Instructor Guide / Working With Your LCIF District Coordinator

Working With YourLCIF

District Coordinator

Session Background

Lions Clubs InternationalFoundation (LCIF)plays a critical role in helping Lions provide service to the global community. Within a district, the LCIF district coordinatorserves as an ambassador of the Foundation, educating Lions about Foundation initiatives, while also promoting LCIF’s fundraising activities and working collaboratively with the LCIF multiple district coordinator and the district governor team.

The second vice district governor works with the LCIF district coordinator, supporting the coordinator in his/her efforts to further the mission of the Foundation. This session will focus on identifying specific ways for the second vice district governor to support the coordinator in his/her endeavors.

Session Objectives

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the significance of the relationship between districts and LCIF
  • Identifyresponsibilities and activities of the LCIF district coordinator
  • Support the efforts of the LCIF district coordinator

Session Preparation

Preparation Suggestions

  • Consider the technical requirements for the session. Test of the laptop/computer, the LCD projector and screen, PowerPoint slides, and the wireless mouse/laser pointer, if appropriate.
  • Conduct an inventory of the materials for the session. Utilize the Training Materials Checklist in the Instructor Preparation Guide to check that you have everything you will need for the session.
  • Review all activities that will take place during the session. Have you obtained and organized all materials needed to complete the activities?
  • Review the following LCI Resources:

-Available on the LCI website

-District e-Book

-Available in the ‘Coordinator Center’ on the LCIF website

-LCIF District Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities (LCIF612)

-District Goal-Setting Guide for LCIF Coordinators (LCIF620)

  • Review content prior to the start of the session as a final measure of preparation.


  • Instructor Guide
  • Participant Guide
  • PowerPoint slides
  • Handout: LCIF District Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities (1 per participant)


  • Computer
  • LCD Projector and screen
  • Flipchart and markers
  • Wireless mouse/laser pointer (optional)

Action Icons

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Instructor Guide / Working With Your LCIF District Coordinator

Refer to Participant Guide

Session Timeline

Overview of Instruction / Materials
(5:00) / Presentation/Discussion: Session Overview / PowerPoint slides
Participant Guide
The LCIF District Coordinator
(15:00) / Presentation: Roles and Responsibilities of the LCIF District Coordinator
Activity: The Role of the LCIF District Coordinator / PowerPoint slides
Participant Guide
Participant Guide
Handout: LCIF District Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities (LCIF 612)
Supporting the LCIF District Coordinator
(15:00) / Activity: Ways to Support the LCIF District Coordinator / Participant Guide
(5:00) / Presentation: Resources for More Information and Session Summary / Participant Guide
PowerPoint slides
Total Time: 40:00

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Instructor Guide / Working With Your LCIF District Coordinator


Total Time: 5:00

Presentation/DISCUSSION: Session Overview (5:00)

Welcome participants to the session.


Lions Clubs International Foundation plays a critical role in helping Lions provide service to the global community. Within the district, the LCIF district coordinator serves as an ambassador of the Foundation, educating Lions about Foundation initiatives, promoting LCIF’s fundraising activities, and working collaboratively with the LCIF multiple district coordinator and the district governor team.


Has anyone been involved with LCIF? If so, how has it affected you as a Lion? Allow 2-3 volunteers to briefly share their experience.


Display slide 1 and review session objectives:


Display slide 2 and refer participants to page 1 in the Participant Guide.


An important relationship exists between Lions, LCIF, and the people in need around the world. LCIF provides funding for Lions to serve the global community.

As second vice district governor, you are a key member of this relationship. Your role is to support the LCIF coordinator in your district as he/she educates Lions about the Foundation and promotes fundraising intiatives to support service efforts in your community and around the world.


In order to know how to support the LCIF district coordinator, you must first be familiar with his or her responsibilities.

MODULE 1: The LCIF District Coordinator

Total Time: 15:00

Presentation: Roles and Responsibilities of the LCIF District Coordinator (5:00)

Refer participants to page 2 in the Participant Guide.


Display slide 3 and review the description of the LCIF district coordinator position:


The LCIF district coordinator is part of a volunteer structure that serves to further the purposes of the Foundation and the humanitarian service that Lions perform. He/she has several very important responsibilities within the district including:

  • Facilitating LCIF education and promoting the Foundation whenever possible
  • Promoting LCIF fundraising efforts by identifying potential donors and assisting Lions in submitting funds and recognition applications
  • Working collaboratively with the LCIF multiple district coordinator, the districtgovernor team, and other local Lions leaders

In addition to these basic responsibilities, the LCIF district coordinator works closely with the district governor to analyze the potential of the district’s support of LCIF, and to establish goals in areas such as LCIF education and promotion, club visits, recognition programs and activities, fundraising and financial contributions.The fulfillment of these responsibilities not only benefits the progress of the Foundation, but can significantly impact the ability of districts to meet the humanitarian needs in communities around the world.

ACTIVITY: the Role of LCIF District Coordinator (10:00)

Instructor Preparation Note: Be sure to have copies of the handout for this activity, LCIF District Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities (LCIF 612), for each participant in the session.


We are going to engage in a short activity to illustrate how the roles and responsibilities of the LCIF district coordinator could translate to real Lions’ experience.

