Minutes of the Board Meeting November 2007

I. On line meeting November 18 thru 25th, 2007: the meeting was called to order and agenda was posted by President Jackie Penner on November 18th, 2007.

II. Present was Jackie Penner, Gwen Pentecost , Kendra Page, Margo Petterson , Helen Howerton, Janice Muir, Elin Pendleton, Kathy Cooper, Mary Ann Cherry, Pat S., Sandy Wiscup, Joan Wright.

III Treasures report

As of today I show $19,675.40 in the bank (after I make an $1,100 deposit which I have prepared)

Items that are NOT reflected in the above number that will affect that figure this week and through the end of the month:

Outgoing funds: Checks written at the show total $5,021.60 for banquet final payment and awards; no detail from Helen yet.

Wehave to send Nancy and Kristen their 60% and 85% of all book and DVD sales, so that will knock us down a peg.

Incoming funds: Kathy is depositing checks received for books, etc., of $1,595.90 and has emailed me a pdf file of the checks (I haven't looked at that yet).

It appears they wrote up Visa and MasterCard charges totaling $1,805 (quick tally) at the show for book and DVD sales and catalog.

The bank will take a percent of that but I'll say $1700 net to be conservative going into our account.

There is $907.00 in PayPal of which I can move $500 max per month into our account.

Kathy is billing Tom Hilligoss for banquet tickets and catalogs, for a total of $560.

  1. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting was moved by Kathy Cooper and was seconded by Elin Pendleton.


The current #2 in the September 2000 bylaws will be deleted and the follow #2 and #3 to be added.

Applications and requirements to apply for WAOW membership can be downloaded from waow.org or requested by mail or email from the Membership Chairman.All application forms will include the expectations and requirements associated with Associate and Signature membership.

Suggest re-writing into this format after the #2 above:

I . The duties of the Membership Chair and her co-chair for this process will be as follows:Passed

a. she shall accept Associate Membership applications

b.prepare theapplicants’images and required information for the Screening Committee, and

c.notify the Applicants of their Acceptance or Rejection by the Board.

II. Associate Membership shall be open to (delete)professional (add) any women artists. They shall present their application and required material for WAOW Associate Membership to the Membership Chairman for approval by the Membership Screening Committee and for acceptance or rejection by majority vote of The Board.Passed

III. A “WAOW Associate Member” may seek Signature Membership by written application to the Board of Directors, provided that as an Associate she has exhibited a different Work in at least one sanctioned show, each year for a period of three (3) consecutive years and has shown some degree of commitment (I seriously question this wording)Suggest: metthe advertising requirements for at least one ad(delete the following in blue):to advertise in the WAOW Group AdProgramaccording to the advertising requirements. The “WAOW Associate Member” may reapply the following year and thereafter with new work. She may request a written critique if not accepted to WAOW Signature status.The “WAOW Associate Member” is responsible for maintaining her own show and ad records to be presented to the membership screening committeePassed

IV.Disciplinary action will be taken for any member who presents a painting for the jury and then sells it outside the show or for other reasons either doesn't ship it or ships it but it is not for sale at the show, at the discretion of the Board (Add: "...unless the show is designated wherein works not for sale may be exhibited")Passed


A “WAOW Associate Member” may seek Signature Membership by written application to the Board of Directors, provided that as an Associate she has exhibited a different Work in at least one sanctioned show, each year for a period of three (3) consecutive years and has shown some degree of commitment to advertise in the WAOW Group Ad Program or in a nationally-distributed art magazine according to the advertising requirements. The “WAOW Associate Member” may reapply the following year and thereafter with new work. She may request a written critique if not accepted to WAOW Signature status.The “WAOW Associate Member” is responsible for maintaining her own show and ad records to be presented to the membership screening committee.Passed

VI.Before stepping up,theprospective“WAOWSignature Member” are is requiredto have and use an email address and have her own website in place, and be adept at using them, andShe shall have and use the skills for online group communication and online show entry (or agree to have qualified computer help). She shall also have been represented with images and biographyon the WAOW Member web pages during her Associate Member term and shall continue that representation.Passed

VII.WAOW Signature Members” are required to exhibit their Work in at least one WAOW sanctioned advertisement each year. This can be either a WAOW group ad or a personal ad that mentions their WAOW membership. If a personal ad, an example of that must be sent to the Ad Director as proof of participation. All ads must be placed in a nationally distributed art-related publication.

Each “WAOW Signature Member” are is required to have and use an email address and have her own website in place, and be adept at using them, and She shall have and use the skills for online group communication and online show entry (or agree to have qualified computer help).She shall also be represented with images and biography on the WAOW Member web pages.Passed


Emeritus Membership shall be reserved as an honor for a qualified member of any membership level, including but not limited to one or more of the following levels of contribution:

· Who has served as President;

· Who has given considerable administrative service as an officer or chairman;

· Who has continually shown a high degree of selfless dedication by working for the organization ;

· Who continually volunteers within the group in any capacity;or who has consistently been available and can be counted on to help when work needs to be done.

