (1.85%)
- And Anglophone, we are a bilingual centre
Analysis: Again, it is good to see that all Streams were represented in webinar attendance, indicating that the effective serving of learners with lower levels of literacy skills is an issue for all streams.
Question 3
On a scale of 1 – 4, with 1 being “very challenging” and 4 being “very good,” how would you describe your experience using Saba Meeting during this webinar?
Very challenging – 0 (0.00%)
Somewhat challenging – 4 (7.41%)
Pretty good – 23 (42.59%)
Very good – 27 (50.0%)
- It was very easy. Just distracting to use the discussion section. It would be nice if it automatically summarized the discussion at the end so individuals could participate afterwards if desired.
- I am an on-line practitioner doing live classes, so I have experience and feel comfortable.
- Being well versed in SABA I find it frustrating with such a large group of participants and not being able to utilize all the available tools for questions and interactivity. The text chat in such a large group is very overwhelming to try and follow as well as trying to stay on task and listen to the presenter.
- A bit tricky initially getting on, but got it figured out.
- I'm familiar with SABA so it didn't present a challenge!
Analysis: A full half of respondents (27) found the use of Saba Meeting to be “very good” with an additional 23 respondents citing the experience as “pretty good” (total of 92.59%). From the comments, it might be inferred that those who rated the experience as “somewhat challenging” provided that specific rating because of the significant amount of activity via Text Chat and because of the large number of webinar attendees (making the use of the interactive features of Saba Meeting) very challenging to implement.
Question 4
Using the scale below, please share your thoughts on today’s webinar:
Completely disagree / Disagree / Agree / Completely agreeThis webinar was well-facilitated* / 0
(0.00%) / 1
(1.89%) / 26 (49.06%) / 26 (49.06%)
My knowledge of how to work with learners with lower levels of literacy skills has increased / 0
(0.00%) / 3
(5.56%) / 39 (72.22%) / 12
My knowledge of how to administer milestones effectively to learners with lower levels of literacy has increased / 0
(0.00%) / 3
(5.56%) / 46 (85.19%) / 3
As a result of this webinar, I know more tools and strategies to work with this client group / 0
(0.00%) / 2
(3.70%) / 22 (40.74%) / 30 (55.56%)
Attending this webinar was a good use of my time / 0
(0.00%) / 2
(3.70%) / 26 (48.15%) / 26 (48.15%)
- Only 53 responses were provided for this row (instead of 54)
- It would be great to have this as a series and actually see some of the assessments and materials.
- Found this a very helpful webinar.
- I knew about most of the resources but was able to add to my "toolbox". I am very familiar with Milestones.
- Already familiar with the resources described. Biggest challenge with low level learners is having them make progress fast enough to satisfy our funders.
- Administering milestones to learners is not necessarily the challenge, it's the culminating tasks. Scanning through a CT I find it difficult to imagine the task being successfully completed.
- Very well paced. Got a refresher on who's using what resources out in the field. Got a synopsis of resources and who they are best suited for.
- The only value I typically found from this session, for our particular program, was the website resources that other participants shared in chat.
- I felt like the elephant in the room was that the Ministry doesn't WANT us working with pre-Level 1 learners. I try to provide service, but I will not be able to meet my MTCU targets if I tie up tutors with these learners. MTCU needs to see the value in service to lower level learners.
- Misunderstood and thought there would be more about communication with low level learners not websites.
- I was aware of most of the information - but good tips and other offerings.
- Liked the resources identified during the session.
- The challenge for me is finding ways to incorporate some of these excellent print-based material into an online-delivery format (LearningHUB).
- Always look forward to attending Robyn's presentations -- clear, concise, and easy to follow :)
- Robyn is an excellent facilitator:)
Analysis: Respondents believed the webinar was well-facilitated. Only one respondent disagreed. This could be the person who indicated in the comments section that they thought the webinar would address how to communicate with lower-level learners, not resources. Ninety-four percent (94%) of respondents believed their participation in the webinar has increased their knowledge of how to work with learners with lower levels of skills. Ninety-four percent (94%) of respondentssaid their knowledge of how to administer milestones effectively to learners with lower levels of literacy increased. Ninety-six percent (96%) of respondents said that as a result of their attendance at the webinar, they have more tools and strategies to work with learners with lower levels of skills. Ninety-six percent (96%) of respondents said attending the webinar was a good use of their time.
Question 5
What is the most significant thing you will take away from the webinar?
Forty-five individual responses were provided to this evaluation question, but overall there were five themes. In order of the number of references, they were:
1)Knowledge of additional resources (33 references)
2)More information on milestones and how to use them with learners with lower levels of skills (10 references)
3)Additional numeracy resources (3 responses)
4)Information about the Champions webinars (1 responses)
5)Reinforcement to “keep trying and be creative” (1 response)
- More knowledge overall in working with lower level learners - best milestones
- Resources
- The additional resources and tools offered during the workshop and in the chat section
- The milestones to start with while working with these learners.
