
Words, Words, Words

As I write this reflection we are almost midway through Lent. One of the things I have been aware of during this Lenten
season is how often the readings refer to words.

The word is near, on your lips and in your heart. Rom. 10:8

[We} do not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the
mouth of God. Luke 4:4

If today you hear [God’s] voice, harden not your hearts. Ps. 95: 1-2

Whoever hears my word and believes…has eternal life. John 5:24

Listen to my voice then I will be your God and you will be my people. Jer. 7:23

The frequent reference to words in the Lenten reading has caused me to examine
the ways I use words.

Do I use words to encourage others or to belittle them?
Am I generous in complimenting others or am I stingy with kind words?
When I use words hurtfully, do I apologize?
Are my words gentle and gracious or are they harsh and unkind?
Do I avoid gossip or am I eager to pass on the latest “juicy tidbit?”

Words are very powerful. We can use them to create life and love or to bring about hurt and unrest. Our words often reveal what is really happening in our hearts. Controlling the tongue, I’ve found, requires a lot of discipline. Our God is a God of communication and words. He sent us Jesus, the Word Made Flesh, who used words for healing and life. Let us learn from him and from Angela who encouraged us to meet together to share about spiritual matters.


Let us go with Angela to the feet of Jesus.

Think about how you used your words today. Were they life-giving or death dealing?
What does my daily examen reveal about what is in my heart when I reflect on my words?
Henri Nouwen has this to say about words: Words of love and affirmation are like bread. We need them each day, over and over.
They keep us alive. How will I make words of love and affirmation a life-giving habit in my life?
Reflect on your habits of speech. What is one habit you would like to break? Choose a new habit you want to replace the old one.
Then ask a close friend or confidant to help you be aware of how you are accomplishing this desire.
Make a list of words that you want to have in your daily lexicon and learn to use them often.


Dear God, may I always use my words for encouragement, life, and love.
May my words reflect the presence of Jesus in my life. Amen.