Who is currently a Signature Member who has fulfilled all requirements for that level of membership.



Disciplinary action will be taken for any member who presents a painting for the jury and then sells it outside the show or for other reasons either doesn't ship it or ships it but it is not for sale at the show, at the discretion of the Board. (Do we need to add):A member may sell a work juried into the show prior to the show providing that member ships the artwork to the show anyway and provides the venue or WAOW with the entire funds for selling the work. The venue or WAOW will then subtract the commission and other charges, and ship the artwork back to the member with the member’s prepaid return shipping method after the opening reception for the show. Any commission due the original venue for selling the work will be paid separately by the member.


  1. Would you like to add the new membership levels ( ie. Master etc) to the voting rights statement in the bylaw updates?Passed
  2. It was passed in an earlier vote to donate money to the Women in Arts in Washington DC. Would you like to do this before the end of this year? Passed


A. The following were brought forward, discussed and voted upon:

1 Would you like togive a scholarship to Loreal Kopitch this year? Failed

2 Would you like to choose Master Members to have in place when our bylaws are made final?Failed

3. It has been asked if Amy Evans our new Show Chairman could join the WAOW Board to get comfortable with our board procedures for next year. If you agree vote yesPassed

4. It was asked if Sheridan Brown, our new recording Secretary , could join the WAOW Board to get comfortable with our board procedures for next year. If you agree vote yesPassed

  1. Please vote yes or no for bringing Heidi Harner into the WAOW Board e-mail group right away?Passed
  2. It was voted in to reimburse Heidi Harner for the software to produce the newsletter, WestWind.

7. A "WAOW Associate Member" may seek Signature Membership by written application to the Board of Directors, provided that as an Associate she has exhibited a different Work in at least one sanctioned show, each year for a period of three (3) consecutive years, and has met the advertising requirements by participating inat least one group adand/or one personal ad mentioning WAOW in a nationally-distributed art magazine according to the advertising requirements. The "WAOW Associate Member" is responsible for maintaining her own show and ad records to be presented to the membership screening committee.

The application and images of the artist's work will be evaluated by the membership screening committee. The Signature membership level is granted through a juriedprocess and isnot automatic. If not accepted for Signature membership, the "WAOW Associate Member" may reapply the following year and thereafter with new work. She may request a written critique if not accepted to WAOW Signature status. Passed

8. The Board of Directors reserves the right to advance an Associate member that is deemed outstanding to early Signature step- up. The member would be considered for early step-up if she has shown a high degree of artistic technical skill and dedication of time and energy to WAOW for the betterment of the organization. This decision will be made by a vote of the Board of Directors. Passed

9. Section A. Objectives and Purposes
The primary objectives and purposes of this corporation shall be:
1. To unite women artists and develop a spirit of unity among all artists.

2. To promote appreciation of fine art created by women.

3. To promoteexcellence in the profession of women's fine art.

4.To foster professionalism by women artists through educationin

proper business practices and behavior. Passed

10.A vote was taken and passed earlier to change the decision to deny Signature status to members and those members were then stepped up to Signature status. Passed

11.It was voted earlier to bring Kathryn McMahon into the board since she has now taken over the roll of Membership Committee Chairman and will also be our 2008 Chairman. Passed


A. Shows:
Kathy Cooper

Show Chairman

A Report from the Show Chairman:
Hilligoss Show
Just wanted to let you know how excited I am leading up to the Hilligoss Show. I just got off the phone with Nancy Guzik as we went over some of the final event plans and I'd like to share with you bits of the conversation.
Nancy is very excited about the show and she, Kristen Thies and Richard Schmid are supporting WAOW artists all the way. They love our organization and are so pleased to have the honor of promoting our members. Nancy stated that it is important to her to meet as many, if not all the WAOW members at the show, and comment on you work if you like. She has so enjoyed getting to know your work from the images she was sent to judge and feels like she knows us already!
She is stating that this event is "big" and will be a great long-term benefit for all involved. She is predicting a great deal of post-show benefits.
She said there are "Big collectors" coming to the event, that they personally are paying for their tickets. This is a great spotlight on our member work! There is a great deal of buz about WAOW going on in Chicago!
Also, Tom HIlligoss has hired a publicity firm to promote the show locally and nationally. They have all our press information. I have been contacted by an events weekly magazine called "Key Magazine" which is solicited to mainly tourists in downtown Chicago, and they are featuring an article on our show. So you may want to look for a copy of this magazine while you're there.
The Pallet & Chisel is also emailing our promotional text to their 700 members to promote our show!
If you'd like to see the press release info you can visit the webpage: 38th Annual Press Release - Women Artists of the West which also has a listing of the6 national magazine editorial and advertisements for the show. You may also want to visit the waow.org homepage again as it has been updated with show images and the latest data.
Hilligoss Show Catalogs: Don’t forget to order your show catalogs. If you are attending the show, you can purchase and pick them up there. If you are not making the trip, you can purchase them online. They will be shipped the week after the opening weekend. I am still figuring out what the shipping costs will be for the quantities, so please be patient. If you would like multiple copies of the show catalog, please post your request in OurArt (pw waowinc) and we will contact you with the total cost.
Mountain Holiday Show
The jury process has taken place and I have to say that I am very happy with the entries. The jury panel did a great job selecting the show, thank you to all involved. Accepted works in on OurArt and you will be receive shipping instructions in the mail very soon.
The Mtn. Holiday show has also been elaborated on our home page, and will be linked to the Joyous Lake Gallery site show entries soon.
2008 Show
I am very please to announce Amy Evans our 2008 Show Chairman. She and the rest of the show committee are working very hard on the 08 show already and will have news for you as soon as possible. If you would like to help with the 208 show in any way, please contact Amy Evans, at .
Thank you to all the fabulous members who have volunteered a great deal of time to make this all happen!
See you in Chicago!
Kathy Cooper