- Where to access resources
- The wealth of information from the links given
- Milestones for lower-levels
- Resources
- Free resources
- Links
- Resource information and links
- Milestone info, especially the list of those that allow for accommodations/assistance
- List of resources to source out
- The list of resources is wonderful and will be a time saver. Many are free which is an extra bonus
- More ideas for resources; confirmation that we are making good use of material that is standard
- There are many resources available
- There are mini courses on-line geared to practitioners (Pro Literacy website?)
- Resource links
- Website resources
- Targeted list of appropriate MSs is helpful
- Resources Milestones- Project READ champions
- Resources for numeracy
- Some good resources I'll take a look at, and a couple of milestones that we haven't been administering very often, but may do more now
- I'm very pleased to have many more numeracy options now--thank you!
- Check into updates regarding milestones - revisit known resources and explore new ones - validation of the work we do
- Many more places to find resources - paper-based and websites. Also, renewed interest in Laubach Reading and Writing
- New resources
- The excellent resources
- Reminders to revisit additional resources
- Many informative websites
- Resources
- Online free downloadable resources to use for basic level learners
- Available resources
- Administering milestones to lower level learners
- Resources
- The resources
- More resources and links to educational supports which will work with our clients.
- Adapted milestones - all the free downloads for math
- More resources to peruse
- Resources that I was not aware of
- Website and info re: downloadable resources
- Variety of resources
- Keep trying and be creative
- The resources, especially the web based ones
- All the resources and some of the activities/tasks suggested
Question 6
I plan to apply some of what I’ve learned from this webinar:
Right away – 28 (52.83%)
Within the next three months – 20 (37.74%)
Within the next six months – 5 (9.43%)
I didn’t learn anything from this webinar – 0 (0.00%)
- The on-line banking tutorial I will use right away with a new learner.
- I provide support to our Academic Upgrading and Deaf Empowerment programs, so I will definitely discuss what I learned with faculty.
Analysis: Respondents found the learning from the webinar highly relevant, with 100% of respondents indicating they will use information from this webinar within the next six months or sooner – even those respondents who showed dissatisfaction with the webinar content and facilitation.
Question 7
If you can think of any other support you need in order to work more effectively with learners who have lower levels of literacy skills, please tell us here.
- Sample assessments created with the learner. Video samples of an interaction or learning session as well examples of progress made.
- Strategies to support mixed age and mixed level within the lower-level in one classroom.
- Best practices of other practitioners would be very useful.
- A list of actual math apps for tablets would be very useful. I don't have time to look for all the good ones.
- Administering culminating tasks to learners with lower levels.
- For Community Living clients, a separate program (check out North Bay's Homestyle Café (it's both a learning and working environment and appears to be a collaborative effort between 3 parties). There's nothing in Huron County.
- How I can tactfully inform low-level learners that they have, yet again, been unsuccessful at a milestone. This is lowering their self-esteem and self-worth and I may refuse to do it in future.
- A strategy for the successful integration of culminating tasks.
- Mixed class with mature and youth age learners who are all low level. How to balance skill development and task demonstration.
- I would love more webinars on integrating computer use in literacy/numeracy instruction.
- I need straight-forward, simple to follow instructions and exercises for teaching writing to low level learners - esp. sentence structure.
- Again I thought communication is key and the focus should be on gaining the learners trust and working one on one.
- Effective teaching strategies -low level learners -modules - low level - which would address content related to following instructions/directions. (Note-the instructions with milestones don't necessary reflect the literacy level of the contentof the milestone. If students can't understand directions - this sabotages the whole milestone.)
- It is good that we get the ppt to follow up further on resources mentioned.
- Specific apps for adults.
Analysis: Practitioners working with learners at lower levels of literacy need additional support. Opportunities to provide support should be identified by support organizations for business planning purposes.
Question 8
If you have any final comments or questions you’d like to share, please do so here. Thank you!
- Thank you for hosting this webinar!
- Thanks for the opportunity.
- The real life examples were appreciated.
- A lack of activities and resources for lower level learners has been an issue for a long time. It is great that you have addressed this issue and provided us with a comprehensive list and many good ideas.
- I would have like to have the webinar a bit longer so that some more resources could be mentioned.
- Even when I do not take away a lot of new knowledge from a webinar I always enjoy the sharing of ideas.
- Please do more webinars. They are manageable and keep us current.
- Will share info with all staff.
- Great webinar, thanks.
- I found a little too much time was spent on the "tech" side of the webinar at the beginning--perhaps we could have started at 9:45 instead.
- Thanks for the refresher - a great way to start our new literacy year.
- Great information and well presented! Thanks.
- It was a really well run webinar. Thank you.
- Thank you for offering this webinar.
- Thank you.
- We work with lower level learners all the time but this webinar has put my mind at ease when it comes to milestones. Thanks a bunch!
- This was one of the more informative webinars I have attended and came away with an abundance of new and good information. Thank you for sharing the information that you have since working with adults at lower literacy levels can be a difficult undertaking, and you have provided materials which will help me in this area.
- Thank you for another relevant webinar, Robyn!
- Thanks!
Analysis: Respondents expressed significant amounts of gratitude that this webinar was planned and offered. One respondent suggested that perhaps a bit too much time was spent explaining the “tech” side of things at the beginning. This information will be shared with Contact North, with the suggestion that perhaps a video tutorial could be developed by Contact North and shared our with registration information.
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