Activity Directions:
Divide participants into groups of 2-3.
Refer participants to page 3 in the Participant Guide.
Distribute the handout, LCIF District Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities to each participant.
Reviewthe directions for the activity:
  • Review the handout, LCIF District Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities.
  • Review the items on the ‘To Do’ list of an LCIF district coordinator below. Cross out the items that are not included in the roles and responsibilities of an LCIF district coordinator.
  • You will have 5 minutes to complete the activity.
Ask if there are any questions.
Begin the activity.
Call time after 5 minutes.
Review the activity by asking for volunteers to say, ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ for each list item to determine if it is part of the LCIF district coordinator’s responsibilities:
Instructor Note: As time allows, you may ask participants who would be responsible (other than the LCIF district coordinator) for those items where ‘no’ is the answer. However, if you choose to incorporate this into the activity, manage the discussion appropriately and be aware of the session timeline.
  1. Attend upcoming district cabinet meeting to provide updates on LCIF fundraising progress. YES – refer to the section, LCIF Education and Promotion, on the handout.
  1. Conduct a seminar about planning service projects at a zone meeting. NO – this is not the responsibility of the LCIF district coordinator.
  1. Submit photos and an article about a recent LCIF-funded project to the district governor for next month’s newsletter. YES – refer to the section, LCIF Education and Promotion, on the handout.
  1. Conduct training for newly appointed LCIF district coordinators in the area. NO – this is responsibility of the LCIF multiple district coordinator.
  1. Review reports from LCIF to identify clubs with the highest potential to continue financial support of LCIF. YES – refer to the section, LCIF Fundraising, on the handout.
  1. Contact the chairperson of the district convention committee and arrange for an LCIF booth at the upcoming convention. YES – refer to the section, LCIF Education and Promotion, on the handout.
  1. Send an email to the LCIF multiple district coordinator (send a copy of the email to the district governor) to provide updates on the challenges and progress within the district. YES – refer to the section, Working Relationships, on the handout.
  1. Contact the district marketing communicationschairperson to provide her with details about next month’s district-wide LCIF fundraising event.YES – refer to the section, LCIF Education and Promotion, on the handout.
  1. Visit clubs within the district to conduct presentations about LCIF initiatives and grant programs. YES – refer to the section, LCIF Education and Promotion, on the handout.
  1. Fill out and submit grant application for the district
governor. NO – while it is the responsibility of the
LCIF district coordinator to assist the district governor with grant applications, it is not required that he/she complete this task for the district governor from start to finish.
Debrief the activity by explaining that the working relationship between LCIF district coordinator and the district governor team is integral to the success of LCIF, both within the district and as part of the Foundation itself. Understanding the roles and responsibilities of this important position will help the district governor team – especially the second vice district governor –work cohesively with the LCIF district coordinator.


We will now consider some specific ways that second vice district governors can support the LCIF district coordinators in their districts.

MODULE 2: Supporting the LCIF District Coordinator

Total Time: 15:00

ACtivity: Ways to Support the LCIF District Coordinator (15:00)

Instructor Preparation Note: This activity can be conducted as a large group if you have a small number of participants.

Activity Directions:
Divide participants into groups of 2.

Refer participants to page 4 of the Participant Guide.
Review the directions for the activity:
  • With your partner, brainstorm and list specific ways that you can support the LCIF coordinator in your district.
Encourage participants to consider their responsibilities as second vice district governors, the resources available to them, the responsibilities of the LCIF district coordinator, and the Five Steps of Service when generating their ideas.
Encourage participants to be creative and to keep an open mind when considering ways that they could best support the LCIF district coordinators.
Review the examples given on page 4 of the Participant Guide:
  • Example 1: Contact club presidents and suggest they invite the LCIF district coordinator to a club meeting and to present LCIF programs and answer questions about grants and fundraising.
  • Example 2: Offer to help the LCIF district coordinator organize a district-wide LCIF fundraising event.
Statethat participants will have 7 minutes to complete their brainstorming.
Begin the activity.
Call time after 7 minutes.
Ask for volunteers to share their list of ideas. Be prepared to capture ideas on a flipchart.
Debrief the activity by encouraging participants to keep these ideas in mind when building their own working relationships with the LCIF coordinators in their districts.


Transition to the session conclusion.


Total Time: 5:00

PRESENTATION: Resources for More INformation and Session Summary (5:00)

Instructor Preparation Note: Review the LCIF website () prior to the session to ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of the information available. If an Internet connection is available in the training room, consider conducting a brief overview of the site in real time.

Refer participants to page 5 of the Participant Guide


LCI and LCIF provide several resources and publications that may be useful to you as you work with the LCIF coordinator in your district.

The LCIF website ( includes a Coordinator Center specifically designed to provide resources and information for LCIF multiple district and district coordinators.

Review the information regarding the Coordinator Center on page 5 of the Participant Guide. If an Internet connection is available, consider navigating to the web site to review the resources that are available.


Display slide 4 and review the session objectives:


Did we meet the session objectives?


The collaborative relationship between LCIF district coordinators and district governor teams will greatly benefit the district, the Foundation, and ultimately, the humanitarian work that is provided by Lions around the world, thanks to the funding and support of LCIF.

Conclude the session.

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Instructor Guide / Working With Your LCIF District Coordinator
  • Handout: LCIF District Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities (1 per participant)

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