East to West – Meeting in the Middle”
38th Annual – An Invitational
November 9th to 21st, 2007
WAOW Member Awards
The awards were selected by four different methods:
The Top awards were chosen by Nancy Guzik.
The Jury and two Cash Awards were chosen out of the jury panel's scores (each accepted artist's collective score).
The Advertising Awards were chosen by the magazines themselves.
The Merchandise awards were selected by the jury panel's scores (each entry score). The bio's were searched for the words "plein air" and out of that list, the highest scored work was selected for the Judson Plein Air box. The highest scored watercolor entry was awarded the Windsor & Newton watercolor box. and and the sculpture works within the high score range, were given the Jack richeson & Co. gift certificates.
I'd like to thank Debbie Hughbanks, again, for all her hard work collecting the merchandise awards to make this possible. Anyone who complains about the process is automatically nominated to be in charge in 2008! Please know it was done in complete fairness and honesty.
Lets congratulate the following members for their well deserved awards!
Please announce your awards on your website and in your advertisements!
Nice work ladies!
Kathy Cooper
TopAwards - Judged by Nancy Guzik Cash Award
Best of Show Joey Frisillo, “Sunlit Peonies”$1,000
First Place Sandy Wisecup, “White Pitcher”$750
Second Place Sharon Fullingim, “Dance of Life”$500
Third Place (split) Mary Ann Cherry, “Shawl Dancer”$125
Carla D’aguanno, “Keeper of the Flock”$125
Jury Awards - WAOW jury panel’s highest scored members(collective of all the member’s accepted entries)Cash Award
Kim Shaklee $100
Tina Moore $100
Kathy Cooper $100
Ilene Gienger-Stanfield $100
Sandy Wisecup $100
Cash Awards -WAOW jury panel’s highest scored members (continued)
Colleen Stevens Award Ruth Ann Nordlund $50
Jackie Penner Award Michelle Gladish $100
Advertising Award of Excellence - Judged by the respective publicationValue
Art of the WestJoey Frisillo, “Sunlit Peonies”Full page advertisement$3,000
Wildlife Art MagazineJanet Collins, “Lunch at the Agave Cafe”Half page advertisement $1,500
Fine Art Connoisseur Leslie Allen, “Solitary”Half page advertisement $1,750
Horses in Art Magazine Carla D’aguanno, “Back from the Dusty Trail”Half page advertisement and editorial $600
Merchandise Awards - WAOW jury panel’s highest scored work(individually by the products medium)Value
SourceTek Cathy Rowten, “DayDreamer”Premium Wood Panels $500
Thanhardt-Burger Tina Moore, “Casual Moment”Gift Certificate $500
Judsons Art Outfitters Mary Ann Cherry, “Shawl Dancer”A 9”x12”Plein Air Box & Tripod $290
Mountains Edge Frames Dee Lessard, “Pearl of Great Price”Gift Certificate $250
Winsor & Newton Esther Marie Versch, “Fran's Treasure”Watercolor box $200
Jack Richeson & Co Kim Shaklee, “River Rascal”Gift Certificate $150
Jack Richeson & Co Dani Harman Zack, “Ghost Cat”Gift Certificate $150
Jack Richeson & CoSharon Fullingim, “Dance of Life”Gift Certificate $150
M Graham & Co. Joey Frisillo, “Sunlit Peonies”Oil Paint set $140
Gamblin Artist Colors Darcie Copeland, “Key Lime Pi”Gift Certificate $120
Ampersand Art Supply Linda Walker, “Cooling Off”Clayboard Panels $105
Golden Art Colors Kathryn McMahon, “To Open Waters”Gift Certificate $100
North Light Books Mary Ann Cherry, “Mandarin Orange”Gift Certificate $50
Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff Teri Whiteley-Sowden, “And Three to Go!”Gift Certificate $50
Kathy Cooper
Kathy Cooper
Women Artists of the West
2nd Vice President/Show Chairman